Destiny 2: Why Players Are Begging Bungie to Disable Sword Tracking

As a seasoned Destiny 2 gamer with hundreds of hours under my belt, I can’t help but feel a pang of frustration when it comes to the sword tracking system. It’s like playing whack-a-mole with an invisible mole that appears on another planet sometimes! The sword tracking feature feels more like a wild stallion than a reliable ally.

In Destiny 2, gamers remain enthralled by its progressive gameplay, however, one specific aspect has sparked some discontent: the weapon tracking system. A user named an_emo_mc voiced their frustration in a recent post about the sword tracking feature, which sometimes propels characters towards enemies that are off-screen or even towards enemies who have already been defeated. The solution proposed is straightforward yet significant: players want the option to switch this tracking feature on or off for a more enjoyable gaming experience. This post sparked a lively debate within the Destiny 2 community.

Dear Bungie please let us disable sword tracking
byu/an_emo_mc inDestinyTheGame


  • Players are frustrated with sword tracking, claiming it often targets enemies that are out of sight or already dead.
  • The community is advocating for a toggle feature to manage sword tracking functionality.
  • Players feel that the current tracking mechanic detracts from gameplay enjoyment, particularly in high-speed or competitive scenarios.
  • The sentiment is largely negative, with many expressing irritation over the system’s reliability and unexpected behavior.

The Frustration with Tracking

The core of the issue lies in the sword tracking mechanic itself. Players have pointed out that it sometimes directs their character’s attack toward targets that are physically far away or out of the player’s view entirely. User Cook-mobile humorously highlighted, “I think making this function with a sword-only weapon mod would be pretty convenient, that way you could have it customized for eager edge swords.” This sentiment resonates with many, as it reflects a desire for customization—specifically, the ability to control when and how sword tracking operates. It appears that the antics of the algorithmic sword are causing more chaos than players would like, and they’re ready for a change.

Community Experience and Shared Frustrations

The post brought forth a flood of stories, with players sharing incidents where the tracking has led them astray. User S3b0u mentioned their anger while watching clips where players succeeded due to perfect tracking, contrasting it with their own experience of missing enemies right in front of them. “The tracking on eager edge swords is crazy. If any target is not in the field of view, it shouldn’t even try to track to it…” This sentiment encapsulates the growing frustration with the sword behavior in high-pressure situations, where every missed strike can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Many respondents echoed S3b0u’s sentiment, claiming that sword tracking was less of a helpful partner and more of an unpredictable mascot dancing all over their strategy.

The Tribulations of Eager Edge

The main topic of these conversations centers on the ‘Eager Edge’ sword skill, known for its somewhat aggressive targeting. User Ba_ben10 commented, “The challenge lies in their historical disregard for the struggles of top-tier players…” implying a concern that Bungie might not address these issues promptly. Many users agree that the eager edge perk is intriguing, but they feel it needs careful handling to avoid situations where players’ strategies are accidentally undermined. They suggest that developers should reevaluate the relationship between eager edge and tracking, aiming for a better balance—to prevent more disappointing moments during speedruns and gaming sessions due to missed sword attacks.

The Path Ahead

User AfroSamuraii_ offered an insightful viewpoint, suggesting that melee combat’s unique characteristics underscore the importance of managing sword tracking. Essentially, he said, “A sword can be a weapon, but at times it can also serve as a tool for movement.” This intriguing observation hints at instances in Destiny 2’s high-speed gameplay where players might require their swords for quick movement instead of combat. The call for a toggle functionality is not merely about reducing frustration, but it represents a sincere appeal for adaptability in player interaction with the game, mirroring broader concerns about weapon mechanics within action-intensive settings.

As a dedicated fan of Destiny 2, I can’t help but notice that there seems to be a widespread agreement among us players that improving sword tracking would significantly elevate our gameplay experience. Whether it’s through an easy-to-use toggle or a revamp of the current tracking system, it’s evident that we yearn for control over our combat interactions. It’s not just about alleviating frustration, but rather about ensuring that the tools provided – like our swords – make our Destiny 2 journey more enjoyable, instead of creating obstacles along the way.

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2024-10-27 13:58