FIFA Players Divided Over New 15 Wins Requirement in Rivals Mode

As a long-time FIFA fanatic who has seen the evolution of this game through various iterations, I must admit that the latest update has left me feeling somewhat disillusioned. The new 15 wins requirement in Rivals mode seems to be more about grinding than enjoying the game for what it is – a virtual football experience.

Players using FIFA are experiencing strong opinions following a post by ‘TheRaphMan’, which ignited a passionate debate about the new 15-win requirement in the Rivals mode. Many users are expressing their discontent, challenging the reasoning behind this update and whether it prioritizes casual gamers’ enjoyment or reinforces the grinding culture prevalent throughout FIFA. Several individuals have shared concerns that this modification affects their gaming time and pleasure, revealing a significant split in feelings towards the changing dynamics of the game.

15 wins in rivals is too much
byu/TheRaphMan inEASportsFC


  • Players fear being alienated by a higher win requirement that demands more playtime.
  • Concerns about mental fatigue and psychological barriers become prevalent as players express dissatisfaction.
  • Some players believe that these changes are strategically designed to enhance in-game purchases.
  • A portion of the community suggests introducing tiered win goals to better balance rewards and engagement.

Community Outrage

The dissatisfaction among the FIFA community is palpable, with many players echoing ‘TheRaphMan’s outrage. Specifically, some users, like ‘cmacy6,’ pointed out that the new standard of 15 wins could be too taxing for players with limited time. They expressed that this change may lead to many players being locked out of achieving their goals in the Weekend League, resulting in a sense of being punished for their available playtime. With comments like, “Not every mode needs to be competitive for rewards,” it seems a solid block of players yearns for the casual, laid-back experience that squad battles provided in past FIFA titles.

Psychological Impact

The psychological ramifications of this change have also been a hot topic. User ‘LukaLockup’ voiced frustration about the transition from squad battles to Rivals, stating that the pressure to perform in a competitive environment creates unwanted stress. This sentiment was echoed by others who argue that the casual mode should be enjoyable rather than a chore. As one player put it, the game should be about fun, not resembling a job. As the grind intensifies, players fear that their valuable downtime is being devoured, making it increasingly hard to just relax and enjoy a match.

Strategic Design or Cash Grab?

Another angle players are considering is the possibility that this new requirement is yet another tactic by EA Sports to drive players toward in-game purchases. The comment from ‘Senators_1992,’ highlighting EA’s push toward packed purchases, resonated with those who suspect that the developer may be prioritizing profit over player enjoyment. The change leads players to ask the question: are they being pushed into spending more money on ultimate team packs to construct better teams just to meet these new requirements? This pervasive thought makes many players suspicious about EA’s intent behind these updates, leading to rampant cynicism across the community.

Call for Tiered Systems

<pDespite the outcry regarding the new win conditions, some players have proposed creative solutions. According to ‘blink85’, implementing tiered systems that reward 5, 10, and 15 wins would create a balance in the grind while still providing an incentive for high-performing players. This could allow various skill levels to engage with the game without the feeling of being completely overwhelmed. A tiered structure would permit casual gamers to feel rewarded for their gameplay as they are less likely to disengage from Rivals entirely. As sentiments indicate, providing choices in objectives may significantly shift how players perceive their gaming experience.

In the ongoing conversations about FIFA’s recent updates, it’s evident that the reactions are quite diverse. Some gamers believe the 15 wins requirement enhances engagement and rewards, while others worry it may spoil their gaming fun. The call for a more equitable reward system reveals players’ wish for a game catering to all skill sets. Whether these modifications lead to a more enjoyable FIFA experience or drive away disappointed players is yet to be determined. EA Sports frequently finds itself in a challenging position between player contentment and earnings, so we’ll have to wait and see how this new direction shapes the constantly changing gaming landscape. As players express their views, it underlines that the core essence of gaming should always revolve around enjoyment and inclusivity.

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2024-09-25 13:43