Final Fantasy 5 Pixel Remaster Bestiary and Locations

As a seasoned Final Fantasy connoisseur, I must say that the Bestiary in Final Fantasy 5 Pixel Remaster is quite the delightful addition to the game! Unlike some of its predecessors, where you had to jump through hoops to access this treasure trove of monster knowledge, in this version it’s as simple as a visit to the Configuration Menu.

As you delve into the diverse realms of Final Fantasy 5, you’ll undoubtedly encounter a multitude of legendary creatures, monsters, and adversaries, each presenting unique challenges. Here’s a helpful guide to the Bestiary and Locations in the Pixel Remaster version of Final Fantasy 5 to assist you in your exploration.

How to complete the Bestiary in Final Fantasy 5 Pixel Remaster

Approximately 302 diverse creatures populate the fully explorable realms of Final Fantasy 5 Pixel Remaster, encompassing every boss encounter as well. To conquer the Bestiary, you must vanquish at least one representative from each species. Here’s a breakdown of each creature, detailing their locations, battle resistances or vulnerabilities, and the potential items to be looted or dropped upon their demise. The creatures are listed sequentially according to their in-game order within the Bestiary.

Just like other remastered Final Fantasy games in the Pixel series, if you’re after elusive items dropped by monsters or aim to conquer the toughest creatures, remember to properly equip and strategize your party beforehand.

Item Drops
GoblinTycoon Meteorite
Tule overworld around
Tycoon Castle
Wind Shrine
Tule Pirates’ Hideout
Fork Tower (Right)
Immune to Instant Death
and Calm status effects
Drop – Leather Cap
Steal – Potion
Steel BatPirates’ HideoutImmune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm
status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion
Devil CrabPirates’ HideoutWeak to Ice element
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion
StroperPirates’ HideoutImmune to Toad, Mini, and Calm
status effects
Drop – Potion
Steal – Potion
Killer BeeTycoon areaImmune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm
status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion
NutkinTycoon area
Jachol Cave
Sealed Temple
Immune to Mini status effectDrop – Potion
Steal – Potion
Stray CatTycoon area (World 1)
Forest southwest of
Tycoon (World 3)
Immune to Mini status effectDrop – N/A
Steal – Potion
Black GoblinWind Shrine (2F-4F)Immune to Calm status effectDrop – Leather Shoes
Steal – Potion
White SerpentWind Shrine (2F-4F)Weak to Ice element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion
MoldwyndWind Shrine (2F-4F)
Sunken Walse Tower
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – Elixir
Steal – N/A
Mani WizardWind Shrine (3F-4F)
Fork Tower (Left)
Immune to Calm status effectDrop – Rod
Steal – Potion
SkeletonShip Graveyard (World 1)Weak to Fire, Holy, and Healing elements
Immune to all status effects
Drop – Dagger
Steal – N/A
CalcruthlShip Graveyard (World 1)Weak to Lightning and Healing elements
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – Elixir
Steal – Potion
Undead HuskShip Graveyard (World 1)Weak to Lightning, Wind, and Healing elements
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Elixir
Steal – Potion, Ether
MindflusherShip Graveyard (World 1)Weak to Healing element
Immune to all status effects
Drop – Flame Scroll
Steal – N/A
GatlingTorna Canal
Pirates’ Hideout
Immune to Mini status effectDrop – Gold Needle
Steal – Gold Needle
Big HornCarwen area (World 1)
Tycoon area (World 3)
Immune to Mini status effectDrop – Potion
Steal – Potion
TatouCarwen area (World 1)
Tycoon area (World 3)
Immune to Mini status effectDrop – Tent
Steal – Potion
BandersnatchTorna Canal area (Bartz’s World)
Castle Tycoon area
Fork Tower (merged world)
N/ADrop – Potion
Steal – Potion
GarulaWalse Tower area (World 1)
Forest southwest of Tycoon (World 3)
Walse Tower
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Holy, Earth, and Wind elements
Immune to Toad, Mini, Doom, Erased, Catch, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Maiden’s Kiss
Rock SlugNorth MountainWeak to Fire element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion
GaelicatNorth Mountain
Ghido’s Cave
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion
CockatriceNorth MountainImmune to Holy element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Gold Needle
HeadstoneNorth MountainWeak to Lightning element
Immune to Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind, and Water elements
Drop – N/A
Steal – Silver Specs, Hi-Potion
Elf ToadWalse Tower
Ghido’s Cave
Weak to Ice element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Calm status effects
Drop – Potion
Steal – N/A
Ice SoldierWalse TowerWeak to Fire element
Immune to Toad and Calm status effects
Drop – Long Sword
Steal – Mythril Sword, Potion
Ricard MageWalse Tower
Fork Tower (Left)
Immune to Toad, Sleep, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Flame Rod
Steal – Rod
WyvernWalse Tower (World 1)
Ghido’s Cave (World 2)
Immune to Toad, Mini, Sleep, Paralyze, Catch, and CalmDrop – Potion
Steal – Mythril Knife
Pas de SeulWalse (World 1)Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Sleep, Paralyze,
Catch, Control, Calm
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion
JackanapesWalse Castle Basement
Castle Exdeath
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Holy, Earth, Wind, and Water elements
Immune to all status effects
Drop – Phoenix Down
Steal – Iron Draft, Elixir
AegirFirst World (Area around Karnak and the Library
of the Ancients)
Immune to Toad, Mini, Calm status effectsDrop – N/A
Steal – Potion
ZuKarnak area (Bartz’s world)
Merged World
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Sleep, and Calm status effects
Drop – Elixir
Steal – Elixir
Wild NakkForests outside Karnak (World 1)
Walse Tower (Sunken)
Weak to Fire element
Immune to Mini status effect
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion
Grass TortoiseWorld map outside Karnak and Library of the Ancients (World 1)
Northern part of the land bridge
between Crescent and eastern
continent (World 3)
Weak to Ice element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Calm status effects
Drop – Turtle Shell
Steal – Turtle Shell
Silent BeeLibrary of the Ancients area (World 1)Immune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Calm status effects
