Enshrouded: Reddit Users Discuss Performance Issues on Steam Deck

As an avid fan of Enshrouded, I’ve been following the ongoing discussions about the game’s performance on Steam Deck with great interest. From my perspective, it’s clear that many players are experiencing some significant challenges when it comes to frame rates. I’ve seen several users reporting that even with all settings set to their lowest, the game remains unplayable.

Enshrouded players on Reddit are diving into performance issues on the Steam Deck.

Playing on steam deck on lowest everything and it’s unplayable
byu/An4rchy17 inEnshrouded


  • Players struggle with low FPS on the Steam Deck
  • Docked Steam Deck presents better performance than undocked
  • Hosting game from the Steam Deck impacts performance

Users’ Experiences

One suggestion is that some users recommend operating a separate server on a personal computer rather than relying on Steam Deck for hosting, as this approach may lead to improved performance.

Another user suggests checking if the Deck is in a battery-saving mode affecting performance.

Resolution and Framrate

One player recommends adjusting screen resolution to potentially improve FPS.

A user notes occasional pop-ins but overall satisfactory performance without hosting a server.

Alternative Solutions

One suggestion is renting a low-end server to offload host duties from the Steam Deck.

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2024-07-14 23:43