Destiny 2: Why High Stat Artifice Armor is Essential for Raids

As a dedicated Destiny 2 player with countless hours invested in raids and other challenging activities, I wholeheartedly agree with SaltNebula1576’s post about the need for high stat artifice armor drops from raids. The frustration of investing significant time and energy into these complex encounters only to receive underwhelming gear is a common sentiment among our community.

In its ten-year run, Destiny 2 has made great strides, but players believe certain areas require refinement, particularly raid rewards. A recent post by Reddit user SaltNebula1576 ignited a thoughtful discussion about the desire for better armor drops from raids. The post underscores that considering the difficulty of raids, players deserve commensurate rewards for their investment in these activities. Numerous users agreed, bringing attention to concerns regarding the current state of armor upgrades and its impact on the community’s gameplay experience as a whole.

Raids need to give high stat, artifice armor if they want to incentivize players to make raid sets and utilize their respective mods.
byu/SaltNebula1576 inDestinyTheGame


  • Players believe high stat artifice armor should be guaranteed from raids to increase their incentive to participate in these challenging events.
  • The current state of loot drops is resulting in unsatisfactory gear acquisitions, which frustrates long-term players.
  • There’s a desire for set bonuses on raid armor sets to encourage meaningful customization and strategy.
  • Many users suggest a revamp is necessary for armor as loot across the game, not just in raids.

Raid Rewards and Player Sentiment

In simpler terms, SaltNebula1576’s post highlights the frustration of Destiny 2 players towards the loot system in raids. Despite the challenges these raids present, many players end up disappointed with the armor drops they receive, which often fail to meet their expectations in terms of stats. Br00klynbound expressed similar feelings when they mentioned, “I haven’t even tried the raid mods yet because every piece of armor I’ve gotten as a drop has been disappointing.” This widespread disappointment suggests that players feel under-rewarded for their efforts in these demanding environments.

The Importance of High Stat Drops

SaltNebula1576 proposes an idea to motivate gamers to make the most of raids’ distinctive features like artifice armor and their accompanying mods. He suggests Bungie think about ensuring significant stat upgrades from raid activities as rewards. user 0rganicMach1ne expresses a similar viewpoint, stating, “I’m tired of the excessive armor in this game cluttering up the loot pools, particularly class items… The most disappointing moment in this game is receiving a class item as a reward from a raid encounter.” This sentiment highlights the importance of obtaining relevant rewards and hints that without substantial incentives, players may opt out of raids altogether.

Desire for Set Bonuses

A common concern among commenters was the absence of strategic advantages from armor sets in raids. As user Cyanoblamin expressed, “It’s unusual that raid armor sets don’t come with bonus perks.” This perspective reflects a broader yearning for raids to provide more than just new equipment. By incorporating unique gameplay mechanics, raids could encourage players to experiment with their character builds and adapt their tactics to the distinct challenges of each raid, ultimately leading to a more engaging and rewarding experience.

A Call for Comprehensive Loot Changes

The main idea expressed in the post, along with the following comments, is a desire for a more enjoyable and meaningful loot system throughout all aspects of Destiny 2. As RoadRunnerdn pointed out, “It’s crucial to revise the way armor is acquired and stays relevant across all types of content, not just raids.” This viewpoint suggests that Destiny 2’s gear system may be overly complex with items that don’t significantly contribute to gameplay. Players are looking for loot that advances their progress rather than accumulating unwanted items in their inventory. This call for change represents what many believe could boost both player engagement and satisfaction within the Destiny community.

In the end, the constant talk about not getting sufficient high-stat armor drops from raids in Destiny 2 reveals deeper dissatisfaction among the player base. Players are heavily engaged and expect their commitment to be valued with worthy rewards. The clamor for better drops, set bonuses, and armor system updates reflects the game’s ongoing development, necessitating an adjustment of its mechanics. As Bungie considers feedback from players, it’s evident that altering the loot distribution method could significantly boost player engagement not just with raids but also during the gear collection process.

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2024-07-30 06:13