Exploring Base Building in Final Fantasy: A Community Perspective

As someone who grew up playing Suikoden and other RPGs that offered base building mechanics, this Reddit thread resonated deeply with me. The nostalgia it evoked was palpable, transporting me back to my childhood bedroom where I spent countless hours crafting my own virtual kingdoms.

Final Fantasy has long captivated players with its intricate narratives and gameplay mechanics. Recently, a post by user VermilionX88 sparked a discussion on the nostalgia surrounding base building in RPGs, particularly referencing the classic Suikoden series. In their post, VermilionX88 expressed gratitude for the base mechanics in the latest Final Fantasy installment, contrasting them with the simplistic airship exploration that has dominated many previous entries. This sentiment resonated with many users, leading to a vibrant exchange of thoughts, ideas, and differing opinions on what kind of base building RPG players want.

Ever since Suikoden, always loved base building in RPGs, I’m glad we have a base here instead of just an airship
byu/VermilionX88 inFinalFantasy


  • Users express nostalgia for deeper base mechanics, reminiscent of titles like Suikoden.
  • The community debates the effectiveness of base building in the latest Final Fantasy, with mixed reactions.
  • Responses highlight a desire for more sophisticated RPG elements within the base-building context.
  • Players explore the missed opportunities for interaction and development in Final Fantasy’s base mechanics.

The Nostalgic Pull of Base Building

Many gamers fondly remember the communal aspect linked to base-building mechanics from older RPGs like Suikoden. A user named dotryharder particularly cherished the base/sky port in Skies of Arcadia, appreciating how each crew member contributed to the overall ambiance and functionality of the base. This design encourages a feeling of camaraderie and player involvement, something that some think is absent from contemporary Final Fantasy games. The option to recruit and engage deeply with characters enhances gameplay, fostering emotional bonds that players sometimes feel are lacking.

The Rise and Fall of Expectations

As a passionate gamer, I’ve got to express my feelings about the latest Final Fantasy installment. Like many others in our gaming community, I was really hoping for more depth in base-building mechanics. I’ve always dreamt of experiencing a proper base-building system within the Final Fantasy universe, just as Ferdk put it so aptly, “I’ve always wanted proper base-building in a Final Fantasy game.

What Ideal Base Building Should Look Like

Players who are deeply invested in RPGs anticipate that upcoming games will enrich their base-building mechanics by adding intricate systems, including features like resource collection and character recruitment. These interactive elements could offer a satisfying feeling of control. A passionate fan of these mechanics, Vritrin, expressed his affection for them, stating “I adore base building in almost every game. Factory games are some of my favorites.” The excitement among users signifies not only a yearning for visual customization but also a desire for more complex gameplay dynamics. Proposals were made to integrate resource management, allowing players to witness the immediate impact of their decisions on their base’s development, akin to games like Breath of Fire 2 or Dark Cloud.

A Clear Call for More RPG Elements

As our discussion progressed, it became clear that today’s role-playing games (RPGs) should go beyond merely cosmetic improvements and delve into more complex mechanics. It seems there is a strong preference among players for an immersive RPG experience where they can influence the game world significantly. This could be achieved by introducing unique merchants, crafting systems with distinct paths, or expanding social interactions within the game’s foundation. Many gamers seem to be seeking a title that takes them on a journey from humble beginnings to impressive achievements, offering a classic RPG narrative arc that has been cherished for years.

The discussions on Reddit about building bases in Final Fantasy have revealed a widespread desire for immersive mechanics that hark back to classic games we cherish. As gamers express their opinions and recollections, it’s evident that there exists a dedicated community eager to see role-playing games incorporate more intricate and interactive elements similar to those that made past games great. The longing for improved base building mechanisms indicates a stronger bond with gameplay and the community, implying that players want to feel engaged not only in narratives but also in the worlds they explore. For now, the dialogue persists as fans ponder over their cherished memories and current game limitations, paving the way for future developments of this renowned series to flourish and progress.

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2024-09-24 06:13