Exploring the Playerbase in Smite: Is It Worth Your Time in 2023?

As a seasoned MOBA player with years of experience under my belt, I find myself intrigued by the ongoing debates about Smite’s playerbase health. Having dabbled in various games throughout the years, I must admit that Smite has piqued my curiosity due to its unique blend of mythology and strategic gameplay.

Players keep being drawn to Smite’s mystical worlds due to its enduring appeal among gaming enthusiasts. Not too long ago, Reddit user “ongogno” started a conversation by inquiring about the game’s current playerbase health. Given that it has been around for quite some time, newcomers often question if they can still participate in ranked matches, particularly concerning wait times and beginner-friendly matchmaking. The comments on the subreddit offer an insightful perspective on both the benefits and hurdles new Smite players might encounter as they delve into its universe.

How is the playerbase in Smite?
byu/ongogno inSmite


  • Ranked matches need significant investment, with most players recommending around 150-200 hours to participate.
  • The community is described as toxic, especially in ranked modes, with mixed feelings about player interactions.
  • Despite some concerns about player counts, many assert that Smite still offers enjoyable gameplay regardless of its age.
  • Upcoming updates and the ability to play against bots make it an opportune time for new players to try their hand at the game.

The Learning Curve and Rank Requirements

Discussing Smite, a significant point of debate revolves around the substantial time commitment necessary to participate in ranked play. As pointed out by Reddit user “Quit_Forever”, players typically need to devote between 150-200 hours to access Ranked Conquest, the main competitive mode within the game. This isn’t just about playing the game but also acquiring proficiency with 30 different gods, each featuring unique abilities and playstyles. To meet the requirements, players must reach Mastery level 2 with at least 20 of these gods. For beginners, this learning curve can appear challenging as they work towards satisfying these prerequisites while simultaneously determining their preferred roles and deities. Nevertheless, some gamers like “AyVeeTheBunny” believe that this initial hard work is advantageous since it helps players grasp the game’s mechanics prior to entering a more competitive arena.

The Community: Gems and Pitfalls

In the realm of Smite’s player base, opinions about the community’s atmosphere are divided. Some see it as a typical Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) community with its usual dose of toxicity, while others believe the intensity is especially high in ranked games. User “AllSkillzN0Luck” even joked that he could fill an entire book with the negative aspects of the ranked community, implying it’s extensive enough to surpass the Bible! This gives us a clear image of the social challenges players might face when engaging in competitive modes. On the other hand, many suggest that muting toxic players is crucial for having an enjoyable gaming experience. As “link_the_fire_skelly” states, you should be prepared to mute any disruptive players, thus shielding yourself from negative encounters that could potentially dampen your passion for the game.

Playerbase Health: Is It Dwindling or Thriving?

In the ongoing debates about the wellbeing of Smite’s player base, opinions are split. Some players argue that the game still has a good number of participants across various modes, particularly during peak hours as noted by “grenz1”. He mentioned that playing on US servers keeps queue times reasonable, although ranked matches can take longer due to fewer players. On the other hand, “Str8Nirvana” raised concerns, pointing out that Steam’s peak player numbers for Smite are at a record low. This sentiment echoes among many community members who remember when Smite was a significant player in the gaming world, often making it into the top 20-30 most played games—a position it no longer holds.

Opportunities for New Players

Although there might be difficulties ahead in 2023, it could offer a promising aspect for newcomers. The introduction of Smite 2 and the chance to try out numerous gods at no cost through rotating free trials provides a risk-free environment for new players to explore their preferred characters and gameplay styles, as observed by user “ConcentrateOk6974.” Furthermore, beginners often start against automated opponents before moving on to human opponents, which facilitates an easier transition. This staged learning process helps new players to grow confident and acquire essential knowledge about builds, roles, and effective strategies, giving them a solid foundation before facing more experienced competitors.

Delving into Smite, a MOBA, presents a richly complex landscape for beginners. From the rigorous expectations of ranked matches to the social hurdles even in competitive settings, familiarizing oneself with the player community is essential. Yet, with Smite 2 on the horizon and fresh prospects in sight, this could be an ideal moment to embark on a journey through this captivating, albeit unpredictable, virtual battleground. Remember, as ever, approach it with an open mind—and maybe a mute button for those who appear determined to disrupt your gaming fun. Good luck and happy gaming!

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2024-08-13 00:13