Diablo Mythics: What to Do with Your Extra Gear?

As a seasoned Diablo player with countless hours spent slaying demons and hoarding loot, I find myself deeply immersed in the ongoing debate about what to do with those pesky extra mythics. Like Lothar93, I too am constantly seeking ways to optimize my gaming experience while keeping up with the ever-evolving world of Sanctuary.

Enthusiasts of Diablo are constantly seeking fresh tactics to optimize their gaming time. A post by user Lothar93 on the Diablo subreddit initiated a captivating debate about how players should manage their surplus mythics. As we wait for upcoming updates, the community has been expressing their ideas on various topics, such as dismantling equipment or saving it for future crafting options. The mood is a blend of eagerness and annoyance, as many are balancing the current gameplay mechanics while keeping an eye on possible future modifications.

What you guys do with your extra mythics? Should I dusk and roll for GA ones?
byu/Lothar93 indiablo4


  • Players are divided on keeping versus utilizing extra mythics, with suggestions ranging from saving for patches to crafting immediately.
  • Anxiety over patch changes is palpable, with many advising patience until patch 2.0 drops.
  • Transmog options create a fun yet strategic way to make use of less desirable gear.
  • Hoarding mythics transforms from a burden into a potential boon for future character builds.

Crafting Dilemma

In the realm of creating mythical items, there’s a lot of differing viewpoints. For instance, Derpazoid69 strongly suggests players should postpone crafting until the highly anticipated update 2.0 arrives. The rationale? A modification that ensures any crafted mythic will include at least one Gear Affix, an alteration many users consider a game-changer. Essentially, Derpazoid advises, “Hold off on crafting mythics but dust Eternal if you can, until after patch 2.0 is released.” Delaying crafting could mean missing out on superior gear possibilities, and numerous players believe that exercising patience might lead to more potent itemization in the future.

Transmog Trends

Among gamers, there’s no lack of style-focused action heroes. A striking remark from user ‘not_interested_sir’ highlights, “I keep the armor so I can change its appearance to look incredibly cool, lol.” This resonated with many, emphasizing how players desire their characters to appear as formidable as they perform. Transmogrification allows players to exhibit a distinct style, merging fashion with practicality. Since cosmetics are significant within the game, those additional legendary items do not need to be discarded—they can be modified into something that serves a purpose and stands out visually in the Diablo universe.

Trading Gear and Alts

A commonly used strategy among gamers is passing on excess legendary items to secondary characters. As User StrikingSpare100 mentioned, they find it more convenient to distribute these extras to their alts instead of repeatedly switching gear. By doing so, not only do players improve their overall gaming experience, but they also get the opportunity to test various character builds and strategies. This insight from the community underscores a cooperative aspect in gaming, where making sacrifices can lead to improved gameplay for multiple characters. As mutual assistance becomes increasingly prevalent in this conversation, it’s clear that sharing resources helps maintain the game’s interest level.

The RNG Factor

One unsettling truth that emerged throughout the discussion revolves around the concept of RNG (random number generation) and frustration among players. Morsoth humorously poses the question, “What kind of offerings to the RNG God have you made?” This humorous sentiment rings true for many who feel that their luck has not been in their favor. Players like mixer2017 shared their desolation at lacking even a single mythic throughout their gameplay. This rollercoaster of finding great gear versus continually disappointing RNG adds a layer of unpredictability. For fans of Diablo, this unpredictability can be a double-edged sword, leading to both exhilarating victories and frustrating defeats.

In Diablo, as players ponder how best to utilize their surplus mythical items, the game’s community stays lively and interactive. They consider tactical crafting postponements or opt for transmogrification for distinctive character appearances. Regardless of patch updates’ unpredictability, they’re determined to optimize their resources, demonstrating a strong drive.

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2024-09-14 02:14