Drop – Gold Needle
Steal – N/A
Mythril DragonLibrary of the Ancients area (World 1)
Interdimensional Rift (Castle)
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Sleep, and Calm status effects
Drop – Mythril Glove
Steal – Potion, Mythril Armor
Crew DustFire-Powered Ship
Ghido’s Cave
Weak to Ice, Wind, and Water elements
Immune to all status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion, Eye Drops
PoltergeistFire-Powered ShipWeak to Wind, Water, and Healing elements
Immune to Fire, Lightning, Holy, and Earth elements
Immune to all status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Hi-Potion
DefeaterFire-Powered ShipWeak to Ice element
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Calm status effects
Drop – Speed Shake
Steal – Potion
Motor TrapFire-Powered ShipWeak to Lightning element
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Catch, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Ether
SergeantKarnak CastleImmune to Calm status effectDrop – Silver Plate
Steal – Potion
SorcererKarnak CastleImmune to Calm status effectDrop – Ether
Steal – Mage Masher, Gaia Gear
Cur NakkKarnak CastleImmune to Mini status effectDrop – N/A
Steal – Potion
GigasKarnak CastleImmune to Toad, Mini, Sleep, and Calm status effectsDrop – Goliath Tonic
Steal – Elixir
Page 32Library of the AncientsWeak to Fire element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, and Calm status effects
Drop – Potion
Steal – Potion, Green Beret
Page 64Library of the AncientsWeak to Fire element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, and Calm status effects
Drop – Phoenix Down
Steal – Potion, Silver Specs
Page 128Library of the AncientsWeak to Fire element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, and Calm status effects
Drop – Potion
Steal – Ether
Page 256Library of the AncientsWeak to Fire element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, and Calm status effects
Drop – Mythril Shield
Steal – Hi-Potion, Ninja Suit
BombJachol (World Map)
Walse Tower (Sunken)
Immune to Toad, Mini, Calm status effectsDrop – Potion
Steal – Potion
DoublizardCrescent and Jachol area (World 1)Weak to Ice elements
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Potion
Steal – N/A
Bio SoldierCrescent area
Jachol area (World 1)
Pyramid of Moore (World 3)
Immune to Zombie and Calm status effectsDrop – Poison Axe
Steal – Antidote, Diamond Helm
HarvesterCrescent area (World 1)Immune to Calm status effectsDrop – Death Sickle
Steal – Silver Bow
Black FlameCrescent and Istory area (World 1)Weak to Water element
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Sleep, and Calm
Drop – Speed Shake
Steal – Speed Shake
Stone GolemIstory (World 1)Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Doom, Erased, Calm
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Gold Needle
Mini DragonIstory (World 1)Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, and Calm status effectsDrop – N/A
Steal – Dragon Fang
PrototypeTwo islands southwest of Crescent (World 1)
Island Shrine
Sunken Walse Tower (World 3)
Immune to Instant Death, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Stop, Doom, Erased, Calm status effectsDrop -Dark Matter
Steal – Ether
Skull EaterJachol Cave
Sealed Temple (River of Souls)
N/ADrop – Elixir
Steal – Tent
Dhorme ChimeraLibrary of the Ancients (World 1)
Pyramid of Moore (World 3)
Sunken Walse Tower (World 3)
Interdimensional Rift (Desert)
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Doom, Erased status effectsDrop – Phoenix Down
Steal – Trident
SandboilDesert of Shifting Sands (World 1)
West of Regole
North of Jachol (World 3)
Weak to Water element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – Potion
Steal – Potion
Desert KillerDesert of Shifting Sands (World 1)
West of Regole
North of Jachol (World 3)
Weak to Water and Healing elements
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Antidote
Steal – N/A
Sand BearDesert of Shifting Sands (World 1)
West of Regole
North of Jachol (World 3)
Weak to Water element
Immune to Mini status effect
Drop – Antidote
Steal – Javelin
Ra MageRonka Ruins (World 1)Immune to Toad and Calm status effectsDrop – Elixir
Steal – Sage’s Surplice
Ronkan KnightRonka Ruins (World 1)
Pyramid of Moore (World 3)
Interdimensional Rift (Ruins)
Immune to Toad, Zombie, Confuse, Calm status effectsDrop – Mythril Shield
Steal – Hi-Potion, Power Drink
Stone MaskRonka Ruins (World 1)Weak to Lightning
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Gold Needle
Enchanted FanRonka Ruins (World 1)
Ghido’s Cave (World 2)
Interdimensional Rift (Ruins)
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effectsDrop – Dark Bow
Steal – Potion, Elixir
LamiaRonka Ruins (World 1)Weak to Ice element
Immune to Petrify, Mini, and Confuse status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Maiden’s Kiss, Lamia’s Tiara
ArcheotoadRonka Ruins (World 1)
Interdimensional Rift (Ruins)
Weak to Ice element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Hi-Potion
HydraRonka Ruins (World 1)Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Paralyze, and Calm status effectsDrop – Dragon Fang
Steal – Ether, Hi-Potion
GhidraRonka Ruins (World 1)
Interdimensional Rift (Ruins)
Weak to Healing element
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Dark Matter
Steal – Lightning Scroll, Dragon Fang
PaoPao Island (World 2)Immune to Calm status effectDrop – Tent
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
TarantulaSecond World – Castle Exdeath (B2-3)Weak to Ice element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – Potion
Steal – N/A
Shell BearSecond World – Castle Exdeath (B2-3)Immune to Mini status effectDrop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Spear
DevilfishCastle Exdeath (World 2)Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Mini status effect
Drop – N/A
Steal – Ether
TreantCastle Exdeath (World 2)Weak to Fire element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Paralyze, and Calm status effects
Drop – Potion
Steal – Hi-Potion, Potion
StrapparerSecond World – Outside Castle ExdeathWeak to Lightning element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Elixir
MerrowBig BridgeWeak to Lightning element
Immune to Mini, Catch, and Calm status effects
Drop – Potion
Steal – N/A
Flying KillerBig BridgeImmune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Catch, and Calm status effects
