Exploring the Prismatic Dilemma in Destiny 2: Hunter Builds Under Scrutiny

As Butsy_98, I find myself torn between the allure of the old and the appeal of the new. I’ve been playing Destiny 2 since its early days, and my Hunter has always been an extension of me – from dodging through hordes of enemies as a Nightstalker to blazing a trail as a Gunslinger. Yet, here I stand on the precipice of change with these Prismatic subclasses.

In their post, Butsy_98, a dedicated player of Destiny 2, finds themselves facing a dilemma. Over time, Destiny 2 has given players numerous subclass choices, but with the arrival of Prismatic subclasses, they find it challenging to justify sticking with traditional subclasses like Nightstalker, Gunslinger, and Arcstrider. They’re reaching out to fellow gamers, hoping for advice that could help reignite their enthusiasm for playing as a Hunter in Destiny 2, an excitement that seems to have faded since the game’s early days.

Struggling to find a reason to NOT use prismatic for Hunter…
byu/Butsy_98 inDestinyTheGame


  • Many players argue that traditional subclasses have distinct advantages that Prismatic subclasses lack, specifically in team play and unique builds.
  • The aspects of gameplay, such as invisibility options and grenade choices, differentiate Prismatic subclasses from the original ones.
  • Community members highlight the importance of synergy in subclass design, often favoring the OG subclasses for high-stakes gameplay.
  • Despite this, some players still enjoy Prismatic subclasses, often with creative builds tailored to specific playstyles.

The Benefits of Traditional Subclasses

The discussions surrounding Hunter subclasses reveal that many players feel traditional subclasses such as Nightstalker and Gunslinger offer unique gameplay experiences that Prismatic options simply cannot replicate. User Mnkke points out that the Nightstalker subclass brings a different playstyle for those who enjoy invisibility, emphasizing the ability to not only become invisible but also make allies invisible as well. This aspect creates opportunities for strategic team plays, especially in high-level content. They further highlight Stylish Executioner, which synergizes with Glaives, and the Moebius Quiver—both capabilities that lend themselves well to dynamic combat situations. This demonstrates how community members value the intricate mechanics and team-oriented benefits of traditional subclasses over the more straightforward approach of Prismatic. Another user added that Nightstalker offers a plethora of grenade options unique to each elemental subclass, making it feel more versatile and fun.

Why Prismatic Might Fall Short

Although many players find the new abilities and features of the Prismatic subclass appealing, there’s a widespread feeling that it doesn’t measure up to the original choices. LiamMorg effectively explains this issue, noting that Prismatic is missing a key Fragment that complements Scorch-focused strategies, resulting in slower ignition triggers compared to genuine Solar subclasses. This disadvantage can be quite significant for players who heavily rely on Scorch for their gameplay. Some see it as a drawback that weakens the power of Prismatic in challenging, high-level battles. Furthermore, many users have expressed doubts about Prismatic’s overall efficiency, with Gold_Success0 being among them. They believe that traditional builds remain effective and often superior when combined with suitable artifacts. Even in demanding endgame content, they argue, the older subclasses have all the tools necessary to thrive, even against newer competitors.

Players Show Love for Unique Builds

Creative Strategies for Different Playstyles

the immense array of options frequently leads to memorable gameplay moments.

Community Sentiments and the Future

As a dedicated Destiny 2 fan, I can’t help but marvel at the captivating conversations unfolding in this subreddit post about the continuous development of subclasses within our beloved game. Players are delving deep into the intricacies of class dynamics, brainstorming potential enhancements or modifications Bungie might consider for future updates. With each new season, we’re tantalized by the prospect of our existing subclasses becoming even more enriched.

Bringing It All Together

The debate surrounding Prismatic Hunter subclasses in Destiny 2 is indicative of a dynamic gaming community. From heartfelt pleas for help in reclaiming the thrill of traditional play styles to passionate discussions about subclass synergies, it’s evident that players care tremendously about their gameplay experience. The lines may be drawn between traditional and Prismatic, but each side brings its unique flavor to the ever-evolving game. As players continue to experiment, share insights, and challenge one another, the vibrant discussions exemplify the undying love for Destiny 2, ensuring that the spirit of the game thrives on, regardless of which subclass you ultimately choose.

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2024-08-16 11:45