Exploring the Side Floodlights in Pacific Drive: What Reddit Thinks

As a passionate fan of Pacific Drive, I’ve spent countless hours cruising through its intricate world, navigating treacherous roads and battling against the elements. The game’s unique blend of survival mechanics and road adventure has kept me engaged and immersed in its captivating universe. Recently, I stumbled upon an intriguing debate on Reddit about the side floodlights in Pacific Drive. This topic struck a chord with me, given my own experiences using these lights during my gaming sessions.

The Pacific Drive video game has attracted lots of gamers with its combination of survival elements and road trips. A Reddit user named Odd_Presentation_578 recently asked an intriguing question about the side floodlights that can be added to vehicles in the game. These lights only illuminate the sides instead of the front, which some players found confusing. This led to a heated discussion among players about the usefulness and impact of these lights on gameplay. The debate underscores the engagement and sometimes perplexity experienced while exploring Pacific Drive’s unique world.

Side floodlights – what are they for?
byu/Odd_Presentation_578 inpacificDrive


  • Users express mixed feelings about the side floodlights, with some finding them less useful than anticipated.
  • Creative suggestions have been shared, including modifications to enhance the functionality of the lights.
  • Many users enjoyed the aesthetic, despite questioning the practicality of the side-mounted lighting.
  • Overall, the post demonstrates the community’s active engagement with game mechanics and features.

Utility or Futility?

Odd_Presentation_578’s post quickly highlighted a common sentiment among many players: the side floodlights feel oddly placed and arguably ineffective. As the argument unfolded in the comments, a consensus emerged that while these lights are nifty, their only ability to beam light sideways creates a surplus of question marks in many players’ minds. For instance, Killfalcon piped in with, “It’s so when you get out of your car at night, you can see more things,” suggesting a niche utility for when you’re outside your vehicle, but this isn’t the case when you’re driving. It obviously begs the question—why not just illuminate the path ahead? The sentiment toward the floodlights appears split, showcasing a mix of confusion and mild disappointment among gamers.

Current Limitations

As the number of comments grew, BurntFemboyWater expressed concerns about battery consumption – “These can be beneficial, yet they consume excessive battery power.” Many players acknowledged that while the side floodlights could enhance gameplay, few are willing to drain their batteries for additional visibility. The resource management aspect in Pacific Drive heightens this issue, as players prioritize conserving energy over unnecessary upgrades. Sonicblast52 also pointed out that the lights were not very useful and deteriorated before finding a practical application, suggesting that usability problems may encourage gamers to opt for more effective alternatives or equipment.

Creative Modifications

In the mysterious world of Pacific Drive, tech-savvy gamers like CowboyKing06 use their creativity to get the best results from their vehicles. CowboyKing06 shared an exciting plan: “I hope to attach two generators on each side, place two large batteries in the back, and then install Bio headlights, side floodlights, and roof floodlights.” This ambitious idea demonstrates how players can explore the game’s possibilities and try new things—after all, who wouldn’t want to drive through ominous dark zones with lights illuminating the way like a lantern at a bug Zoo? Some gamers also requested improved functionality, such as Awesomechainsaw’s suggestion for the headlights and floodlights to work together for easier management. These suggestions illustrate a community determined to get the most out of the game and adapt within its limitations.

Aesthetic Appeal

Despite the criticism some players have given, it’s clear that many continue to enjoy the visually appealing aspect of the floodlights in the game. Normal_Fishing9824 simply put it, “They look great.” Although function may be prioritized by some gamers, these lights add an additional level of entertainment. Considering Pacific Drive places emphasis on ambiance and immersive settings, the distinctive side floodlights contribute significantly to the game’s unique atmosphere. The community’s ongoing discussions about the floodlights highlight their endearing yet imperfect qualities in the game, fostering a sense of unity among players through their mutual affection for “what makes it special.”

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2024-07-25 17:13