Drop – Antidote
Steal – N/A
Little ChariotBig BridgeWeak to Lightning element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Catch, and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – N/A
Neo GarulaBig BridgeImmune to Mini, Catch, and Control status effectsDrop – Water Scroll
Steal – N/A
TunnellerRegole area (World 2)
Pyramid of Moore (World 3)
Immune to Mini, Sleep, Paralyze, and Silence status effectsDrop – Ether
Steal – Phoenix Down
BirostrisCastle Exdeath
Regole area (World 2)
Immune to Mini and Calm status effectsDrop – Potion
Steal – Potion
Fairy OrcRegole area (World 2)Immune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Holy Water, Potion
DevourerGuroceana (World 2)Immune to Mini to Calm status effectsDrop – N/A
Steal – Hi-Potion
MandrakeGuroceana (World 2)Weak to Fire and Healing elements
Immune to Toad, Mini, Sleep, Paralyze, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Eye Drops, Antidote
Kuza BeastSealed Castle area (World 2)
Phoenix Tower (World 3)
Weak to Wind element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Aging, Sleep, and Paraylze status effects
Drop – Elixir
Steal – N/A
Shield DragonSealed Castle
Sealed Temple (Shinryu’s Lair)
Automatically equipped with Reflect, Protect, and Shell status effects
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Sleep, Paralyze
Drop – Golden Shield
Steal – Mythril Shield, Golden Shield
Exdeath’s SoulSealed Castle (World 3)Immune to Holy and Healing elements
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Dark Matter
Steal – N/A
Blood SlimeUnderground Waterway (World 2)Weak to Fire element
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Holy Water
Steal – Holy Water
AcrophiesUnderground Waterway (World 2)Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion
Moogle EaterUnderground Waterway (World 2)Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Hi-Potion
Lesser LoprosUnderground Waterway (World 2)Weak to Fire element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Hi-Potion
CactusMoogle Village (World 2)Weak to Water element
Immune to Mini, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion, Gold Needle
SandcrawlerGloceana Desert (World 2)Immune to Mini, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effectsDrop – Power Drink
Steal – Tent
AquathornBal Continent (World 2)Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Antidote
Steal – Potion
WeresnakeQuelb area (World 2)
Jachol area (World 3)
Weak to Ice element
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Potion
KornagoQuelb area (World 2)
Jachol area (World 3)
Weak to Ice element
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Eye Drops
Steal – Potion
Cursed BeingGaluf’s World – Bal Continent
Jachol area (World 3)
Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Toad and Calm status effects
Drop – Hero Cocktail
Steal – Maiden’s Kiss
UndergrounderGil Cave (World 2)Weak to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – Iron Draft
Steal – N/A
Objet d’ArtCastle of Bal (B2) (World 2 and 3)
Pyramid of Moore
Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Stop, and Calm status effects
Drop – Gold Needle
Steal – Hi-Potion, Twin Lance
DrippyDrakenvale (World 2 and 3)Weak to Poison element
Immune to Toad, Sleep, and Calm status effects
Drop – Tent
Steal – Mythril Hammer, Sage’s Surplice
LycaonDrakenvale (World 2 and 3)
Interdimensional Rift
Weak to Fire element
Immune to Mini status effect
Drop – Holy Water
Steal – Hi-Potion
Bone DragonDrakenvale (World 2 and 3)
Istory Falls (World 3)
Weak to Fire and Healing elements
Immune to Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Doom, Erased and Calm status effects
Drop – Ether
Steal – Gold Needle
Poison EagleDrakenvaleImmune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Zombie, and Calm status effects
Drop – Antidote
Steal – Hayate Bow
Zombie DragonDrakenvale
Interdimensional Rift (Caves)
Pyramid of Moore
Immune to Fire and Healing elements
Immune to Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, and Calm status effects
Drop – Dragon Fang
Steal – Dark Matter
GobbledygookXezat’s FleetN/ADrop – Phoenix Down
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
NeonBarrier Tower (World 2)Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effectsDrop – Speed Shake
Steal – Speed Shake
MagnetiteBarrier Tower (World 2)Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – N/A
Reflect KnightBarrier Tower (World 2)Automatically equipped with Reflect status effect
Immune to Toad and Calm status effects
Drop – Reflect Ring
Steal – War Hammer, Poison Axe
TravelerBarrier Tower (World 2)Immune to Earth element
Immune to Toad and Calm status effects
Drop – Dream Harp
Steal – Dream Harp
Level TrickerBarrier Tower (5F-10F) (World 2)Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Potion
GravitatorBarrier Tower (World 2)Immune to Toad, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effectsDrop – Gaia Gear
Steal – Hi-Potion
Ziggurat GigasBarrier Tower (Upper Floors) (World 2)
Pyramid of Moore (World 3)
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – Goliath Tonic
Steal – Partisan
Dark AspicGhido’s Cave (World 2)Weak to Fire element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – Potion
Steal – Potion
MetamorphGhido’s Cave (Galuf’s world)
Interdimensional Rift (Caves)
Weak to Wind and Water elements
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Zombie, Aging, Silence, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effects
Drop – Staff of Light
Steal – Staff, Hi-Potion
Cure BeastArea near Moore (World 2)Immune to Calm status effectDrop – Elixir
Steal – Hi-Potion
Land TurtleArea near Moore (World 2)Weak to Ice element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – Turtle Shell
Steal – Potion
DechirerArea near Moore (World 2)
Forest north of Surgate Castle
Immune to Petrify, Toad, and Mini status effectsDrop – Holy Water
Steal – Hi-Potion
Mini MagicianGreat Forest of Moore (World 2)
Interdimensional Rift (Castle)
Immune to Mini and Calm status effectsDrop – Wizard’s Hat
Steal – Wizard’s Hat
GalajellyGreat Forest of Moore (World 2)
Interdimensional Rift (Castle)
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Berserk, Silence, Stop, and Calm status effectsDrop – Ether
Steal – Eye Drops
MammonGreat Forest of Moore (World 2)
Interdimensional Rift (Castle)
Weak to Fire element
