FIFA PC Woes: A Look at EA’s Optimization for PC Players

If you’re a PC gamer finding FIFA underperforming to your disappointment, join the discussion on EA’s efforts to optimize their game for PC and address player concerns regarding subpar performance.

For The PC people
byu/OldCamel5310 inEASportsFC


  • PC players express frustration over FIFA’s lack of optimization.
  • Some players suggest caution before preordering due to past performance issues.
  • Debates spark on EA’s responsiveness to PC player needs.

FIFA’s PC Optimization Woes

PC gamers are expressing their annoyance over FIFA’s suboptimal performance on their platform. Some are advising against pre-purchasing the game due to past technical problems that have affected its release on PC.

Player Experiences

As a dedicated FIFA fan on PC, I’ve come across various opinions from fellow gamers regarding their experiences. Some encountered frustrating issues like laggy menus and frequent crashes, which dampened their enthusiasm. On the other hand, others were thrilled to find the game running smoothly after taking advantage of discounted purchases or during free weekends.

EA’s Response

There were disagreements among people about whether Electronic Arts (EA) was feeling the heat with the launch of new games. Some gamers insisted that EA should focus more on improving the performance of their games on Personal Computing (PC) systems. On the other hand, others argued that EA might not be as focused on the PC gaming community.

As a dedicated gamer who prefers playing FIFA on my PC, I’ve been encountering some frustrating issues lately. From dealing with freezing screens at launch to navigating glitchy menus and experiencing lag, it feels like I’m facing the same hurdles time and time again. The gaming community is expressing their concerns loudly, questioning EA’s commitment to addressing these persistent problems. Amidst all the debate, one thing remains clear – PC players are eagerly waiting for signs of improvement in future FIFA releases.

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2024-07-16 19:28