Forbidden Fruit Side Quest Walkthrough: Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Miller Kreyzl is among the most intriguing Non-Player Characters you encounter during the mission “Wedding Crashers” in the game “Kingdom Come Deliverance 2“. In his initial quest, “Materia Prima”, you’re tasked with retrieving a letter hidden within a chest located in Rathus, Troskowitz.

What adds excitement to this journey is that there’s a chest for you to hone your lock-picking skills, and if you chat with Kreyzl’s assistant, you can also learn less honorable but handy abilities such as pickpocketing and disarming opponents.

As you acquire these fresh abilities and subsequently receive this missive, the miller informs you that he’s crafting a Golem.

When you learn these new talents and then find this letter, the miller explains that he’s building a Golem.

Or even more casually: Once you master these new skills and get your hands on this note, the miller reveals he’s creating a Golem.

Here is where your new adventure, the Forbidden Fruit quest, commences. In this journey, you are tasked with locating a saltpeter deposit. However, the process isn’t straightforward; you’ll need to sample it to ensure you’re not dealing with the incorrect substance.

The sole clue he provides points to a Non-Player Character (NPC) named Bonnie, who is located in Lower Semine, who might assist you in locating and identifying nitre.

If you’re having trouble locating her or finding yourself in a bind, here’s a guide on how to finish the Forbidden Fruit Quest in KCD2. (First person: “If I find myself struggling to locate her or stuck somewhere in KCD2, this is how I complete the Forbidden Fruit Quest.”)

How To Start The Forbidden Fruit Quest In Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

As a gamer, to kick-start this adventure, I’ve got to finish up the Materia Prima first. Once I deliver the “Offer of Hermes Trismegistus” to Kreyzl, we’ll have a chat where he’ll spill the beans about his vision for crafting a Golem and all the perks it brings along.

How about suggesting “Let’s do some additional tasks”? He’ll elaborate on the necessity of locating a saltpeter mine for the Golem. Agreeing to search for the mine, let’s continue our discussion and run out of things he needs to say.

How about proposing “Can we take on some extra jobs?”? He’ll clarify that we need to find a saltpeter pit for the Golem. Agreeing to search, let’s continue our talk and cover all his remaining dialogues.

He is going to tell you to locate Bonnie at “The Lair”, and he’ll suggest that you pick up some herbs along the route for her.

Where To Find Bonnie And The Lair?

According to the miller’s directions, head towards the southwest. After crossing the bridge, make a turn to the left. Keep going while following the ‘D’ symbol on your compass, and you will come across Bonnie who is sweeping the ground.

Approach her and share that you’re searching for a place where gunpowder ingredients, specifically saltpeter, are stored. If you happen to have gathered any herbs, offer them to her as well.

You should pick Comfrey for Bonnie, as those are the herbs she was looking for.

Carry on the discussion, and you’ll delve deeper into the topic of the Golem with her for a while. Later, she might invite you for a chat should you be available.

To build a good impression with her, it would be beneficial if you engage in conversation here. Following a brief discussion on Zinek, Bonnie’s pet dog, and the topic of Henry’s family, they are likely to return to talking about the saltpetre pit.

She’ll inform you that the hole is a collective burial site, and advise you to speak with the person in charge of digging graves at the cemetery to access the pit.

Bonnie suggests you take some fresh meat for the grave-digger, but regardless of whether you provide it or not, he’ll expect you to perform his chores. Consequently, if you want to save time and pennies, feel free to forego getting the meat.

Visiting The Gravedigger

After this, head towards the cemetery situated west of Troskowitz. It can be found on the route linking Troskowitz and Apollonia rocks. Knock on the gravedigger’s dwelling and have a chat with Ignatius. Should he not be present within, look for him outside instead.

He’ll inform you that he has a place where he discards animal remains, which he calls a saltpetre pit. Later, he might request your assistance and share that you’ll be joining him on his wagon at the break of dawn.

At exactly 5 AM, speak with the gravedigger once more, then opt for “It’s time to move.” This will enable you to accompany him on his cart, ensuring a safe place for your horse in his stable.

Should your character feel weary or peckish, you have the option to return to the Miller’s residence for sustenance and respite. After slumbering till four in the morning, consider fast-traveling to Troskowitz, then proceed on foot so as to reach the cemetery by five o’clock.

How To Get The Carcass From The Abandoned Cottage In KCD2

The man tending graves invites you to climb aboard the cart, promising to transport you to an isolated house abandoned long ago. He informs you of a trap within the dwelling meant for a roaming wolf.

