Enshrouded: The Quest for Meaningful Game Progression

Players enveloped in the game feel disappointed by the absence of significant advancement. Hurrying through levels leaves them with a sense of dissatisfaction as the progression suddenly comes to an end.

The main issue with the game is meaningful game progression.
byu/pleomax_b inEnshrouded


  • Players find the game’s progression rushed and unsatisfying.
  • Some appreciate the potential but long for a more complete experience.
  • Combat and variety in gameplay are highlighted as areas for improvement.

Players’ Frustrations

I, as a passionate gamer and avid fan of the game, express my disappointment with the scant provision of engaging activities following advancement in the game. The sudden cessation of the gameplay loop leaves me feeling overwhelmed by an influx of seemingly insignificant items, which ultimately undermines the sense of accomplishment derived from progression.

Early Access Woes

Frraksurred cautions gamers that “Enshrouded” is ongoing development, meaning some missing elements may lead to a disappointing advancement experience.

Finding Joy Amidst Frustration

In his post, Ok_Bad_936 highlights the pleasure derived from exploring dungeons such as the hollow hall, emphasizing enjoyable experiences within the game despite encountering difficulties with its advancement.

Looking Towards Improvement

Visible_Meal9200 recognizes the game’s exciting adventure aspects but recommends introducing more diversity in combat and character abilities to keep things fresh and avoid monotony in the long run. In simpler terms, they believe that adding new combat techniques and skills would enhance the overall gaming experience.

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2024-07-17 14:43