Immune to Instant Death and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Hi-Potion
ImpGreat Forest of Moore (World 2)
Castle Exdeath (World 2)
Immune to Holy element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, and Zombie status effects
Drop – Diamond Armlet
Steal – Potion
WyrmGreat Forest of Moore (World 2)Immune to Toad, Mini, Sleep, and Paralyze status effectsDrop – Dragon Fang
Steal – Antidote
Twin LizardCastle Exdeath (2F-4F) (World 2)Weak to Ice element
Immune to Mini status effect
Drop – Potion
Steal – Hi-Potion
Blind WolfCastle Exdeath (2F-4F) (World 2)
Interdimensional Rift (Castle)
Weak to Fire elementDrop – Eye Drops
Steal – Eye Drops
HellraiserCastle Exdeath (2F-4F) (World 2)
Interdimensional Rift (Castle)
N/ADrop – Phoenix Down
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
Reflect MageCastle Exdeath (2F-4F) (World 2)Automatically equipped with Reflect status effect
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – Ether
Steal – Reflect Ring
Magic DragonCastle Exdeath (2F-4F) (World 2)
Sunken Walse Tower
Interdimensional Rift (Castle) (World 3)
Weak to Poison and Wind elements
Immune to Toad and Mini status effects
Drop – Elixir
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
Black WarlockCastle Exdeath (4F-6F, 8F-11F)
Pyramid of Moore
Weak to Holy element
Immune to Toad, Zombie, Paralyze, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effects
Drop – Power Staff
Steal – Poison Rod, Judgment Staff
Adamantite GolemCastle Exdeath (4F-6F) (World 2)
Pyramid of Moore (World 3)
Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Stop, and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
BandercoeurlCastle Exdeath (World 2)
Pyramid of Moore
Phoenix Tower (World 3)
Weak to Fire element
Immune to Mini status effect
Drop – Phoenix Down
Steal – Phoenix Down
Iron FistCastle Exdeath (5F, 7F, 9F) (World 2)Weak to Fire, Ice, and Lightning elements
Immune to Zombie and Calm status effects
Drop – Hero Cocktail
Steal – Potion, Beast Killer
Blue DragonCastle Exdeath (World 2)
Interdimensional Rift
Sealed Temple (World 3)
Immune to Earth elements
Immune to Toad, Mini, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Control and Calm status effects
Drop – Dragon Fang
Steal – Dragon Fang, Cottage
Red DragonBarrier Tower
Castle Exdeath (6F-9F) (World 2)
Istory Falls (World 3)
Interdimensional Rift (Castle)
Sealed Temple
Weak to Ice, Earth, Water, and Healing elements
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effects
Drop – Elixir
Steal – Hi-Potion, Flame Ring
Yellow DragonBarrier Tower
Castle Exdeath (6F-9F) (World 2)
Interdimensional Rift (Castle)
Sealed Temple (Dungeon, Shinryu’s Lair)
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, and Calm status effectsDrop – Coral Ring
Steal – Thunder Rod, Ether
SleepyForests around Fork Tower (World 2)
Near Ghido’s Cave and Guardian Tree
Immune to Calm status effectDrop – Leather Cap
Steal – Healing Staff, Hi-Potion
TriffidForests around Fork Tower (World 2)
Near Ghido’s Cave and Guardian Tree
Weak to Fire element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – Speed Shake
Steal – Power Drink, Iron Draft
HedgehogForests around Fork Tower (World 2)
Area near Ghido’s Cave
Guardian Tree
Immune to Mini status effectDrop – Gold Needle
Steal – Gold Needle
PythonGhido’s Cave (World 3)Weak to Ice elementDrop – Eye Drops
Steal – Antidote
ShadowForests around Fork Tower (Galuf’s world)
Ghido’s Cave
Surgate Castle area
North of Sunken Walse Tower
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effectsDrop – Holy Water
Steal – Hi-Potion
Elm GigasLibrary of the Ancients (Merged World)Immune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Zombie, Darkness, and Calm status effects
Drop -Goliath Tonic
Steal – Hero Cocktail
DesertpedePyramid of Moore (World 3)Weak to Ice element
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Dark Matter
Steal – Potion, Antidote
BulettePyramid of Moore (World 3)Weak to Ice element
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Potion
Lamia QueenPyramid of Moore
Sealed Temple (Tomb of Memory)
Weak to Ice and Healing elementsDrop – Lamia’s Tiara
Steal – Maiden’s Kiss, Thornlet
RajiformesPyramid of MooreWeak to Lightning and Healing elements
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Sleep, Paralyze, and Stop status effects
Drop -Potion
Steal – Power Drink
UshabtiPyramid of MooreWeak to Lightning element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, and Calm status effects
Drop – Iron Draft
Steal – N/A
ArcheosaurPyramid of MooreWeak to Fire, Earth, and Healing elements
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effects
Drop – Dragon Fang
Steal – Phoenix Down
ZephyrusPyramid of MooreImmune to Instant Death, Petrify, Mini, Doom, and Erased status effectsDrop – Elixir
Steal – Potion, Elixir
MummyPyramid of MooreWeak to Fire and Healing elements
Immune to Toad, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Catch, and Calm status effects
Drop – Holy Water
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
AspisPyramid of MooreWeak to Ice and Healing elements
Immune to Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Catch, and Calm status effects
Drop – Antidote
Steal – Antidote, Hi-Potion
Mecha HeadPyramid of Moore
Island Shrine
Sealed Temple
Weak to Lightning and Water elements
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Silence, and Catch status effects
Drop – Speed Shake
Steal – Ether, Gauntlets
The DamnedPyramid of Moore
Island Shrine
Weak to Healing element
Immune to Petrify, Zombie, and Aging status effects
Drop – Holy Water
Steal – Holy Water
Grand MummyPyramid of MooreWeak to Fire and Healing elements
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Stop, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Hi-Potion, Holy Water
SekhmetPyramid of MooreImmune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Doom, and Erased status effectsDrop – Crystal Armor
Steal – Hi-Potion, Thief’s Gloves
SlugMoore and Crescent area (World 3)Weak to Fire element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
Gloom WidowMoore and Crescent area (World 3)Weak to Water element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
MykaleMoore area
Phantom Village
Crescent area (World 3)
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effects
Drop – Luminous Robe
Steal – Silk Robe, Death Sickle
ExecutorIsland ShrineImmune to Calm status effectDrop – Diamond Armlet