What he’s asking for is to locate a decayed deer’s body near the cottage and fetch it back to him instead.

As an enthusiast, I suggest heading off from the cart and journeying northeasterly, guided by the ‘F’ symbol on my trusty compass. This path leads me straight to the entrance of that intriguing, deserted cottage I’ve been longing to explore!

There’s a wolf standing ahead of you. If you don’t wish to harm it, take a detour to your left and navigate through the undergrowth to reach the hidden cottage from behind.

You have two options for getting into the cabin: attempting to pick the lock, though it’s quite challenging, or finding another way in, which would be more advisable.

Rather than go through the door, leap onto the nearby fence instead, and you’ll reach the opposite side of the cabin where there’s an open window that leads directly to the deer’s carcass on the other side.

Gather the deer, unlock the formerly secured door from within, then utilize the shrubbery as a guide to rejoin the trail and head back to the grave digger’s cart.

Save Ignatius From Farm Hands

Upon my return, I find myself faced with a situation where Ignatius is being challenged by a group of men. In this moment, it falls upon me to safeguard and stand up for him against these farmhands.

Feel free to set down the bag close by, afterward approach those unfamiliar people. They might suspect both you and the gravedigger of theft.

This is simply a test of your speech comprehension skills. If you select “Justice will ultimately uncover the wrongdoer”, then you’ll succeed. The men are to exit, return with the sack, deposit it on the cart again, and converse with the gravedigger for your next assignment.

Clearing Carcasses From The Farm

As a gamer, I find myself at a crossroads in this mission, with two objectives to tackle. Fortunately, one of these tasks seems optional. If I’m willing to take a hit on my standing with the gravedigger, I can choose to bypass the hunt for the origin of the infection.

If you’re interested in completing the extra task, head towards marker J to reach the river, then return and inform the individual who is tending to the deceased deer there.

Currently, please use the marker K on your compass as a guide to reach the Barn, which contains deceased pigs within. Gather these pigs in bags and transport them back to the wagon.

After completing your tasks, approach Ignatius and let him know you’re prepared to move forward. He’ll instruct you to climb back onto the wagon, and there will be one final assignment he needs you to carry out before he leads you to the designated spot.

Should You Kill Or Save The Dog?

He’ll show you how to make the greengrocer Veisar’s dog sick. He’ll provide you with a substance harmful to the dog and some meat that you should lace with this toxic substance for the dog to eat.

Please step down from the cart, then head east following the ‘M’ symbol on your compass until you reach the dog’s enclosure. Upon arrival, you will notice that the gate is open and the dog seems to be absent.

Venture around the local surroundings, and listen carefully – you might catch some barking coming from the northeastern direction. Underneath a tree, that’s where you can locate the dog who is with Bonnie.

As a devoted admirer, I approached Bonnie and shared my concern about the gravedigger’s intentions towards his dog. To my surprise, she enlightened me on the unfortunate situation – it seems the dog’s owner hasn’t been providing adequate care for their beloved pet, which has led to neighbors’ complaints and perhaps even the gravedigger’s harsh response.

Here’s your opportunity to rescue the poor dog. Opt for “I have no intention of harming him,” allowing Bonnie to return the dog to The Lair with her instead.

Where To Find The Saltpetre Pit And Complete Forbidden Fruit?

Speak with Ignatius and confess that it was indeed you who ended the life of his dog. His inquisitiveness about your agitation may arise. In such a situation, opt for the speech check response with the highest points, which is likely to be something along the lines of “A mysterious stranger was the one responsible.” After spinning this yarn to the gravedigger, he will escort you to the burial pit.

If you continue the conversation, Henry will bring up the topic of tasting Saltpetre. In response, Ignatius will give you a pair of Knackers gloves as a reward.

Step into the hole for a sample, and Henry can attest that it’s chilly and salty.

Hurry back to the miller’s residence, and there speak with Kreyzl about the discovery of the saltpetre pit. Inform him of this discovery, and listen as he chats excessively. He will likely discuss a reward and his subsequent task for you.

As a cunning gamer, I’ve just uncovered my next mission: the grand heist of a prized tome from Trosky’s vault. But there’s a twist – I need to win over a certain lady for this plan to unfold smoothly. This is the ultimate quest in my side questline, none other than Opus Magnum! Let’s see if I can crack the code and pull off this daring caper!

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2025-02-28 18:17