Exploring Spending Trends in Smite: A Decade of Guardians and Gods

As a long-term Smite player, I find myself deeply intrigued by the recent discussion ignited by Cisko46285’s post about their decade-long journey with the game and the $45 they’ve spent. It’s fascinating to see the diverse reactions from the community, as it mirrors the multifaceted nature of our collective experiences with this game.

As a dedicated gamer who’s been part of the Smite community for the past ten years, I can attest to its size and passion. The ongoing debates around the game are a testament to that. Recently, a post from user Cisko46285 caught my attention and sparked quite a conversation. He shared his personal story of spending over $45 throughout his Smite journey. Admittedly, this amount may seem insignificant compared to other gaming expenses, but it sure started a firestorm of reactions.

I’ve Spent over $45 and a decade on Smite
byu/Cisko46285 inSmite


  • Players shared a spectrum of spending habits, with some disclosing substantial amounts spent on Smite over the years.
  • The original post led some to criticize the notion that spending $45 over ten years was significant in any way.
  • Conversations highlighted the community’s diverse opinions on monetization in gaming and individual values.
  • Several players emphasized their enjoyment of the game despite minimal or zero in-game purchases.

The Spending Spectrum

In response to the initial post in the Smite community, Cisko46285 expressed concern that spending more than $45 was a substantial amount for this free-to-play game. However, several users found this statement hard to believe and jokingly shared their own significant investments. Siilan playfully commented, “Over $45? You’d be shocked if you knew how much I’ve spent over the last nine years,” while LlamaLicker704 casually mentioned dropping around $2,000 over seven years with a hint of potential concern. These confessions demonstrate the vast range in spending habits and the emotional attachment to virtual worlds.

Community Reactions

In simpler terms, some players questioned the significance of a $45 expense mentioned in a post, leading AtlasExiled to ask for clarification and Minecraftplayer111 expressing confusion. This highlights the differing perspectives on what counts as a substantial investment within the gaming community, where large sums are regularly spent. The diverse spending habits of gamers often result in varying opinions regarding monetary engagement in gaming culture.

The Free-to-Play Dilemma

In Smite’s free-to-play setup, players have diverse views on spending because the game invites engagement from newcomers without upfront costs. Numerous commentators celebrated this aspect, expressing joy over accessing substantial content without having to spend much. A user named -trentacles shared his achievement of playing since 2015 and unlocking all gods and battle passes via daily logins – demonstrating a burgeoning tendency in the gaming world: proving that one can succeed in free-to-play games without relying on in-game purchases. This circumstance pushes developers to strike a balance between monetization and player satisfaction, as some players might perceive purchases as optional. The contrast between investing money for benefits and earning those same advantages through dedication generates intriguing debates about game design.

Values in the Gaming Landscape

In simpler terms, the diverse reactions showcase different perspectives on how players value both money and their enjoyment of games such as Smite. Several users expressed strong emotions towards the game, leading them to financially back the creators. For instance, a user named Kaiser_Heinlein stated, “I’ve been on and off since 2017, but I only spent money once – for Smite 2. Despite not playing frequently (thanks, wow addiction), I still wanted to support the team.” This perspective emphasizes that financial contributions can serve as a meaningful way of showing support to game developers who deliver enjoyable experiences. This idea raises further questions in the community about alternative methods for players to engage positively with developers beyond just being consumers.

Smite players keep finding a balance between enjoying the game and investing money in it. This becomes apparent in casual yet intriguing discussions about expenses within the community, revealing fundamental principles influencing player engagement. Ranging from playing Smite without making any purchases to recognizing different investment levels, the community serves as a space for exploring values and perspectives towards spending and enjoyment. Regardless of whether someone is frugal or extravagant, it’s evident that Smite holds appeal not only for its gameplay but also how individuals approach their experiences within it.

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2024-07-25 13:43