Exploring the Glass Cannon Odin Jungle Build in Smite: A Community Perspective

As a veteran Smite player with countless hours under my belt and a penchant for off-meta builds, I can’t help but feel a surge of excitement as the glass cannon Odin jungle build takes center stage. Having dabbled in various unconventional character combinations myself, I’ve learned to appreciate the unique strategies that such builds bring to the table.

Smite, a game known for its reliance on distinctive playstyles and creative tactics, has seen a heated debate lately centered around the unorthodox Odin jungle build, often referred to as the “glass cannon” style. A Reddit post from user Northernlightz29 sparked this conversation, proposing that this build could be underestimated and potentially outperform expectations. As more players voiced their experiences with off-the-grid character picks and unconventional roles, a lively exchange about the importance of versatility in gameplay unfolded among the community.

Glass canon Odin jungle feels and probably scales much better in this game and might be slept on, what unusual God / Role combination has popped off for you?
byu/Northernlightz29 inSmite


  • The glass cannon build for Odin jungle is gaining popularity for its damage potential.
  • Players are exploring alternative roles, showcasing a variety of successful off-meta choices.
  • The current meta emphasizes rapid engagements, promoting aggressive, damage-focused builds.
  • Community interactions highlight a mix of excitement and skepticism regarding underutilized characters.

The Glass Cannon Strategy Unveiled

From my gaming perspective, I’ve found myself leaning towards the ‘all-out attack’ strategy, focusing on dealing maximum damage at the expense of defensive abilities. A fellow gamer, Lucky-Luck, put it perfectly when he said, “This is an offensive onslaught with a critical hit frenzy, and it’s either glass cannon or nothing.” Many players seem to be embracing this aggressive approach over survival tactics.

Diverse Roles and Unconventional Picks

The discussion does not just stop at Odin; players are rallying behind hybrid builds with various gods. For instance, THEDILLYWIGGLE mentioned their success with a mage build Cernunnos, highlighting the “true damage” potential that comes from a specific skill combo. Similarly, user EmpressLenneth noted the emergence of jungle Athenas, albeit with mixed results — sometimes dominating the match while at other times, she would accomplish little. The variety in character usage reflects a broader willingness to experiment within the game. The players’ excitement for discovering new combinations expresses a refreshing spirit within the Smite community. They champion the notion that flexibility can lead to unorthodox, yet effective gameplay that keeps the experience fresh.

Meta Trends Influencing Player Choices

In the current game version, the meta significantly influences both character and item selections. As Lucky-Luck puts it, “In Season 1, a well-constructed tank was almost invincible, so it was their responsibility to protect and assist their damage dealers, ensuring they could kill the enemy team.” However, in stark contrast, Season 2 emphasizes explosive damage that challenges traditional defensive roles. Players are observing that classic tanks are being eliminated swiftly as crit builds dominate the scene. Characters like Sol and Neith, with their full critical build and powerful abilities, make defensive strategies largely irrelevant. The gaming community is now acknowledging a pressing need: quick victories are crucial, sparking debates about countering extreme glass cannon setups by finishing games rapidly before these builds can fully demonstrate their potential.

Countering the Glass Cannon Meta

Delving into the current trend of glass cannon characters, it’s natural that questions about effective countermeasures arise. As per Lucky-Luck’s input, the emphasis should be on seizing objectives quickly and maintaining a relentless offensive approach throughout the game. Other suggestions include opting for champions with strong crowd control or quicker fighter gods. For example, Drycee proposed the viability of a bruiser Zeus as a middle ground, offering both damage and survivability, enabling players to stay engaged while boosting their team’s overall strength. This discussion is evolving into a comprehensive strategy review, as players are now contemplating methods to handle excessive damage output while also rethinking traditional character role assumptions.

The dialogue around the glass cannon approach for Odin in Smite not only serves as a reminder of the game’s depth but also highlights a vibrant community eager to explore beyond the traditional boundaries of character roles and playstyles. With participants actively sharing their experiences and championing novel ideas, the Smite community is transforming how strategies are viewed and implemented. As the meta continues to evolve and players experiment with new builds, there will undoubtedly be more fascinating revelations on what works and what doesn’t among the diverse roster of characters. So, grab your favorite god, think a bit outside the box, and you might just unlock a new winning strategy that turns the tide in your favor.

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2024-09-11 05:58