Exploring the Unexpected Popularity of Yorick in League of Legends ARAMs

As a seasoned veteran of the League of Legends battlefield, I’ve seen my fair share of champions rise and fall. But Yorick, oh Yorick, you have truly defied expectations! It’s not every day that a champion with such a questionable teamfight reputation becomes an ARAM powerhouse.

In simpler terms, the game League of Legends features a variety of unique characters called champions, each adding their own special touch to the Battlegrounds of Valor. One of these champions, Yorick, is currently performing unusually well in a specific game mode called ARAM (All Random All Mid), despite being considered weak in team fights according to the game’s standards. A user named TSMFatScarra shared this interesting observation on the League of Legends subreddit, sparking curiosity as to why Yorick, who seems less viable for regular play, is proving so effective in the ARAM setting. Players are eager to discover the secret behind Yorick’s success in these games.

Why is Yorick one of the highest winrate champs in ARAMs if he is supposed to be bad in teamfights and is not buffed in the mode?
byu/TSMFatScarra inleagueoflegends


  • Yorick’s winrate in ARAM contradicts his reputation as a sub-par teamfighter.
  • Players speculate on Yorick’s kit and how the ARAM environment enhances his strengths.
  • The absence of side lanes in ARAM plays to Yorick’s advantages, limiting enemy escape routes.
  • Different builds in ARAM are reshaping Yorick’s potential, making him a tanky threat.

Community Insights into Yorick’s Success

Examining the feedback from the initial post, it’s clear that Yorick’s unique strength is widely recognized. For example, user Gr1maze points out that the ARAM map design benefits Yorick significantly. Unlike Summoner’s Rift, where jungles might hinder his ghoul regeneration, the compact layout of ARAM allows Yorick’s ghouls to persistently harass and bother enemies. In the tight quarters of a standard lane battlefield, he becomes a constant threat, putting him at an advantage that he doesn’t often get on Summoner’s Rift. Many players concurred that ARAM’s format—where opponents can’t retreat to side lanes—makes it more favorable for champions like Yorick who excel under continuous pressure.

The Shift in Competitive Playstyles

A user named theTKLN offered an astute observation about Yorick’s kit limitations in conventional Summoner’s Rift teamfights. They emphasized that Yorick struggles with mobility and crowd control, factors essential for initiating engagements. In these battles on the Rift, he often ends up alone and can be kited. However, in ARAM (All Random All Mid), opponents cannot escape easily. This setup forces confrontations, and without an escape mechanism, adversaries have no choice but to face Yorick head-on. As a result, Yorick’s strengths come to the forefront, as players are thrust into a scenario where his consistent damage output becomes prominent. In essence, when opponents engage Yorick, they must deal with his high damage and durability, which can be decisive in a fight.

Yorick’s Tactical Advantages in ARAM

User Kan-Terra expanded upon the versatility of Yorick beyond just duels, highlighting his strength in tower sieges as well. This viewpoint brought a strategic aspect into focus, emphasizing that managing towers is crucial in ARAM. With his abilities, Yorick summons additional ghouls that offer valuable utility during siege situations. His wall ghoul can soak up damage while also keeping enemies at bay, facilitating successful tower objective captures that are vital in the tight, fast-paced fights of ARAM. Players noted that summoning numerous minions puts opponents in a tricky predicament—the more pressure Yorick applies, the harder it gets for enemies to defend against both him and the tower simultaneously.

Innovative Builds and Adaptations

As a dedicated fan of Yorick, I want to highlight an intriguing observation made by User RealisticComplaint: the unique shift in items and builds tailored specifically for the ARAM mode. In contrast to the lethality or bruiser builds often favored on the Rift, ARAM calls for a tanky build focusing on sustainability, which has become the norm. With his high base AD complemented by tanking items like Iceborn Gauntlet (IBG) or Spirit Visage, Yorick transforms into an increasingly formidable opponent. This adaptive itemization allows him to remain relevant and accessible during battles, summoning his ghouls tactically as skirmishes commence. The feedback underscores the fact that it’s not just about the raw numbers, but the entire strategy of playing Yorick in ARAM that sets him apart.

The Underlying Community Sentiment

Generally speaking, there’s a lot of enthusiasm among players regarding Yorick’s high win rates in ARAM (All Random All Mid). Although some players acknowledge his potential weaknesses in traditional 5v5 matches like Summoner’s Rift, they are eager to experiment with unique build strategies and unconventional playstyles for Yorick. These new approaches not only bring excitement but also satisfaction as players master the champion better. This shared passion for discovering novel techniques is well-received within the community, leading to exchanges of tips, tactics, and recommendations on how to excel in ARAM. The creative process of designing unusual builds or combos keeps a dynamic conversation going among players, making the League of Legends experience more engaging as they learn together.

The sudden increase in Yorick’s influence within the ARAM (All Random All Mid) scene has ignited intriguing debates among dedicated gamers and at the same time, provided a delightful demonstration that gameplay styles can alter strategies and champion selections. This transformation of Yorick from a seemingly feeble champion to a dominant figure in a specific playstyle reveals that even the seemingly ordinary champions may astound us all, underscoring the fact that the enchantment of League of Legends stems not only from its roster but also from the flourishing creativity and adaptability of its players.

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2024-08-01 12:58