Enshrouded Players Seek Solution for Automatic Item Placement in Quickbar

As a seasoned Enshrouded gamer who has spent countless hours battling monsters and mastering the game’s intricacies, I can wholeheartedly empathize with ‘Naive-Fondant-754’s’ quickbar predicament. The automatic item placement feature, while seemingly innocuous, can be a real headache when you’re in the heat of battle and your preferred tool gets replaced by an unwanted trinket.

Players are at present debating an issue that’s been bothering them all, which is the game’s automatic placement of items in the quickbar. User ‘Naive-Fondant-754’ posted about this problem on the game’s subreddit, expressing their annoyance when they discovered that the quickbar would fill up automatically whenever they picked up new items. The community has offered constructive advice and different methods for effectively organizing the quickbar. This conversation mirrors a wider feeling among gamers concerning how game mechanics influence gameplay efficiency.

Is there setting that disables automatic placement of items into quickbar when picked up? Cant see anything
byu/Naive-Fondant-754 inEnshrouded


  • The automatic placement of items in Enshrouded’s quickbar is a source of frustration for some players.
  • Community members suggest workarounds instead of a potential settings adjustment.
  • Players emphasize the importance of customizable gameplay to enhance user experience.
  • An ongoing discussion highlights the community’s eagerness for more game features and updates.

The Quickbar Quandary

As a gamer, I’ve found myself in the heat of battle within Enshrouded, relying heavily on the quickbar for swift access to my items and abilities. However, it can be frustrating when the game automatically assigns items, disrupting my strategic setup, especially during critical moments. I remember a situation where I was in the thick of combat, reaching for my go-to item, only to find it replaced by some random loot pickup. This feature can sometimes hinder quick decision-making, as unwanted automatic placements can throw off the gameplay flow.

Community Suggestions

In response to the initial post, users have come up with several imaginative ideas to address the problem of automatic item placement. For instance, user ‘Tampflor’ proposes filling non-vital inventory slots, such as those for dirt or stones, in the quickbar. This way, if items get automatically replaced, players won’t lose their crucial combat tools. Other users suggested similar tactics, recognizing that certain items won’t interfere with their gameplay while still occupying the slots. This thoughtful solution highlights the creativity of the gaming community as they find ways to deal with the game’s peculiarities.

Request for Features

A frequent request among the comments was for improved user settings, enabling players to manually manage or personalize the automatic placement of items in the quickbar. User ‘lilibat’ even proposed a community vote for this feature as a potential solution. This demand underscores the desire within the Enshrouded gaming community for developers to take notice of player feedback and to improve gameplay by offering customizable features. It serves as a reminder that, while many players are passionate about the game, they also seek control over their in-game tools to enhance their experience.

Understanding Player Sentiment

The general mood within the discussion is predominantly one of frustration, but it’s tempered with a deep involvement from the community. Many comments maintain an upbeat tone while still offering useful suggestions, demonstrating an eagerness to find solutions rather than merely venting about the issues at hand. For instance, ‘FlippantMan’ offers a supportive remark like “Great question,” and various users provide practical guidance. This collaborative environment encourages a feeling of unity among participants, emphasizing that they are all working together towards a common goal.

Fundamentally, continuous conversations about the automatic placement of items on the quickbar reveal an enthusiastic player community seeking methods to optimize their gameplay. Their active involvement not only underscores their commitment but also points out possible directions for game developers to explore as they refine Enshrouded. As the game matures, players’ demands for new features will play a crucial role in creating a system that caters to individual playing styles, boosts community interaction, and ultimately increases enjoyment – the essence of any exceptional gaming journey.

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2024-09-16 19:29