FIFA Players React to EA’s Decision on MYM and PTG Cards: Is There Hope?

As a long-time FIFA player, I find myself torn between my love for the game and my growing frustration with EA Sports’ recent decisions. The refusal to re-release MYM and PTG cards feels like a slap in the face to those of us who have dedicated countless hours to this game. It’s as if we’re being punished for our loyalty, forced to grind for mediocre players while the elusive top-tier items remain out of reach.

Fans of FIFA have expressed their dissatisfaction online over recent decisions by EA Sports, specifically their choice not to re-release popular cards like MYM and PTG. A post made by user Lanky_Turnover4170 on the EASportsFC subreddit has ignited a passionate discussion among players who find EA’s reasoning confusing and questionable. Many argue that this decision is driven more by profits than enhancing player experience, pointing to a growing disconnect between the game developers and their community. It appears that players feel neglected as EA appears to be concentrating on their upcoming title, FC25, leaving FIFA 24 gamers struggling to comprehend decisions that seem random and unjust, particularly for dedicated fans who work hard daily to acquire the best cards.

EA not re-releasing MYM and PTG cards
byu/Lanky_Turnover4170 inEASportsFC


  • Players are frustrated over the lack of re-releases for MYM and PTG cards.
  • Many feel that EA’s focus has shifted to the upcoming FC25, neglecting current players.
  • Comments reveal a sense of disillusionment with EA’s approach to player engagement.
  • The community is split between moving on to the new game or holding onto the current one.

The Frustration Is Real

In simple terms, there’s a lot of dismay among FIFA gamers, as many players can’t understand why EA is not reintroducing top MYM and PTG cards into the game. As Senators_1992 pointed out, “Who knows what their reasoning is?” Instead, they’re focusing on less popular players for Futties, leaving those who have invested a lot of time in the game feeling frustrated because they can’t get their hands on the top-tier cards they desire. It’s like being trapped in a repetitive loop, playing with the same mediocre players, unable to chase after the rare, high-quality ones.

Player Disappointment with EA’s Shift in Focus

In essence, Historical-Play-476 stated, “They don’t seem to care,” referring to Electronic Arts (EA) who have moved their attention towards FC25. This sentiment echoes throughout the gaming community, as many observe that it makes little sense for EA to improve FIFA 24 if they aim to drive sales of their next game. This realization is quite disheartening. As fans of FIFA see their efforts in this current title seemingly overlooked, disappointment sets in among those who do not intend to buy FC25. However, it remains uncertain whether players will ultimately accept EA’s move towards FC25 without a fight.

Grinding Hard, Getting Nowhere

The grueling process that numerous FIFA gamers undergo is more than just iconic; it’s often spoken of in epic terms. User Ati9321 voiced their discontent, stating “This year’s Futties was terrible,” expressing their exhaustion after opening pack after pack without satisfying results. They lamented that they likely opened fewer than 100 packs overall, finding themselves repeatedly with lower-tier or repetitive players. This raises a question: in a game where success and compensation should complement each other, why do players feel they’re not getting their due? There seems to be a growing sense of fatigue among players who find themselves trapped in a monotonous loop, particularly when contrasted with past seasons brimming with excitement and novelty. With so many fans feeling depleted, what does this portend for FIFA’s future community interaction?

The Decision’s Impact on Player Morale

User unhelpful_stranger lamented, “They seem indifferent towards their player community,” expressing frustration. This indifference has tangible effects on the overall spirit of a community that has consistently stood by the FIFA brand. Players feel disregarded and ignored, with some pledging not to buy another game at launch. They’ve grown skeptical due to numerous questionable decisions, wondering if their input truly reaches the ears of EA decision-makers. Consequently, some players are considering quitting completely or adopting a wait-and-see approach for discounts—a significant hurdle for EA in understanding and enhancing customer satisfaction.

In a gaming world where competition is fierce, EA Sports must understand that each decision they make significantly impacts their player community. The lack of MYM and PTG cards has left many supporters feeling disheartened, overlooked, and most importantly, undervalued. Although pre-orders for FC25 might appear beneficial to EA, it could create a concerning rift between developers and devoted players. Will EA pay attention, or will they persist on the path of indifference? The answer lies in the future as FIFA fans navigate their emotional journey with EA Sports, hoping for changes that reflect their shared interests.

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2024-09-15 03:13