Destiny 2’s Echoes Act III Finale: Fans React to a Lacking Conclusion

As a seasoned Guardian of the Last City, I’ve witnessed countless battles, triumphs, and heartaches within the rich tapestry that is Destiny 2. The Echoes Act III finale left me feeling a tad disheartened, much like a Ghost whose power core has just been depleted in the Crucible.

The game Destiny 2 has been known for its deep storyline and thrilling combat, so it’s not surprising that the ending of Act III of Echoes stirred up a lot of conversation among its fanbase. Players have expressed their dissatisfaction on various online platforms, particularly a well-known subreddit, about how the finale was handled. Fans had high hopes for how the storyline would wrap up, considering the buildup and character development surrounding figures like Saint-14 and Osiris. Instead of the intense battle they expected, they encountered an underwhelming cinematic that left many puzzled and asking, “What exactly just happened?

What Echoes Act III Finale could have been
byu/Sututiv indestiny2


  • Players expressed disappointment over the anticlimactic finale of Echoes Act III.
  • Many felt the ending undermined the villains’ significance and offered little closure.
  • Comments highlighted desires for more agency and action in the culminating scene.
  • The narrative focus on Saint-14 and Osiris left some fans unsatisfied.

The Build-Up to the Finale

As a dedicated fan, I must admit that the path leading up to Act III’s Echoes finale had me buzzing with anticipation. However, upon reaching the climax, it felt more like a once-great TV show struggling to find its way, leaving many of us scratching our heads. One user put it perfectly: “I appreciate that this whole season aimed to rebuild the Vex as formidable and relevant, but…it ended up making what was once the most powerful and intelligent faction into a punchline.

Reactions to the Final Showdown

During the anticipated climactic event, many players found the resolution underwhelmingly anticlimactic. As one commentator put it, “Instead of a dramatic standoff, there was a gradual withdrawal – or tactfully retreating.” This was hardly the epic battle that players had envisioned. Rather than squaring off against the enigmatic Maya in an exhilarating back-and-forth duel, they became mere spectators in a staged performance. Another dissatisfied player joked, “How on earth did she manage to survive and use shield and nova bomb against two of the strongest guardians ever?” The thread echoed with discontent as numerous users expressed disappointment over squandered opportunities for immersive gameplay and story progression.

Character Development and Narrative Focus

According to DrkrZen’s observation, the conclusion of the storyline seemed to emphasize more on the relationship between Saint and Osiris rather than fully addressing the main threat. This shift in focus left some viewers feeling that the portrayal of the villains was insufficient, as expressed by fans: “The ending was tough to watch; it felt like Bungie overlooked the fact that we had just defeated the Witness.” The absence of a satisfying resolution for the Vex, who were quite prominent earlier in the season, left fans feeling cheated out of a substantial conclusion to their ongoing battle. Fans argued that this narrative decision lessened the tension, and many hoped for more attention given to the villains, considering their rich lore.

Call for Engagement in Future Content

Due to many gamers feeling excluded from the gameplay, there’s been a strong call for more control over their character’s actions within the storyline. One user suggested a small modification could have made a significant difference: “Wouldn’t it be great if we went into the endless forest to face her?” This desire for immersion reflects a growing preference among gaming communities for immersive, interactive experiences. The idea that players should not just observe events but actively engage with them echoes the participatory culture that Destiny 2 encourages. Players are eager for the opportunity to influence the storyline and experience consequences from their actions.

Despite some players feeling disappointed with the Echoes Act III finale of Destiny 2, it sparked conversations that could lead to better storytelling in the future. As players analyzed their feelings, it became evident that they are deeply invested in the game’s narrative and yearn for opportunities to influence its development. The call for more interactive, player-centric narratives might guide Bungie towards creating fresh content. Such discussions help maintain the community’s vitality, showcasing players’ fervor for Destiny 2 and its unfolding tale.

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2024-09-18 01:13