Final Fantasy: A Deep Dive into the Mixed Reactions Surrounding the Movie Purchase

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can’t help but chuckle at the ongoing debate about the Final Fantasy movie purchase. Having grown up playing the original games and even shedding tears during some of the heart-wrenching storylines, I can understand both sides of this argument.

Recently, fans of Final Fantasy shared their thoughts online about someone buying the well-known Final Fantasy movie for $20. This animated film, produced by Square Pictures in 2001, has a reputation that is, at best, mixed. Some diehard fans have a soft spot for this peculiar production, while others see it as an expensive mistake – particularly considering its $20 price point. The feelings on Reddit are evident, with a range of opinions mirroring both nostalgia and frustration.

Picked up this baby for 20 buckaroos
byu/AnimeMaster0824 inFinalFantasy


  • The post highlights a user’s purchase of the Final Fantasy movie, prompting a lively discussion among fans.
  • Comments reveal a mix of nostalgic appreciation and harsh criticism of the film.
  • Some users feel the price is excessive, while others express a surprising fondness for the movie.
  • Historical context about the film and its financial failure adds depth to the conversation.

A $20 Misfire?

Discussing the price of the Final Fantasy movie, a user mentions they got it for twenty dollars. This sparks disagreement within the community, with some expressing their disapproval by saying things like “Dude, who ripped you off?” and “That’s overpriced.” The general opinion seems to be that this animated feature isn’t worth the cost. Some users, like RansomMan, express concern about increasing prices—”Twenty dollars is like five dollars used to be.” It appears the film is more of a collector’s item or curiosity than something regularly watched. Given its complicated history, this debate highlights the impact of pricing on nostalgic items.

The Financial Disaster of Square Pictures

To those unfamiliar, the Final Fantasy film was a massive undertaking for Square Pictures, with production costs estimated at approximately $137 million, but earning only around $85 million at the box office. BruceLeeVersion2, in a nod to fans, refers to this outcome as “deadly,” implying its financial failure. This disappointing revenue not only led to the closure of Square Pictures but also cast a long shadow on the Final Fantasy series’ reputation. Remarkably, the film managed to resonate with some devoted fans, who haven’t hesitated to express their admiration. The conversation around this movie showcases a mix of intrigue and apprehension about this big-screen endeavor.

Polarizing Opinions: A Love-Hate Relationship

The Reddit discussion reveals a range of views on the film, with many fans having fond memories of it despite its uneven execution. User Rin-the-Rogue expresses this sentiment by saying, “I enjoy revisiting this movie occasionally.” This suggests that not everyone is ready to dismiss it as a failure. For some, it serves as an enjoyable distraction, even if it falls short in many aspects. This highlights the fact that in fandom, the quality of the work isn’t always the most important factor; the experience and memories associated with it often take precedence. User virusfire humorously adds, “I actually enjoy this movie…”, underlining the love-hate relationship that keeps this film a popular topic among fans.

A Nostalgic Journey Worth $20?

Despite many viewing it unfavorably due to high expectations set by its association with Final Fantasy, it’s intriguing to see how opinions change based on individual experiences. Many supporters believe that if the movie hadn’t been marketed as a Final Fantasy production, it might have faced less criticism. User HaoieZ suggests, “Perhaps it would have fared better if not branded as FF,” implying that a standalone release could have spared it some harsh reviews. This raises questions about whether the piece might have been more leniently received under a different name. Regardless, the blend of disenchantment and nostalgia among fans fosters an engaging conversation on how fandom can influence perceptions. The mixed reactions towards the movie demonstrate that devotion to the franchise can surpass even its most debatable adaptations.

The iconic video game series Final Fantasy is widely admired in the gaming community; however, its venture into cinema has left a significant impact that remains contentious among its passionate fanbase. As debates about the infamous movie come to a close, fans cannot help but grapple with the enduring influence of its legacy, transcending its box office performance or critical appraisal.

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2024-10-19 08:58