Steal – Ether
OiseaurareIsland Shrine
Castle Exdeath
N/ADrop – Holy Water
Steal – Hi-Potion, Mirage Vest
Shadow DancerIsland ShrineImmune to Toad, Mini, Poison, and Calm status effectsDrop – Mallet
Steal – Power Armlet, Dancing Dagger
Numb BladeIsland ShrineImmune to Mini, Poison, Sleep, Confuse, Stop, and Calm status effectsDrop – Kotetsu
Steal – Ashura, Ice Shield
Tot AevisIsland ShrineImmune to Earth element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Berserk, Stop, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effects
Drop – Aevis Killer
Steal – Aevis Killer, Ether
Tiny MageFork Tower (left)Immune to Instant Death, Toad, Mini, and Calm status effectsDrop – Potion
Steal – Ether
Chrono ControllerFork Tower (left)
Sealed Temple (Ruined Shrine)
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Mini, Paralyze, Berserk, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effectsDrop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Potion, Healing Staff
FlaremancerFork Tower (left)
Sealed Temple (Ruined Shrine)
Immune to Instant Death, Toad, Sleep, Paralyze, Stop, and Calm status effectsDrop – Sage’s Miter
Steal – Elixir, Blitz Whip
Dueling KnightFork Tower (right)Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, and Calm status effectsDrop – Power Drink
Steal – Power Drink, Flame Shield
Iron MusclesFork Tower (right)Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, and Calm status effectsDrop – Goliath Tonic
Steal – Goliath Tonic
BerserkerFork Tower (right)Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, and Calm status effectsDrop – Death Sickle
Steal – Speed Shake, Elven Bow
Unknown (Blob)Great Sea TrenchWeak to Holy and Healing elements
Immune to Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Stop, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Beast Killer
Unknown (Slime)Great Sea TrenchWeak to Holy, Water, and Healing elements
Immune to Instant Death, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Silence, Stop, and Calm status effects
Drop – Goliath Tonic
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
Unknown (Worm)Great Sea TrenchWeak to Holy and Healing elements
Immune to Petrify, Zombie, Paralyze, and Calm status effects
Drop – Power Drink
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
Unknown (Skeleton)Great Sea TrenchWeak to Holy and Healing elements
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, and Calm status effects
Drop – Iron Draft
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
Frost BullWorld Map between Istory and RegoleWeak to Fire element
Immune to Mini status effect
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Hi-Potion
Istory LythosWorld Map between Istory and RegoleImmune to Toad, Mini, Sleep, and Paralyze status effectsDrop – Dragon Fang
Steal – Antidote, Judgment Staff
SpizznerWorld Map between Istory and RegoleN/ADrop – Potion
Steal – Potion
DruidNorthwest Underwater Cave (World 2 and 3)Immune to Calm status effectDrop – Phoenix Down
Steal – Potion, Angel Ring
IronbackNorthwest Underwater Cave (World 2 and 3)Weak to Ice elementDrop – Tent
Steal – Potion
Mercury BatIstory FallsImmune to Earth elementDrop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Potion
CoralIstory FallsWeak to Lightning element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Poison, Sleep, Paralyze, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion, Iron Draft
AquagelIstory FallsWeak to Lightning element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, and Calm status effects
Drop – Speed Shake
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
Steel FistPyramid of Moore
Istory Falls
Immune to Calm status effectDrop – Kaiser Knuckles
Steal – Twist Headband, Hero Cocktail
AlchymiaIstory FallsImmune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Silence, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effectsDrop – Elixir
Steal – Maiden’s Kiss, Man-Eater
TonberryIstory FallsImmune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, and Calm status effectsDrop – Mirage Vest
Steal – Plumed Hat, Elixir
AnkhegOutside Phoenix Tower (World Map)
Interdimensional Rift (Desert)
Weak to Ice element
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
AmmoniteDesert outside the Phoenix Tower (merged world)
Interdimensional Rift (Desert)
Immune to Mini and Calm status effectsDrop – Holy Water
Steal – Hi-Potion, Potion
LandcrawlerDesert outside the Phoenix Tower (merged world)
Interdimensional Rift (Desert)
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, and Paralyze status effectsDrop – Elixir
Steal – Ancient Sword, Defender
LemurePhoenix TowerImmune to Earth element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – Lamia’s Harp
Steal – Reflect Ring, Ribbon
ParthenopePhoenix TowerImmune to Calm status effectDrop – Reflect Ring
Steal – Rainbow Dress, Coral Ring
CheriePhoenix TowerImmune to Calm status effectDrop – Hermes Sandals
Steal – Red Slippers, Elven Mantle
Magic PotPhoenix TowerImmune to all status effectsDrop – Elixir
Steal – Hi-Potion
SuckerTorna CanalWeak to Lightning element
Immune to Mini, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Potion
Steal – N/A
OctokrakenTorna CanalImmune to Mini, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Potion
Steal – N/A
SahaginOcean of Jachol and Crescent (World 1)
Sea Battle
Southwest of Phoenix Tower (World 3)
Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Water element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – Potion
Steal – Potion
Thunder AnemoneOcean of Jachol and Crescent (World 1)
Sea Battle (World 3)
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effectsDrop – Lightning Scroll, Potion
Steal – N/A
Sea IbisCoastal waters above Sunken Walse Tower (Merged World)Immune to Earth and Water elements
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – Gold Needle
Steal – Gold Needle
CorbettSea Battle (World 1)
Area near Istory (Merged World)
Southeast of Phoenix Tower
Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Trident
NixSea Battle (Merged World)
Coastal waters above Sunken Walse Tower
Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Antidote, Hi-Potion
Water ScorpionSea Battle (Merged World)Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Water element
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Potion
Steal – Potion
ViliaSea Battle (Merged World)
