Examining the Movement Speed Creep in League of Legends: Players Weigh In

As a devoted League of Legends player with over a decade of experience under my belt, I’ve witnessed the game evolve and adapt to numerous changes. The recent movement speed creep discussion on Reddit struck a chord within me as it resonated with the struggles I’ve faced in-game. It’s disheartening to see that champions like Cho’Gath or Udyr, whose unique identities rely on crowd control and maneuverability, are being overshadowed by the increasing mobility of other champions.

the increasing movement speed in the game which may be upsetting its balance. Players are noticing that champions meant to control crowds are weakened due to the enhanced mobility provided by certain items. This discussion sheds light on the intricacies of movement speed adjustments and their influence on the game as a whole. The Reddit thread reveals a divided opinion, with many players believing that more movement speed is harmful for champions with crowd control abilities and especially challenging for tank or bruiser players. By examining the comments in detail, we gain insights into how players perceive this issue and understand their concerns and annoyances.

Movement Speed creep has to be addressed
byu/StillIDie inleagueoflegends


  • Movement speed creep is perceived as diminishing the viability of crowd control champions in League of Legends.
  • Many players discuss how increased movement speed modifiers make it challenging for tanks and bruisers to engage effectively.
  • Some players argue that the increases in movement speed serve as a double-edged sword, particularly impacting the balance of gameplay.
  • The discussion reflects a desire for better balancing of items and champions to foster a more competitive environment.

Observations on Movement Speed Modifiers

In simpler terms, the post suggests that giving champions too many movement speed bonuses, such as 5%, 7%, and 10%, makes it harder for champions designed to immobilize opponents. While extra movement speed helps dodging crowd control, it seems that mobility has become an excessively valuable skill. A player complained about struggling to use Cho’Gath effectively due to other champions’ mobility. CheatingMoose shared similar views, pointing out how skilled players can make squishy champions nearly invulnerable with increased movement speed. The community is worried about the gameplay implications, particularly in advanced levels where mobility holds a significant edge.

Champions and Class Disparities

In the debates, it was brought up that there’s a significant difference in power between various champion classes and how swiftness affects their performance. Players have expressed concerns about champions with crowd control abilities becoming less effective against the current trend of increased movement speed. For instance, champions like Singed and Udyr, whose strengths lie in maneuvering and pressuring opponents, may find it challenging to execute their roles when confronting highly agile enemies. A user named Project39 shared insights about past alterations that have contributed to this predicament, mentioning that earlier, acquiring excessive movement speed used to diminish a character’s damage output. However, nowadays, champions can easily amass movement speed without substantial drawbacks, reducing the competitive edge and variety of champion selections. Riot’s objective for equilibrium is being undermined as mobility becomes an essential requirement.

Community Fixes and Suggestions

Players express their annoyances as they suggest potential solutions. Some fans propose reexamining the item stats, particularly removing certain movement speed bonuses from essential items. CheatingMoose explains, “Movement Speed is an unusual stat since it doesn’t have the typical balancing tools that defensive item stats possess.” This perspective highlights a deeper problem in how movement speed is incorporated into item development. As the community continues to demand modifications to movement speed items, Riot Games is under increasing pressure to take definitive steps and reestablish equilibrium and fairness in League of Legends. Grasping the dynamics behind this issue is essential for enthusiasts of the game’s competitive scene.

Long-Term Implications for Gameplay

If the current trend of increasing champion movement speeds continues, it could make champions focused on crowd control or those who play as tanks and bruisers less appealing to some players. A user named Enjutsu shared their concern, expressing that playing Soraka felt inadequate without mobility enhancements, showing that even support champions are affected by opponents’ increased mobility. This raises concerns about the future of champion diversity and whether certain roles may become more enjoyable than others. With supporters on both sides of the movement speed debate, it’s clear that a reevaluation is necessary to maintain a balanced gameplay experience for all players.

Players remain optimistic that expressing their opinions will result in noticeable modifications to gameplay mechanics. The possibility of tweaking champions’ movement speeds might encourage a wider range of tactics and champion picks. To ensure fairness in the use of items, it’s essential to strike a balance. This would maintain the relevance and effectiveness of crowd control champions against an ever-evolving roster of quicker characters. The ongoing conversation about movement speed demonstrates that the League of Legends community remains dedicated, pushing for a well-balanced, thrilling, and competitive gaming experience.

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2024-07-26 05:28