Destiny 2 Update: What’s Happening with ‘Payback’ and the Future of Content

As a long-time Destiny 2 devotee with countless hours invested in its rich universe, I find myself at a crossroads following the recent revelations about the shelved ‘Payback’ project and Bungie’s new approach to content releases. The news has left me feeling a whirlwind of emotions – from hopeful curiosity to deep-seated concern for the game that has become my go-to escape when the real world becomes too much.

Fans of Destiny 2 are abuzz with worry and conjecture after a recent post about a paused project called ‘Payback.’ The post, penned by gaming insider Jeff Grubb, shared that Bungie is going back on their word for a new game, possibly Destiny 3, and instead will concentrate on smaller, easier-to-handle content updates in the future. This change in strategy has left many players questioning what lies ahead for their cherished franchise, particularly as they transition from ‘expansions’ to ‘content packs.’ Unsurprisingly, fans are split on this news, struggling to align Bungie’s new direction with their past triumphs.

Destiny Update “Payback” Shelved and Future Expansions to be “Smaller, Lighter”
byu/TruthSwans_ inDestinyTheGame


  • A credible insider revealed that the next installment, codenamed ‘Payback,’ has been shelved.
  • Future releases will be marketed as ‘content packs’, which promise smaller and lighter content drops.
  • Fans are expressing uncertainty about Bungie’s strategy, fearing it could lead to less engaging content.
  • Players are split on whether this approach is sustainable or if it spells trouble for Destiny’s long-term viability.

A Shelved Future: What Does ‘Payback’ Mean?

The cancellation of the ‘Payback’ project, which was believed to be related to Destiny 3 or a major expansion, has sparked skepticism within the Destiny 2 community. Some speculated that ‘Payback’ would take the game to new heights, but it appears Bungie isn’t quite ready for such a leap. One player commented, “It seems Bungie might be its own Destiny’s undoing,” reflecting the feelings of many who feel let down by broken promises and inactivity. As Bungie shifts away from large expansions, there’s increasing worry about the future of the franchise. Many had anticipated a compelling narrative for the next Destiny installment, but the shelving of this ambitious project has left a sense of discomfort among players.

The Reality of Content Packs

The move from large quantities of content to smaller releases by Bungie in Destiny 2 represents a significant change in their strategy. A user’s comment encapsulates the dissatisfaction within the community about this new approach: “It seems like everyone appreciated our expansions that were packed with high-quality content. Maybe we should stop doing that.” This statement underscores the concern about how Bungie’s focus on quantity could potentially impact the rich narrative and lore of Destiny 2. Another user humorously questioned, “So these smaller expansions will be cheaper, right…right?” expressing doubt about this change. Will these content packs live up to the enjoyment fans derived from previous expansions or appear as half-baked, hastily completed projects?

Community Division: Optimism vs. Dread

As a dedicated gamer, the reactions within our community towards the latest news have been quite tumultuous, a whirlwind of hopeful anticipation and disheartening worry. Some enthusiasts are eager to uncover how Bungie plans on delivering these smaller content updates, hoping they might usher in new tales with increased frequency. However, it’s the more vocal voices that express profound disappointment and concern. A fellow player voiced a sentiment echoed by many: “If this is true, I honestly can’t grasp Bungie’s business strategy, risking and potentially ending their only game.” This sentiment speaks to our collective fear of losing a cherished franchise due to mismanagement. The discussions are rife with speculation about quick profits versus long-term viability, and much of the unease revolves around how Bungie will navigate these changes.

What Lies Ahead for Bungie?

It’s unclear where Bungie is heading next, as they’ve decided to abandon ‘Payback’ and move towards lighter content, causing some gamers to speculate that the company could lose its prominence in the gaming industry. On forums like Reddit, there are comments such as, “If this is indeed the case, I fear we may see Bungie fade from the spotlight,” reflecting a sense of anxiety about the company’s ability to stay current. Fans are concerned that a decrease in content could mean they’ll spend less time playing the game. There are also concerns about Bungie’s business strategy and their heavy reliance on Destiny 2, a game that might not sustain such a large team of developers. Many find it puzzling why Bungie is betting on ‘Marathon’, a new game, instead of strengthening Destiny 2, their existing successful title.

Looking forward, Bungie’s choices about smaller expansions and the future of ‘Payback’ will significantly impact Destiny 2’s future. It’s uncertain whether this change will rejuvenate the series or lead to its gradual wane; only time will tell. However, one thing is certain: the dedicated player community is more active than ever, ready to express their worries and anticipate positive changes on the horizon, fingers crossed for an exceptional experience ahead.

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2024-08-02 04:15