Sealed Temple (River of Souls)
Immune to Doom, Erased, and Calm status effectsDrop – Angel Ring
Steal – Maiden’s Kiss
Silver Specs
Gel FishSea Battle (Merged World)Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Potion
RukhSea Battle (Merged World)
Lake between Crescent and Fork Tower
Sealed Temple (River of Souls)
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effects
Drop – Goliath Tonic
Steal – Hi-Potion, Murasame
Sea DevilSea Battle (Merged World)
Lake between Crescent and Fork Tower
Sealed Temple (River of Souls)
Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – Turtle Shell
Steal – Hi-Potion, Defender
StingraySea Battle (Merged World)
Lake near Carwen
Sealed Temple (River of Souls)
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effects
Drop – Dragon Whisker
Steal – Dark Matter, Rune Blade
GrenadeInterdimensional Rift (Ruins)
Sealed Temple (Outside, The Ruined Shrine)
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effectsDrop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Hi-Potion, Flame Shield
BaldandersInterdimensional Rift (Ruins)Immune to Calm status effectDrop – Rune Chime
Steal – Turtle Shell, Angel Ring
Death DealerInterdimensional Rift (Ruins)Immune to Doom, Erased, and Calm status effectsDrop – Phoenix Down
Steal – Holy Water, Sage’s Miter
Level CheckerInterdimensional Rift (Ruins)
Sealed Temple
Sunken Walse Tower
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effectsDrop – Elixir
Steal – Potion, Ether
White FlameInterdimensional Rift (Forest)Immune to Earth element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, and Calm status effects
Drop – Ether
Steal – Eye Drops, Elixir
Moss FungusInterdimensional Rift (Forest)Weak to Fire and Water elements
Immune to Zombie status effect
Drop – Antidote
Steal – Hi-Potion, Air Knife
FarfarelloInterdimensional Rift (Forest)Weak to Poison element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – Eye Drops
Steal – Speed Shake, Lilith Rod
OrukatInterdimensional Rift (Caves)Weak to Earth and Water elements
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – Phoenix Down
Steal – Dark Matter, Gold Needle
Great DragonInterdimensional Rift (Caves)
Sealed Temple (Abyss Falls, Lethe Court, Shinryu’s Lair)
Weak to Water element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – Dragon Fang
Steal – Dragon Fang, Power Drink
AchelonInterdimensional Rift (Caves)Weak to Water element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – Elixir
Steal – Turtle Shell, Flametongue
NinjaInterdimensional Rift (Sky and Castle)Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effectsDrop – Fuma Shuriken
Steal – Shuriken, Kiku-ichimonji
Dragon AevisInterdimensional Rift (Sky)
Sealed Temple
Weak to Water element
Immune to Instant Death, Toad, Mini, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Stop, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effects
Drop – Dragon Fang
Steal – Trident, Artemis Bow
Sword DancerInterdimensional Rift (Castle)
Sealed Temple (Outside, Dungeon, The Ruined Shrine)
Immune to Calm status effectDrop – Icebrand
Steal – Mythril Helm, Enhancer
Death ClawInterdimensional Rift (Castle)
Sealed Temple (Outside, Dungeon)
Weak to Water element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Gold Needle
Steal – Hero Cocktail, Thor Hammer
FuryInterdimensional Rift (Castle)
Sealed Temple
Weak to Water element
Immune to Doom, Erased, and Calm status effects
Drop – Black Robe
Steal – Reflect Ring, Cursed Ring
YojimboInterdimensional Rift (Castle)
Sealed Temple (Titan’s Grotto)
Immune to Calm status effectDrop – Power Sash
Steal – Cottage, Murakumo
Iron GiantInterdimensional Rift (Castle)
Sealed Temple (Titan’s Grotto, Heart of Ronka)
Weak to Water element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Goliath Tonic
Steal – Iron Helm, Iron Armor
King BehemothInterdimensional Rift (Last Floor)
Sealed Temple (Lethe Court)
Weak to Water element
Immune to Mini and Calm status effects
Drop – Twin Lance
Steal – Phoenix Down, Blood Sword
Crystal DragonInterdimensional Rift (Inner Sanctum)
Sealed Temple
Shinryu’s Lair
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Crystal Armor
Steal – Elixir, Dragon Lance
NecromancerInterdimensional Rift (Inner Sanctum)
Sealed Temple (Tomb of Memory)
Weak to Water and Healing elements
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Calm status effect
Drop – Holy Water
Steal – Holy Water, Bone Mail
GorgimeraInterdimensional Rift (Inner Sanctum)
Sealed Temple (Titan’s Grotto)
Weak to Water element
Immune to Toad, Mini, and Calm status effects
Drop – Circlet
Steal – Hi-Potion, Aegis Shield
MindflayerInterdimensional Rift (Inner Sanctum)
Sealed Temple (Ruined Shrine)
Immune to Doom, Erased, and Calm status effectsDrop – White Robe
Steal – Green Beret, Main Gauche
CrystelleInterdimensional Rift (Inner Sanctum)
Sealed Temple (River of Souls)
Immune to Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effectsDrop – Crystal Helm
Steal – Ether, Crystal Shield
BelphegorInterdimensional Rift (Inner Sanctum)
Sealed Temple (River of Souls)
Immune to Mini status effectDrop – Ice Shield
Steal – Moonring Blade, Rising Sun
MoverInterdimensional Rift (Inner Sanctum)
Sealed Temple (River of Souls)
Weak to Fire and Healing elements
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Doom, Erased, and Calm status effects
Drop – Lightning Scroll
Steal – Flame Scroll, Water Scroll
Wing Raptor (Boss)Wind Shrine
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Phoenix Down
Steal – Potion
Karlabos (Boss)Torna CanalWeak to Lightning element
Immune to all status effects
Drop – Tent
Steal – Potion
Siren (Boss)Ship Graveyard (World 1)
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Fire and Healing elements (Undead)
Immune to Toad, Mini, Sleep, Silence, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Bronze Armor, Bronze Shield (Undead drop)
Steal – N/A
Magissa (Boss)North Mountain
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Whip
Steal – N/A
Forza (Boss)North Mountain
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Power Drink
Steal – N/A
Ice Commander (Boss)Castle WalseWeak to Fire element
Immune to Mini, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Long Sword
Steal -Mythril Sword
Shiva (Boss)Castle Walse
Ghido’s Cave
Weak to Fire element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Doom, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Frost Rod
