FIFA: Are Players Hoping for Changes to EA’s Rivals Points System?

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I’ve seen the evolution of FIFA and its various controversies like a roller coaster ride through the gaming world. The latest debacle surrounding the 45-point requirement in Rivals mode feels like another nail in the coffin for this once beloved franchise.

FIFA often faces criticism, especially regarding how it distributes rewards in different gameplay options. A discussion on the EA Sports FC subreddit has highlighted the high point requirement of 45 points to excel in the Rivals mode, which some players feel is excessive when factoring in the needs of other modes like Champions and Squad Battles. The original poster, iWill_, contends that it’s too demanding for many gamers. As players prepare for a tough grind to reach those required points, there are concerns that the system might push away casual players and even long-term fans. With the gaming community growing restless, is there any chance they will find relief?

Is there any hope that EA makes a change to the 45 rivals points?
byu/iWill_ inEASportsFC


  • Players are frustrated with the 45-point requirement in Rivals, claiming it is mentally taxing to achieve.
  • Some believe EA may be reluctant to change to keep users grinding, thus increasing their in-game purchases.
  • Many gamers suggested changes to make the points system more flexible and enjoyable for players of all skill levels.
  • The sentiment among the community is predominantly negative, pointing to concerns about the game’s future player engagement.

Gamers’ Frustration: The Backlash Against High Point Requirements

It’s not unusual for gaming enthusiasts to form a chorus of discontent when they perceive issues with in-game mechanics, as demonstrated by iWill_’s post which sparked discussions among members such as saintsimsy77 who expressed, “Suppose you’re an average to below average player and you win one game out of every three in Rivals. That means you have to play 45 games a week just for decent rewards. That’s ridiculous.” This sentiment is widely shared within the subreddit as players describe feeling trapped in a cycle where earning rewards becomes progressively more challenging. Many express concerns that the relentless grinding could ultimately drive away casual gamers who might find the game overwhelming due to its demanding nature.

Speculations on EA’s Motives: Are They Listening to Feedback?

Among gamers, there’s a tepid response to the idea that Electronic Arts (EA) might alter the Rivals points system. User cmacy6 simply stated, “I doubt it, and if they do, it won’t be soon.” This hesitation may stem from past instances where EA has been slow to address community concerns. The suspicion is that the game’s business model heavily depends on player engagement, encouraging dedicated players to spend real money to stay competitive, making significant changes unlikely unless their profits are significantly impacted. As customers, many find themselves wondering if meaningful change is feasible or if they’re merely contributing to EA’s profit margins, chasing elusive point targets in a confusing system.

Proposed Solutions: Diversifying Rewards to Increase Engagement

Despite the discontent, not all discussions remain negative, as numerous players have chimed in with alternative ideas for how EA could make Rivals more player-friendly. For instance, user superwawa20 suggested a different point structure altogether, proposing each win should yield 4 points and allowing marginal rewards for draws and losses. They stated, “I think 12 wins is a better target, with progressive rewards at 3, 6, and 9.” Such proposals aimed to tailor the experience for different skill levels might make the grind feel less punishing and retain players who might otherwise walk away from the game entirely. A flexible rewards system could foster a sense of achievement rather than the common dread that many gamers currently experience when logging in to play.

The Future of FIFA Gaming: Will EA Adapt or Stay Stagnant?

In light of increasing player discontent, the fundamental query arises: will EA respond by making changes? User Rouni_99 commented, “The reason so many people play rival games is because SB and champs are shortened. It seems that EA wants players to grind the game, but if they cut back on rival games, what mode would you grind instead?” This lingering apprehension suggests that players perceive the current system as prioritizing spending over player satisfaction. However, players seek confirmation that their concerns are being acknowledged amidst a sea of video game statistics and measurements. The longevity of future actions hinges on recognizing the importance of the community to the continued thriving of the FIFA series. If players feel their issues are disregarded, it’s not just Rivals that could lose players, but the entire FIFA franchise might experience a drop in user base.

Gamers persistently discuss and express opinions about the constantly changing competitive atmosphere in FIFA’s video game scene. Many hold on to the slim possibility that EA Sports will consider the constructive feedback and enact modifications, enhancing interaction as well as improving the overall quality of play. As the game progresses, it’s crucial to strike a balance between hard work and rewarding outcomes, acknowledging that gaming is primarily intended for fun. In this complex digital setting, one thing stands undeniably true: players seek more than mere numbers; they yearn for genuine fulfillment from their gaming experiences.

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2024-10-16 14:13