Destiny 2: Why Do Titan Subclasses Struggle with Barricade Interactions?

In the gaming universe of Destiny 2, gamers are constantly seeking methods to improve their Guardians and elevate their gameplay. A conversation started on a subreddit has highlighted some player discontent over the insignificant interactions between Titan subclasses and their barricade abilities. The post, written by Load-BearingGnome, highlights the stark contrast in how different classes utilize their special skills compared to the relatively weak impact of Titan barricades during gameplay. This discussion has sparked a lively debate among players who believe that Titans, often seen as stationary entities in the game, should receive more substantial support for their barricading capabilities.

Why do Titan subclasses interact so little with its barricade? It makes the ability feel even more useless.
byu/Load-BearingGnome inDestinyTheGame


  • Community sentiment leans towards frustration over the Titan barricade’s limited effectiveness.
  • Players want more meaningful interactions between subclasses and their abilities.
  • The competitiveness of PvP content influences the design of Titan abilities extensively.
  • Suggestions for improvements highlight a strong desire for a balanced approach between PvE and PvP.

Community Frustration

The initial post highlights the difference in the way Titan, Warlock, and Hunter character classes boost their primary abilities. Unlike Hunters and Warlocks, who enhance their dodge and rift powers respectively, Titans seem to lack similar support for their barricade feature, which some players find particularly restrictive. A user named ThisWaxKindaWaxy voiced a similar concern by saying, “I can’t grasp why the wall is so weak, I need useful effects more than I need an unnecessary wall.” This sentiment mirrors a wider dissatisfaction with an ability that represents power but frequently falls short in actual gameplay. Furthermore, the perception that the barricade does not offer adequate protection or usefulness during fights raises questions about its role in a game where combat is chaotic and intense.

Questions About Design Choices

The discourse around Titan subclass abilities also raises questions about Bungie’s design choices for the game, particularly regarding PvP and its balance. User sebastianlux points out that changes made for Trials of Osiris have influenced the effectiveness of barricades and other supportive abilities, mentioning, “…ever since barricade and bubble have been subject to nerfs and calls for nerfs.” This statement encapsulates the cautious balance required in multiplayer settings, where overpowering defenses can greatly impact game flow. The community’s desire for adjustments to enhance interactions without jeopardizing competitive integrity illustrates the balancing act that developers face when updating core mechanics. Many players are calling for Bungie to recognize the wall’s potential by fixing the gaps in effectiveness, as the fundamental role of the Titan should be reasserted amidst their position as frontline warriors.

Desire for Meaningful Upgrades

As much as players appreciate the fun that comes with new gameplay dynamics, the Titan barricade is crying out for updates. Many players have proposed innovative ideas to enhance its utility, demonstrating an eagerness to see change. I-am-the-Vern suggested that barricades absorb incoming damage and transfer a buff to the Titan itself. This idea conjures images of Titans becoming even more formidable and gives them the property of resilience that aligns with their lore. Meanwhile, Astro51450 adds that although the addition of thrusters was a step forward, they feel it’s “just a worst dodge with no interaction at all.” This highlights the desire for Titans to gain tools that feel engaging and powerful rather than ineffective afterthoughts. These comments reveal a real urge among the Titan community to see their barricades evolve into something that continues to justify their identity as protectors.

The Impact of Competitive Play

One of the core issues behind the discussion is how the competitive aspect of Destiny 2, particularly PvP, reciprocally impacts PvE experience. The notion expressed by Never_Seen_An_Ocelot about positive changes for PvE being squashed by complaints from PvP enthusiasts relates to the age-old struggle of maintaining balance within the game. Titans often feel like their support roles become compromised, and even proposed enhancements could be undermined by balance concerns from the PvP community. This dilemma creates a divide where the needs of various players sometimes conflict, leaving classes like Titans in a rough spot when it comes to development. The call to arms is clear: players want Bungie to realize that protective abilities are not only vital in PvP but are equally significant in PvE for a well-rounded class experience, allowing for a return to their frontline-fighter roots.

In Destiny 2, the Guardians are constantly encountering diverse difficulties, and the discourse surrounding Titan subclasses and their barricades underscores the ongoing pursuit of balance and enhancement. The community isn’t dismissing the class; instead, they’re expressing a united call for ways to make the Titan’s powers more impactful with some thoughtful adjustments. Whether Bungie decides to address this collective input is yet to be determined, but it’s evident that Titans are far from mere static barriers—they’re crucial components of a balanced team dynamic that deserves recognition and growth. The future potential for Titans to truly realize their combat roles depends not only on the developers but also on player engagement, feedback, and passion.

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2024-08-26 08:01