Don’t Miss the Mega Audino Raid Day: Tips to Catch This Rare Pokémon!

Niantic has officially announced that Mega Audino is set to be added to the Mega Evolution roster within Pokemon Go, making its grand entrance during a dedicated Special Raid Event.

Currently, only a handful of Mega Evolutions remain absent from Pokemon Go. To continuously shorten this list, Niantic has announced the addition of another: Mega Audino!

In contrast to when Mega Gallade made its debut during the Dual Destiny season, the present Might and Mastery season will highlight another dual-type Pokémon from Generation 5 – Mega Audino. Discover everything about this unique Raid Day, such as the date, tickets, bonuses, and additional details.

Mega Audino Raid Day: Date & time

On Saturday, April 5, 2025, between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM (local time), Mega Audino will make its first appearance in Pokemon Go during a special Raid Day event.

For the subsequent three hours, there’ll be a higher likelihood that Mega Audino will show up in Mega Raids, as we honor its grand entrance by boosting the probability of it being Shiny.

Keep in mind that Mega Evolutions are just temporary transformations. After successfully battling and overpowering Mega Audino, there’ll be an opportunity for you to capture a standard Audino. Later on, you can bring out the Pokemon’s Mega form by employing Mega Energy, which you can gather by defeating Mega Raid leaders.

Attack availability updates

After undergoing the initial event, Audino will acquire the ability to use the charged move Moonblast thereafter.

Moonblast stats

  • Trainer battles: 110 power
  • Gym and Raid battles: 130 power

Event bonuses

Players who participate in the Mega Audino Raid Day can benefit from these bonuses:

  • Remote Raid Passes limit increased to 20 from April 4, 2025, at 5:00 PM until April 5, 2025, at 8:00 PM PDT.
  • Receive up to five additional free Raid Passes from spinning Gym Photo Discs for a total of six.
  • Increased chance of encountering Shiny Audino from Mega Raids.

Event ticket

For dedicated trainers, there’s an opportunity to earn extra rewards and goods by investing a small amount of around US$ 5.00 (depending on your local currency) for an event ticket from the in-game shop. This purchased ticket comes with added perks:

  • Eight additional Raid Passes from spinning Gym Photo Discs, for a daily total of 14.
  • Increased chance to get Rare Candy XL from Raid battles.
  • 50% more XP from Raid battles.
  • x2 Stardust from Raid battles.

As a dedicated fan, I’m thrilled to share that during the three-hour Mega Audino Raid Day, bonuses will be active! However, don’t forget to grab your ticket before one hour before it ends, which is on April 5, 2025, at 4:00 PM local time. The ticket will still be available in the shop until then.

As a dedicated Pokémon Go player, I can buy and share event tickets with my buddies who are at least my Great Friends or above in our friendship tally.

Timed Research

During the upcoming event, a chance for a complimentary Time-bound Study will be offered. Successful completion of the assigned tasks will grant you these perks and additional benefits:

  • x10,000 Stardust
  • x1,000 additional Stardust for completing a Raid battle for a total of 2,000 Stardust – or 3,000 Stardust for ticket holders
  • And more!

Pokemon Go Web Store – Ultra Ticket Box

At the Pokemon Go web store during the event, you’ll find a Mega Audino Raid Day Ultra Ticket Box for purchase at a price of $4.99 (or its equivalent in your local currency).

The Ultra Ticket Box will include:

  • x1 event ticket
  • x1 Premium Battle Pass

Here’s what you need to know about the Mega Audino Raid Day event in Pokemon Go: Make sure to also review the schedule for Spotlight Hours and take a look at both the regular Raid Bosses and Shadow Raid bosses that are currently available.

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2025-03-20 20:49