Enshrouded: A Community Discussion on Progression Challenges

As a gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I’ve seen it all – from the pixelated classics to the modern-day masterpieces. Enshrouded is one such game that has caught my attention recently, and while it’s impressive on many levels, there’s an aspect that needs a bit of tweaking: progression mechanics.

Since its debut, Enshrouded has held players spellbound, yet, like any fresh game, certain features have sparked debate. A post on a well-known subreddit sparked discussion about whether the game’s progression mechanics might need adjustment. User DomeShapedDom, after playing for around 10 hours and reaching level 8, voiced their thoughts. They admired the game but pointed out a growing worry about persistently feeling under-leveled during progression. They explained how intense crafting, construction, and tackling numerous challenges made them feel slightly swamped, as they encountered a noticeable level gap when entering new regions. The user proposed that the game could profit from a level range indicator on the map to offer clearer directions, as charging past enemies to reach objectives was not pleasurable.

I feel the progression needs some tuning.
byu/DomeShapedDom inEnshrouded


  • Players appreciate Enshrouded’s mechanics but feel its leveling system could use adjustments.
  • Concerns revolve around being under-leveled compared to intended game challenges.
  • Suggestions include adding level range overlays and improving armor availability.
  • Multiple users have noted the importance of co-op play to mitigate leveling issues.

Community Concerns About Leveling

The main concern raised by DomeShapedDom was the sense of being under-leveled, which is not an uncommon issue for players encountered within crucial gameplay mechanics. One user chimed in, “Level is only a part of the power equation. Elixir wells, which give you skill points, is another very big part of it.” This comment highlights a sentiment that, despite feeling under-leveled, utilizing available resources can help level the playing field. Yet, the original post argues that the struggle has rendered some enemy encounters more frustrating than fun, especially for those who value a balanced difficulty curve.

Suggestions for Improved Progression

Multiple gamers advocated for various improvements, from minor tweaks to substantial overhauls. User Deji95 suggested an approach where players experiencing advancement hurdles might try optional missions or mining until their levels evened out. They discovered that being slightly behind level could result in more thrilling and lucrative battle encounters. This subtle recommendation could motivate players to delve into every aspect of the game without being too rigid about a strict level progression system. Furthermore, there was a suggestion for a general enemy scaling mechanism that would empower players while maintaining appropriate difficulty levels.

The Role of Co-op Play

In games such as Enshrouded, when there’s a multiplayer focus, some players might encounter variations in their gaming experiences due to inconsistencies. Majorawesomesauce shared an observation that their gameplay significantly changed once they brought friends along for the adventure, finding even difficult sections more manageable with teamwork. This idea aligns with Top_Conversation1652’s feedback, who mentioned that playing alongside or with players of similar skill levels can alter the overall gaming dynamic. These observations underscore both the benefits of having a partner in your quest and the hurdles that arise when adopting a less direct strategy if you choose to play alone.

Armor and Gear Availability

AnonymousPlayer brought up an essential topic concerning armor and equipment, arguing for a basic armor set that offers sufficient protection without extra benefits. They find it challenging, even intimidating, to face level 20 opponents with level 13 gear. Moreover, they noted that making higher-level items frequently necessitates fighting more difficult boss enemies. This situation seems overwhelming at lower levels. Consequently, the community has been vocal about needing a wider variety of crafting options to address these challenges.

The overarching theme arising from the conversation around Enshrouded and its progression mechanics reflects a dedication to improving the gaming experience based on community feedback. Players feel a strong connection to their adventures and are invested in seeing the game evolve in a way that balances challenge with accessibility. As the developers continue their journey with this game, they might find inspiration in these discussions, leading to further enhancements that resonate with both avid explorers and casual players alike. With an engaged community behind it, Enshrouded seems well-positioned to refine its systems to cultivate a more enriching experience for all types of gamers.

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2024-08-19 03:58