Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris: Players Share Thoughts and Strategies on the Latest Megathread

As a seasoned Destiny 2 player with countless hours spent grinding through the Trials of Osiris, I can wholeheartedly empathize with the gamut of emotions expressed by fellow Guardians in this megathread. The allure of that elusive Flawless title has always been a beacon, drawing me back time and time again to the crucible. Yet, as PortalCornet154 so eloquently put it, I too have felt the crushing weight of defeat after five hours spent in seemingly endless cycles of matches.

1. In a recent discussion thread on the subreddit for Destiny 2, gamers have been sharing their stories and strategies from participating in the challenging Trials of Osiris event. This high-level activity features a 3v3 Elimination format, and the goal of going “Flawless” is highly coveted, despite the pressure and ever-changing game dynamics that can lead to both victories and disappointments for players.

[D2] Trials of Osiris Megathread [2024-08-30]
byu/DTG_Bot inDestinyTheGame


  • Participants expressed both frustration and enjoyment over the challenges present in Trials of Osiris.
  • Common themes included the difficulty of achieving a Flawless card amid a shifting meta.
  • Players are exploring various strategies, while also sharing grievances about team dynamics and matchmaking.
  • Many players emphasized the importance of communication while expressing discontent with the toxic behavior from some teammates.

Difficulties in Achieving Flawless Runs

It’s clear that numerous gamers are having trouble securing the hard-to-reach Flawless title in the Trials of Osiris. One player, PortalCornet154, succinctly expresses the shared feeling of frustration, admitting, “I can’t seem to pass the 4-win mark and I’ve been stuck at this point for at least five hours now. I don’t even remember why I’m playing anymore.” This sentiment seems to echo throughout the player base, as many find themselves trapped in a loop of matches where they either barely make progress or are eliminated prematurely. Achieving a seven-win card in Trials isn’t just about luck; it demands deep comprehension and collaboration.

The Meta and Player Strategies

It seems the community is abuzz with discussions surrounding the current weapon setup, as players passionately advocate for their preferred weapons while voicing dissatisfaction towards others. KarmaticArmageddon shared their thoughts on the two-shot pulse rifle meta, stating, “I’m tired of this two-shot pulse meta, especially with less special ammo available. It’s just so monotonous.” Others joined in with their tactics for dealing with the challenging terrain, particularly when considering backward compatibility with older weapon types. Users are proposing loadouts and playstyles, emphasizing adaptability as crucial for surviving the dynamic landscape. For instance, user Winnfield35 advocates for a more balanced setup, arguing that “Pulse Rifles shouldn’t two-shot without some kind of kill perk,” and highlighting the importance of weapon balance in maintaining game equilibrium.

Community and Communication Challenges

The dynamics within a team significantly impact the experience of playing Trials, and this issue has emerged as a source of frustration for gamers. Ausschluss lamented that he had to disable chat during Trials due to an excessive number of disrespectful individuals joining solo queue and hurling abuse. Unpleasant interactions can quickly disrupt a game, negatively influencing both team spirit and overall performance. Persisting with team play can be difficult; as Throwaway1556789 pointed out, it’s challenging to complete an entire deck without at least two teammates leaving during the first round. These difficulties contribute to the overall toxic atmosphere within the community, causing players to reconsider if participating in Trials is worth the emotional strain it may cause.

Seasonal Rewards and Player Incentives

As a devoted fan of Trials of Osiris, I can’t help but be drawn back to this tough yet rewarding experience. The allure of exclusive weapons and gear keeps me hooked, with specific items like omolon pulse rifles becoming my obsession – I simply must have them in my arsenal! The thrill of the game is undeniable when the stakes are high, but the community’s comments highlight a need for balance between the effort required and the rewards earned. The satisfaction comes not only from personal achievement but also from collaborating with others, something that isn’t always straightforward in the Trials Pools.

Participating in The Trials of Osiris brings a variety of feelings for the Guardians involved. On one hand, the competitive edge and potential rewards fuel their determination. However, calls for a fairer gameplay environment are clearly heard. As players navigate through the challenges and hardships of the Trials, they unite over mutual struggles and triumphs, demonstrating that camaraderie and unique memories made together, not merely the loot, are what truly matter in the end.

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2024-09-03 05:28