Exploring the Lore Behind the Drawings in Apex Legends: Who’s Responsible?

As a seasoned gamer who has been immersed in the vibrant world of Apex Legends for years now, I must say that this recent Reddit thread has truly captured my heart. The community’s creative energy and enthusiasm to delve into the rich tapestry of lore is nothing short of inspiring!

As a gamer, I’ve always been captivated by Apex Legends, not just for its thrilling gameplay but also for its deep lore and fascinating backstory. Recently, a Reddit post started by user Chiefstales posed an intriguing question: ‘Is there a lore-related answer to who made these drawings?’ The gaming community quickly responded, sharing their theories and insights, demonstrating the sheer creativity within us gamers. This discussion sparked a lively conversation about the possible creators of these artistic pieces hidden throughout the game. Players were drawn into speculating about character motives and potential backstories. A common theme that emerged was the link between certain characters and their distinctive artistic styles, highlighting how dedicated fans engage with the narrative in various ways beyond just playing the game.

Is there a lore related answer to who made this drawings?
byu/Chiefstales inapexlegends


  • The community shared a mix of playful and serious theories about the potential artists behind the game’s drawings.
  • Prominent characters like Wattson and Revenant are suggested to be significant players in the artistic narrative.
  • Fans enjoy theorizing about lore elements, revealing a deeper connection to the game’s universe.
  • Overall sentiment reflects a positive engagement with the game’s lore among fans, highlighting their enthusiasm.

The Artistic Influences of Apex Legends

In the conversation on this thread, there’s a focus on understanding the relationship between the characters in Apex Legends and the art found across its maps, particularly in Broken Moon. One participant, AnApexPlayer, proposed an imaginative theory: perhaps the construction workers were parents to artists, implying that these young creatives left their artwork during the renovation of the moon. This idea isn’t too far-fetched, as it mirrors how gaming communities often blend art and storyline for a more immersive gameplay experience. The blend of construction workers and their children is a testament to the players’ creativity, as they enjoy finding connections within the intricate Apex Legends lore tapestry.

Wattson’s Artistic Flair

Among fans, the character Watson has become a popular choice for the enigmatic sketches. Remarks such as those from Fiiienz, who said “Watson made her presence known,” hint at not only her scientific prowess but also her possible artistic talents. With her lively and curious disposition, it’s simple to envision Watson stepping away from her technical pursuits to explore her creative side. Miss_aladita even jokingly proposed a drawing contest between Watson and Revenant, highlighting the contrast in their personalities and showcasing how fans enjoy brainstorming character encounters. It seems that Watson’s storied past as a brilliant inventor easily lends itself to artistic endeavors, making her an intriguing figure worthy of consideration for these sketches.

The Potential Role of Revenant

In Apex Legends, Revenant, frequently portrayed as the antagonist, is also speculated to be involved in creating the drawings. His character is not just seen as capable of malicious acts but could possibly have artistic talents too, as hinted by Miss_aladita’s comment. This adds an amusing aspect to the discussion, considering the idea of the ominous assassin indulging in innocent doodling might seem quite unexpected. Juanjose83 chimed in saying that anything adorable is made by Wattson, which implies that while Wattson may handle the cute sketches, Revenant’s could be more menacing or sinister, presenting a delightful contrast between the characters. This exchange demonstrates how players enjoy creatively exploring the storyline, finding joy in both light-hearted and dark interpretations of their favorite characters.

Community Engagement and Lore Speculation

In this Reddit discussion, it’s evident that community members are brimming with excitement and ingenuity as they interact. Their replies demonstrate not only an eagerness to explore deeper storylines but also a delight in exploring character relationships. For instance, User FocusDKBoltBOLT injected Mirage into the conversation, skillfully blending traits and humor. The way they weave complex narratives underscores the tight-knit connection between the community and the game’s storyline. Instead of merely consuming content, users are actively contributing to the expansion of the lore through their discussions, demonstrating their dedication to making the gaming world feel dynamic and lived-in. These creative exchanges offer a glimpse into the unique aspects of online gaming culture, where fan theories often coalesce to create a communal comprehension of the universe.

The conversation about the thread eventually demonstrates how Apex Legends encourages a creative community that delves into the blend of game mechanics and storyline. Through engaging character dynamics such as Wattson and Revenant, players creatively share their unique perspectives through casual conjecture and amusement. Each theory about who drew the pictures offers insights into how characters can resonate with players beyond simple map designs. This playful engagement mirrors the essence of gaming – a captivating experience where storytelling, art, and community come together, welcoming all to join in. As players delve deeper into their connections with the Apex Legends universe, the excitement displayed in these discussions suggests that the game’s impact will undoubtedly inspire not only future tales and speculations but also fresh avenues for interpreting gameplay.

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2024-08-06 14:13