FIFA Controversy: Hazard’s Stats Lower Than Ginola Despite Superior Career Achievements

As a seasoned FIFA player with over two decades of experience under my belt, I can’t help but chuckle at this latest stir caused by EA Sports’ rating system. The debate over Hazard versus Ginola is reminiscent of the age-old question: Is beauty truly in the eye of the beholder? In this case, it seems the “beholder” is EA Sports, and their eyes have a peculiar way of seeing things.

Fans of FIFA were surprised to find out that the performance statistics for Eden Hazard in the recent game were lower than those of David Ginola, as shared by user CaptainJarrettYT in a popular post. The post brought attention to an unusual disparity in the players’ ratings, with many fans questioning why a player with 98 more goals and 137 more assists than Ginola wasn’t given higher shooting and passing stats.

Hazard confirmed stats. Lower shooting and passing than Ginola even though he got 98 more goals and 137 more assists
byu/CaptainJarrettYT inEASportsFC


  • The disparity between Hazard and Ginola’s stats raises eyebrows among FIFA fans, leading to spirited discussions.
  • Players feel that former player performance does not always translate to their in-game statistics.
  • Several users pointed out that EA often favors certain players, leading to perceived bias in ratings.
  • Many commenters voiced frustration over the overall ratings process while maintaining hope for promo cards.

The Stats Debate

The main topic of discussion centers on an unexpected finding: Hazard’s fundamental stats are lower than Ginola’s, despite his impressive career accolades. cricketrules509, one participant, highlighted Hazard’s elite standing at the peak of his game, stating, “He was the top player in the 2018 World Cup and possibly the best player in the Premier League between 2010 and 2020.” This viewpoint resonated throughout the discussion, with many expressing the belief that contemporary ratings do not accurately reflect players’ past accomplishments. Others joined in to voice astonishment over how a player with substantial career statistics could still be rated lower than those who may have had less successful careers overall.

The EA Sports Rating Phenomenon

The conversation became even more fascinating as fans started scrutinizing the ranking system used by EA Sports, arguing that it tends to advantage specific players based on subjective standards. A user named ultimatefifafrenzy commented, “Seasons are expensive from EA. I guess we let them milk us as much as they can?” This remark reflects a rising feeling among FIFA gamers who believe that EA Sports’ primary goal is not just to create a fair and balanced game but rather to generate profits. Many users feel this setup unwittingly fosters bias. For instance, the high ratings of Ginola were called into question, with some suggesting EA intentionally promotes certain cards over others. The word “biased” was repeatedly used in comments from disgruntled users who desired a more transparent and logical rating system.

Fan Reactions

During the ongoing discussion, some participants showed surprise at the emphasis given to base statistics. JDinvasion commented, “I can’t understand why people are so concerned; there will be plenty of promo cards featuring Hazard… So these ‘base’ cards hold little significance.” This viewpoint offers a fresh perspective, implying that players should concentrate on the bigger picture instead of getting caught up in initial ratings. The temporary nature of FIFA ratings and the anticipation for potential future promos maintained a consistent positive vibe among the commentators. Even though there was initial discontent, many are hopeful that EA will roll out improved versions of players like Hazard, easing their dissatisfaction.

Long-Term Perspectives

In the heat of the moment, rankings can ignite passionate arguments, but some observers look beyond the immediate. Habbak remarks that in two months’ time, the ratings won’t matter much, pointing out FIFA’s recurring cycle of statistics and player cards. Players’ worth is not only defined by their initial stats, but also how they mesh into various formations and squad tactics, showcasing the game’s intricate depth. Consequently, while ratings may spark disputes, fans find resourceful ways to incorporate even seemingly underestimated players into effective strategies, navigating these challenges creatively.

Final Thoughts

As a dedicated gamer, I found myself right smack in the middle of an exhilarating debate between Hazard’s stats and Ginola’s. Passion for FIFA, that insatiable quest for perfection, filled the air as we chatted, revealing just how deeply committed our gaming community is to this game. Some might express frustration over EA Sports’ curious choices, but they quickly turn their attention to the promise that their beloved clubs and players still hold endless possibilities for fun and creativity. In the end, whether it’s by reminiscing about past victories or envisioning future promos, we in the FIFA community find ways to keep the game alive, making stats just one small aspect of our broader love for football fandom.

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2024-08-18 14:13