Dungeonborne Class Tier List – Best Class

As a seasoned adventurer with years of exploration under my belt, I’ve had the pleasure of encountering various classes in the mystical world of Dungeonborne. My experiences have shaped my perspective on each class, and today, I’d like to share my thoughts on three of them: Rogue, Priest, and Cryomancer.

In the game Dungeonborne, there are eight distinct character classes for you to select from, all boasting exclusive skills and capabilities. To aid you in deciding on your next Dungeonborne persona, I’ll describe and rate each class in detail.

All Dungeonborne Classes, Ranked

In the following table, each Dungeonborne Class is categorized from S-Tier to C-Tier. A class’s ranking is determined by its effectiveness in solo play and teamwork situations.

SSword Master
ADeath Knight, Druid, Fighter, Pyromancer
CCryomancer, Priest

Best Classes to play in Dungeonborne

As a seasoned player of Dungeonborne, I’ve spent countless hours experimenting with various classes and have come to form my own opinions about their strengths and weaknesses. Based on my personal experience and the intricacies of each class, I believe the following ranking accurately reflects their merit:

1 – Sword Master

Dungeonborne Class Tier List – Best Class

Abilities: Excel at initiating and concluding battles, as well as tracking down adversaries. Capable of blending into the environment undetected by remaining stationary and hiding in a crouched position.

As a fan, I’d put it this way: I’ve noticed that this character really shines when wielding a one-handed weapon in their hand. However, they seem to run into trouble when it comes to keeping a steady supply of these weapons on hand. Unfortunately, if they’re not careful, their skills could accidentally harm their teammates during the heat of battle.

The Sword Master is an excellent choice for solo and team play in the S-Tier rank, boasting formidable close-combat skills with primary use of two-handed and one-handed weapons. They excel at swiftly defeating adversaries through both power and agility. Their magical abilities cause significant damage yet necessitate the sacrifice of 1 to 4 swords for each cast. I personally prefer the E spell due to its convenience, as it only demands one sword which can be obtained from dungeons or merchants with ease. This spell rotates around you much like the Fighter’s Whirlwind while enabling continued combat and defense.

As a seasoned adventurer and long-time player of this intriguing game world, I’ve come to appreciate the unique quirks and capabilities of various classes. And among them, there are some truly fascinating characters that stand out – like our dearest Swordmasters, who share an uncanny resemblance with the elusive Druids.

2 – Druid

Dungeonborne Class Tier List – Best Class

Advantages: Druids boast impressive mobility and can effectively engage in battles at a distance or up close. Similar to Sword Masters, they possess the innate ability to conceal themselves in stealth by assuming a crouching position and remaining stationary due to their elven lineage.

An alternate expression could be: Areas for Improvement: They have a delicate build and mastering their use takes time and careful placement.

The role of Druids in Dungeonborne has been shrouded in much intrigue due to its novelty and some players’ preference for mastering other, more physically powerful roles instead. However, I’ve discovered a deep affection for this class when constructing my team. A significant factor contributing to my fondness is the ability to enhance a Druid’s Dexterity, which grants them the power to detect enemies lurking within a 30-meter radius while in their panther form.

In various gaming sessions, I’ve managed to alert my team to incoming threats by warning them about the enemy locations before they were even aware of my presence and my three-member group. An additional advantage is that examining the enemies’ weapons and armor can provide a good estimation of their classes. Knowing the identities, positions, and weapon types of our opponents makes it much simpler for our team to focus on specific targets and strategize before actual combat ensues.

The Druid’s passive skill is not the only thing that makes them notable. With their Panther transformation, they can perform some light reconnaissance, slip in and out of battles unscathed, and inflict poke damage on opponents. They also have the power to summon Treants, which can harm groups of enemies at once, shield you or your allies while healing, or act as a formidable barrier to block an enemy’s escape route. If you find yourself taking heavy damage or waiting for an opportunity to open a portal, press and hold crouch to go invisible and stealthily heal in place. As Druids belong to the Elf race, this stealth mode allows them to recover their health invisibly and quietly, providing a convenient moment to use healing items like bandages or potions.

3 – Fighter

Dungeonborne Class Tier List – Best Class

Strengths: Friendly fire immunity skill, close combat fighting.

Weaknesses: Ranged combat, vulnerable during Q skill.

A Fighter is an entry-level, top-tier character in the game with a straightforward and intuitive mechanic. They carry a sword and shield, delivering regular attacks and boasting a formidable Q ability for powerful strikes, as well as an E skill that grants them a small advantage. Their Whirling Q move gains significant might due to developers enhancing the damage inflicted by heavy weapons. This makes them effective against monsters and opponents in early stages of the game. However, they can be outmaneuvered by skilled players in advanced levels, requiring more strategic play instead of relying solely on brute force. Therefore, Fighters remain relevant but demand greater tactical understanding in higher ranks.