Steal – Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Garula (Boss)Walse Tower (World 1)
Southwest of Tycoon (World 3)
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Holy, Earth, and Wind elements
Immune to Toad, Mini, Doom, Erased, Catch, and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
Liquid Flame (Boss)Fire-Powered Ship
Phoenix Tower
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Ice element
Immune to Water element
Immune to all status effects
Drop – Flame Scroll
Steal – N/A
Iron Claw (Boss)Karnak CastleImmune to Catch and Calm status effectsDrop – Silver Specs
Steal – Hero Cocktail
Ifrit (Boss)Library of the Ancients
Ghido’s Cave
Weak to Ice and Water elements
Absorbs Fire element
Immune to Toad, Mini, Poison, Sleep, Doom, Erased, Catch, and Calm status effects
Drop – Flame Scroll
Steal – Phoenix Down
Byblos (Boss)Library of the Ancients
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Fire and Holy elements
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Aging, Sleep, Confuse, Silence, Stop, Catch, and Control status effects
Drop – Iron Draft
Steal – Mallet, Dark Matter
Ramuh (Boss)Forest near Istory (World 1)
Interdimensional Rift (Castle)
Ghido’s Cave
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Silence, Catch, and Calm status effectsDrop – Ramuh
Steal – Hi-Potion
Sandworm (Boss)Desert of Shifting Sands
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to all status effectsDrop – N/A
Steal – N/A
Cray Claw (Boss)AirshipWeak to Lightning elementDrop – Frost Bow
Steal – Coral Sword
Adamantoise (Boss)Tycoon Meteorite
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Ice element
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Darkness, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Stop, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Turtle Shell
Steal – Iron Draft
Flame Thrower (Boss)Ronka Ruins (Exterior)Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Speed Shake
Steal – Potion, Ether
Rocket Launcher (Boss)Ronka RuinsWeak Lightning element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Iron Draft
Steal – Potion, Ether
Soul Cannon (Boss)Ronka Ruins
Phoenix Tower
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Lightning element
Immune to Wind and Water elements
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Dark Matter
Steal – Ether, Elixir
Launcher (Boss)Ronka Ruins
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Wind and Water elements
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Ether
Launcher (Boss Part 2)Ronka Ruins
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Wind and Water elements
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Ether
Archaeoaevis (Boss)Ronka RuinsWeak to Wind element
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Goliath Tonic
Steal – N/A
Purobolos (Boss)Walse Meteorite (Crash Site)
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Toad, Mini, Paralyze, Confuse, Catch, and Calm status effectsDrop – Potion
Steal – Eye Drops
Titan (Boss)Karnak MeteoriteImmune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Potion, Gaia Hammer
Chimera Brain (Boss)Gohn Meteorite
Sealed Temple (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Toad, Mini, Paralyze, Confuse, Catch, and Calm status effectsDrop – Phoenix Down
Steal – Dragon Fang, Wind Spear
Abductor (Boss)Castle Exdeath
Castle of Bal
Immune to Toad, Mini, Sleep, Paralyze, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Ether
Steal – Gaia Gear
Gilgamesh (Boss)Castle Exdeath
Big Bridge
Xezat’s Ship
Interdimensional Rift (Inner Sanctum)
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Elixir
Steal -N/A
Gilgamesh (Boss Part 2)Castle Exdeath
Big Bridge
Xezat’s Ship
Interdimensional Rift (Inner Sanctum)
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Wizard’s Hat
Steal – Hero Cocktail, Trident
Tyrannosaur (Boss)Underground River before Moogle Village
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Fire and Healing elements
Immune to Ice element
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Silence, Stop, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Elixir
Steal – Gold Shield
Abductor (Boss Part 2)Castle Exdeath
Castle of Bal
Immune to Toad, Mini, Zombie, Paralyze, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Potion
Steal – Hi-Potion, Power Armlet
Golem (Boss)Drakenvale
Interdimensional Rift (Caves)
Immune Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – N/A
Steal – Gold Needle
Dragon Pod (Boss)Drakenvale
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Silence, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Elixir
Steal – N/A
Dragon Flower (Boss)Drakenvale
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Phoenix Down
Steal – N/A
Gilgamesh (Boss Part 3)Castle Exdeath
Big Bridge
Xezat’s Ship
Interdimensional Rift (Inner Sanctum)
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Golden Shield
Steal – Genji Gloves
Enkidu (Boss)Xezat’s FleetImmune to Earth element
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Stop, Catch, and Calm status effects
Drop – Trident
Steal – Green Beret
Atomos (Boss)Barrier Tower
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to all status effectsDrop – Dark Matter
Steal – Ether, Flail
Crystal (Boss)Great Forest of Moore
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Ice, Lightning, and Holy elements
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Ash
Steal – Elixir
Crystal (Boss Part 2)Great Forest of Moore
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Ice, Lightning, and Holy elements
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Ash
Steal – Elixir
Crystal (Boss Part 3)Great Forest of Moore
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Ice, Lightning, and Holy elements
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Ash
Steal – Elixir
Crystal (Boss Part 4)Great Forest of Moore
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Ice, Lightning, and Holy elements
Immune to Petrify, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Ash
Steal – Elixir
Catoblepas (Boss)Overworld (World 2)Immune to all status effectsDrop – Catoblepas
Steal – Phoenix Down
Gil Turtle (Boss)Gil Cave
Sealed Village (River of Souls, Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Ice and Healing elements
Immune to Holy element
Automatically equipped with Protect and Shell status effects
