Destiny 2’s Stasis Struggles: An In-Depth Look at Weak Damage Options

As a seasoned Guardian with more than a thousand hours under my belt, I can’t help but feel a pang of nostalgia when I read through this thread about Stasis. Back in the day, I remember wielding Reed’s Regret like a goddamn Exo-hammer, clearing rooms faster than you could say “Garden of Salvation.” But alas, those glory days seem to be long gone now that Stasis has been relegated to the role of crowd control support class.

Players are complaining about Destiny 2’s Stasis subclass feeling neglected and underpowered. A post by user ‘andierooie’ highlighted the lack of heavy weapons and abilities compared to other subclasses, leading to less effective damage output. Many players have expressed their frustrations in comments, agreeing that Stasis struggles in a game where stronger alternatives dominate. Despite some suggestions for viable Stasis weapons, they don’t seem to address the bigger issue that Stasis is not performing well in the current meta.

Why are there basically no good Stasis damage options?
byu/andierooie inDestinyTheGame


  • The poster highlights Stasis as the weakest subclass regarding damage options and relevance in the current meta.
  • Community members shared mixed feelings, acknowledging Stasis’s crowd-control advantages while lamenting its lackluster damage options.
  • Some players provided alternative suggestions for effective Stasis weapons, illustrating the nuanced strategies within the subclass.
  • The conversation illustrated the ongoing balance issues in Destiny 2, with players feeling Bungie’s nerfs disproportionately affected Stasis.

The Weakness of Stasis Damage Options

It’s evident from andierooie’s post that the Stasis subclass stands alone in terms of dealing damage compared to other subclasses, which have a variety of powerful weapons vying for top spots. The author suggests that community sentiment is largely frustrated, and they aren’t hesitant to express it. Techman- noted, “This is entirely Bungie’s fault,” hinting at the developer’s decision to weaken precision frame rockets that were previously effective in Stasis’s arsenal. This type of conversation reveals a larger pattern; players feel Stasis is penalized for focusing on crowd control while other elements are more successful. Even when players try to support options like Typhon or Ager’s Scepter, they admit these weapons aren’t as competitive as their counterparts.

Alternative Perspectives on Stasis

It’s worth noting that although some users express clear frustration, not all feedback is negative. For example, user mattmydude points out that while Stasis may not excel in damage output, it boasts some fantastic exotic weapons. These weapons are highly effective at controlling crowds and offering unique gameplay experiences. The Ager’s Scepter is lauded for its ability to eliminate adds efficiently, while Cryosthesia 77K is deemed a formidable weapon in PvP. This suggests that although Stasis may fall short in DPS competitions, it has notable strengths, particularly in PvP situations. These conversations underscore the fact that players are determined to make the most of their chosen subclass, even with design flaws in the weapons.

Bungie’s Balancing Act

The discussion also touches on Bungie’s delicate act of maintaining balance, often criticized by the gaming community. As pointed out by nevikjames, ‘it has been strengthened and now causes less self-damage from its splash effect,’ regarding the Stasis HGL Waveframe from Neomuna. This suggests that while there are signs of improvement with adjustments, Bungie’s quick reactions to balance the game can lead to an unpredictable gaming environment. Even the mention of Stasis buffs stirs suspicion among players as they question if the changes are just temporary solutions in a highly competitive imbalance. Moreover, the perception that Bungie favors crowd control abilities exclusive to Stasis hints at a widespread belief among players that the subclass is limited—effective in specific situations but ultimately not competitive in a wide range of weapon playstyles.

The Community’s Take on the Meta Shift

The main conversation about the pros and cons of Stasis often touches upon the player base’s opinions regarding its gameplay dynamics, specifically its meta. One player commented, ‘Stasis was intended to be an element primarily for clearing additional enemies,’ but they note that other elements have been equipped with similar abilities, yet with significantly increased power levels. This portrays a situation where players initially thrilled about Stasis’s unique aspects are now disheartened, as they feel it has been left behind, while other subclasses continue to advance with impressive perks like those found in Solar and Strand. As feelings of frustration grow, some members look back at the past, reminiscing about when Stasis weapons such as Reed’s Regret ruled the meta—a stark contrast to their current sentiments, which imply that ‘Bungie believes freeze is so potent they inevitably weaken all Stasis weapons excessively.’

It’s evident that the community is facing a tough decision, caught between fond memories of past ‘meta’ instances and the current situation where Stasis seems to be lagging behind. Despite this, players remain optimistic about a comeback, demonstrating their deep-seated love for the game and the class that appears to have lost some favor in recent updates.

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2024-09-13 09:58