FIFA Weather Features: Why Fans Demand Change in 2024

As a seasoned FIFA player with over a decade under my belt, I can’t help but feel a pang of nostalgia when it comes to the weather features in FIFA. Back in the day, rainy matches were slippery nightmares that tested our patience and skill, while snowy ones demanded an entirely new approach to passing and dribbling. Those unpredictable elements made each match feel unique, a refreshing break from the monotony of predictable online play.

In the gaming world, FIFA is cherished by both soccer enthusiasts and gamers. However, a recurring debate centers around the lack of dynamic weather elements in the Ultimate Team mode. A recent discussion on a widely-used gaming forum expressed discontent about the game’s basic handling of weather conditions, suggesting it diminishes the potential for an engaging impact on gameplay. Players are puzzled as to why this seemingly small yet enjoyable feature hasn’t been enhanced or reintroduced in 2024. Many reflect fondly on how weather factors such as rain or snow brought an additional thrill and unpredictability to matches, and the absence of these elements has made gameplay feel repetitive.

The fact weather hasn’t been correctly fixed and optimised for online ultimate team is a joke in 2024
byu/Newera2121 inEASportsFC


  • Fans are frustrated by the absence of weather features, which they believe enhance gameplay and realism.
  • Many remember when dynamic weather was part of earlier FIFA versions, indicating a nostalgic longing for its return.
  • Players express diverse views on how weather should be integrated without breaking competitive balance.
  • This discussion reveals a deeper discontent with EA’s approach to fan feedback and game updates.

A Nostalgic Look at Weather Features

In earlier iterations of FIFA, players encountered diverse weather scenarios during matches. For instance, rain could transform a smooth dribbling game into an unsteady situation, while snow could alter the ball’s behavior on the field, causing players to second-guess their footwork and passing accuracy. Gamers like FIGJAM17 fondly recalled these environmental factors as they injected excitement and unpredictability into online matches, breaking up the monotony of regular FIFA gameplay. However, these aspects were gradually eliminated due to player complaints about inconsistencies. It appears that EA Sports has focused more on maintaining uniformity and predictability over the dynamic element that weather conditions offer. This has led many within the gaming community to ponder: why not let players decide? Wouldn’t offering multiple weather options enhance customization and enjoyment?

The Call for Customization

A significant topic that emerged from the comments involved users expressing a strong desire for personalized customization in their gaming experience. For example, freekyeight suggested implementing real-time weather conditions based on the actual stadium of the home team, which would add an exciting element to Ultimate Team. This could create a unique and immersive experience for players who put effort into developing and customizing their teams. Many users echoed similar thoughts; ClampGawd_ for instance, proposed that not every game mode should adhere strictly to competitive norms. Allowing casual players to enjoy dynamic weather features could enhance the overall gaming experience. So the question becomes: will EA Sports adapt to meet the needs of its players, or stick with the familiar?

The Impact on Gameplay and Strategy

The changes or lack thereof due to weather in games are not insignificant; they can drastically affect gameplay and tactical choices. As skauvicius noted, if EA struggles with minor glitches, it’s hard to imagine them handling or adding weather features effectively. This raises another concern among fans: the perception that EA is not fully committed to resolving existing problems. Maintaining a balance between fun and fairness in competitive games is challenging. Some players, like imtired-boss, even sarcastically proposed that all online matches should be played at night with clear weather for equality. This light-hearted comment reflects the desire for a level playing field, but also indicates that fans feel cheated of the diversity past FIFA versions provided.

Why EA Should Listen

Gamers aren’t just interested in fancy extras; they crave immersive gameplay that keeps them hooked. The discussions about the absence of weather options reveal a deeper layer of gamer dissatisfaction—they feel overlooked as they yearn for variety. User Kangz101 explained how the removal of weather was followed by complaints, eventually leading to a monotonous environment lacking excitement. It’s like stripping a cake of its frosting to make it “healthier,” but leaving behind an increasingly bland treat. EA has the potential to create a unique brand for this series that acknowledges the nostalgia of veteran players while also offering fresh experiences for newcomers. Removing weather from the field unintentionally limits the creativity that these players hunger for.

In the gaming world, there’s a significant buzz surrounding the lack of weather elements in FIFA 2024, striking a chord with many players. This conversation is filled with a mix of nostalgia, exasperation, and anticipation for what’s to come. Gamers yearn for modifications that align with their preferences while preserving the game’s competitive balance. As the soccer season unfolds and new updates are released, it seems prudent for EA Sports to listen closely to their player base; remember, soccer is not merely about scoring goals but also about the electrifying ambiance, unusual weather effects, and the excitement of unpredictability that make each game distinct.

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2024-09-14 11:28