Immune to all status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion, Hi-Potion
Carbuncle (Boss)Castle ExdeathImmune to Earth element
Automatically equipped with Float and Reflect status effects
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, and Control status effects
Drop – Turtle Shell
Steal – Reflect Ring, Goliath Tonic
Gilgamesh (Boss Part 4)Castle Exdeath
Big Bridge
Xezat’s Ship
Interdimensional Rift (Inner Sanctum)
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, and Calm status effectsDrop – Excalipoor
Steal – Hi-Potion, Genji Helm, Gauntlets
Exdeath (Boss)Great Forest of Moore
Castle Exdeath
Immune to all status effectsDrop – N/A
Steal – N/A
Antlion (Boss)Castle TycoonWeak to Water element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Paralyze, Confuse, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Cottage
Steal – Hi-Potion
Melusine (Boss)Guardian Tree (Merged World)
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Poison, Holy, Earth, Wind, and Water elements
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Calm, and Control status effects
Drop – Maiden’s Kiss
Steal – Leather Shield
Gargoyle (Boss)Pyramid of Moore
Istory Falls
Great Sea Trench
Island Shrine
Immune to Toad, Mini, Confuse, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Hi-Potion
Steal – Potion, Phoenix Down
Wendigo (Boss)Island Shrine
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Earth element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Dark Matter
Odin (Boss)Castle Bal (Basement)Immune to Instant Death, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Confuse, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Flame Shield
Steal – Protect Ring
Minotaur (Boss)Fork Tower (Right)
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to and Absorbs Poison, Holy, Earth, and Water elements
Immune to all status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Leather Shoes, Fuma Shuriken
Omniscient (Boss)Fork Tower
Sealed Temple
Weak to Wind element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Confuse, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – N/A
Steal – Potion, Kornago Gourd
Triton (Boss)Great Sea Trench
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Ice and Healing elements
Immune to Toad, Mini, Berserk, Slow, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Iron Draft
Steal – Gold Needle, Elixir
Nereid (Boss)Great Sea Trench
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Fire and Healing elements
Immune to Toad, Mini, Berserk, Slow, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Power Drink
Steal – Gold Needle, Elixir
Phobos (Boss)Great Sea Trench
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Earth and Healing elements
Immune to Toad, Mini, Berserk, Slow, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Goliath Tonic
Steal – Gold Needle, Elixir
Leviathan (Boss)Istory FallsWeak to Lightning element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Reflect Ring
Steal – Elixir
Famed Mimic Gogo (Boss)Walse Tower (Sunken)Weak to Water element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Tiger Mask
Steal – Leather Armor, Gold Hairpin
Bahamut (Boss)North Mountain (Merged World)Immune to Earth element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Dragon Fang
Steal – Dragon Fang
Apanda (Boss)Interdimensional Rift
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Fire elements
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Ash
Steal – Ash
Calofisteri (Boss)Interdimensional Rift
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Diamond Plate
Steal – Plumed Hat, Reflect Ring
Azulmagia (Boss)Interdimensional Rift (Castle)
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Poison element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Black Cowl
Steal – Elixir, Titan’s Gloves
Alte Roite (Boss)Interdimensional Rift (Castle)Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Healing Staff
Steal – Potion, Holy Water
Jura Aevis (Boss)Interdimensional Rift (Castle)Immune to Earth element
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Sleep, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Catch, Control, and Calm status effects
Drop – Dragon Fang
Steal – Turtle Shell, Dragon Lance
Catastrophe (Boss)Interdimensional Rift (Castle)
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Sleep, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Gold Needle
Steal – Elixir, Cottage
Halicarnassus (Boss)Interdimensional Rift (Castle)
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Zombie, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Elven Mantle
Steal – Staff of Light, Aegis Shield
Twintania (Boss)Interdimensional Rift (Castle)
Sealed Village (Cloister of the Dead)
Weak to Holy and Water elements
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control status effects
Drop – Tinklebell
Steal – Phoenix Down, Flame Shield
Gilgamesh (Boss Part 5)Castle Exdeath
Big Bridge
Xezat’s Ship
Interdimensional Rift (Inner Sanctum)
Immune to all status effectsDrop – N/A
Steal – Genji Armor
Omega (Boss)Interdimensional Rift (Cave)
Sealed Temple (Tomb of Memory)
Weak to Lightning element
Automatically equipped with Reflect and Shell status effects
Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control status effects
Drop – Omega Badge
Steal – N/A
Shinryu (Boss)Interdimensional Rift (Inner Sanctum)Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – Dragon Seal
Steal – Dragon Fang, Dragon Whisker
Exdeath (Boss Part 2)Interdimensional Rift (Altar of the Void)Immune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – N/A
Steal – Phoenix Down, Wonder Wand
Neo Exdeath (Boss)Interdimensional RiftImmune to Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Float, Zombie, Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Doom, Erased, Catch, Control, and Calm status effectsDrop – N/A
Steal – Murakumo

Where to find the Bestiary in Final Fantasy 5 Pixel Remaster

Final Fantasy 5 Pixel Remaster Bestiary and Locations

In Final Fantasy 5 Pixel Remaster, unlike previous games where you needed to accomplish specific tasks and interact with certain characters, you can easily view the Bestiary by navigating through the Options or Settings Menu. This convenience also makes it a dependable method for unlocking game achievements related to the Bestiary.

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2024-09-25 14:53