An advantageous aspect of having Fighters in Dungeonborne is that they can enhance their abilities to avoid causing or receiving harm to teammates. This feature makes them an excellent choice when partnering with other fighters. With a Fighter shielding the way, teammates can confidently join the battle without fear of being injured or accidentally hurting each other. Although it may seem insignificant, this synergy significantly impacts team dynamics and resource management during combat. I’ve found myself struggling to use spells and attacks effectively due to the risk of harming my allies. Having a Fighter with anti-friendly fire abilities would have allowed me to concentrate solely on eliminating enemies without worrying about unintended consequences.

4 – Pyromancer

Dungeonborne Class Tier List – Best Class

Strengths: Good at long-range fighting and can knock back melee fighters who come too close.

Weaknesses: Spells take a while to fully charge and their movement is somewhat slow.

A Pyromancer is a magical combatant, well-equipped for battles at a distance. Their title indicates that all their spells revolve around fire. Their Q ability unleashes a volley of smaller homing fireballs when not fully charged, and one large area of effect fireball upon full charge. With their flaming staffs, they pose a significant threat to players from afar. However, due to the time required to cast spells, they may struggle against enemies up close. Pyromancers possess a secondary skill that pushes back adversaries while inflicting fire damage on them. This talent offers an advantage when used tactically against melee assailants. Furthermore, I’ve observed that setting enemies ablaze can enhance their visibility in dark areas. This is particularly useful for smaller creatures such as bats and more elusive ghost-like beings.

5 – Death Knight

Dungeonborne Class Tier List – Best Class

Strengths: A heavy hitter that can pull enemies in to get the upper hand.

Weaknesses: Not very mobile and relies heavily on gathering Soul Energy.

As a gamer, if I’m on the hunt for a powerful character who thrives in close quarters, the Death Knight class is perfect for me. With immense strength, I can take down enemies up close and personal. Other classes don’t stand a chance against my formidable attacks. However, my speed leaves much to be desired, making it essential for me to plan strategies that maximize my strengths while minimizing my vulnerabilities.

Although they may not be fast, they compensate with exceptional skills. Their E ability attracts adversaries towards them, providing an edge in battles. This is beneficial for drawing in distant or vulnerable opponents like Priests into closer range for a swift defeat. The synergy between their Q skill and this ability enhances the effect by slowing enemies and inflicting extra damage.

Instead of relying on Mana for casting spells, a Death Knight, being an Undead class, uses Soul Energy instead. Worry not, as you enhance their abilities, they’ll generate additional Soul Energy upon seizing enemies.

6 – Rogue

Dungeonborne Class Tier List – Best Class

Strengths: Very agile and able to sneak up on players using their stealth skills.

A potential drawback is that their health and defensive abilities are limited, making it essential for players to employ strategic gameplay to endure hazardous conditions.

A Rogue is a sneaky assailant who employs surprise attacks and swiftly retreats, catching off-guard players of any class or those momentarily detached from their team. Equipped with covert abilities, they can become invisible to launch unseen strikes and contaminate their weapons to inflict Petrify on adversaries.

In simpler terms, these characters are well-suited for the Priest and Cryomancer roles, with an edge gained through surprise, agility, and potent damage. However, they face challenges in other scenarios. Their frail constitution makes them vulnerable to melee classes that catch them off guard or misuse their abilities. Additionally, mastering their dual-wielding skills is crucial, as missing attacks against enemies can be a common issue if you’re accustomed to using single or double-handed weapons.

7 – Priest

Dungeonborne Class Tier List – Best Class

Strengths: They can do both direct and AOE healing, plus place shields on themselves and allies.

Weaknesses: They have low health, low defense, and not enough attack to stand on their own.

As a gamer in Dungeonborne, I can tell you that the Priest class stands out as the true support character among all others. When it comes to choosing my Q skill, I have two options: an area-of-effect healing or a player-focused charged heal. Both abilities come in handy during battles, but the E skills are especially noteworthy. With each E, I can protect myself or allies with a shield for a set duration. This feature is great in theory because it saves precious resources and ensures we’re always prepared, even if we don’t have many supplies on hand.

Despite their ability to heal, Priests face several significant disadvantages. They must frequently restore mana for continuous healing, both for themselves and their allies. The amount of healing gained is meager compared to the mana expended. Moreover, these characters possess limited strength. They inflict little damage, lack substantial defense, and have a modest health pool. Consequently, Priests are highly vulnerable to assaults from adversaries such as Rogues or front-liners. In most cases, they will succumb unless accompanied by two sturdy teammates capable of absorbing the brunt of the attack.

8 – Cryomancer

Dungeonborne Class Tier List – Best Class

Strengths: Good for crowd-controlling groups during PVP situations.

Weaknesses: Does not have a good skill to regenerate their Soul Energy.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I’ve encountered many unique and fascinating characters in the magical world of gaming. Among them are the enigmatic Cryomancers. These spellcasters, with their chilling aura, have always intrigued me.

As a gamer, I’ve come across characters who lack the capability to self-regenerate Soul Energy like the Death Knight. Instead, they’re forced to rely on Mana potions to restore their spellcasting capabilities. This is less of an issue when playing with a team, but for solo players, it can be quite challenging. When confronted by larger monsters or adversaries, running out of Soul Energy can leave you in a difficult situation. For new players with weaker equipment, this gap in abilities can be even more pronounced.

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2024-07-22 14:51