Destiny 2: The Frustration of Chasing Perfect Perks

As a dedicated Destiny 2 player, I can’t help but feel disheartened by the endless grind for the perfect perks. I, too, have spent countless hours trying my luck with RNG (Random Number Generator) rolls, only to be met with frustration and disappointment. It feels like a never-ending cycle, and it’s disheartening to see other players going through the same experience.

In the gaming community of Destiny 2, there’s a widespread dedication toward acquiring optimal perks, leading to significant time investments. However, feelings of annoyance and letdown appear to dominate amongst its members.

I swear I put around 120h trying to get the perks that I want….
byu/The-Reaver indestiny2


  • Players express frustration over the endless grind for ideal perks
  • Community questions developer communication and lack of fixes
  • Suggestions for improvements and changes to the game
  • Differing opinions on how to approach the grind

Frustration and Disappointment

Several gamers, including Etherenzi and valtboy23, dedicate numerous hours in their quest for particular rolls, yet often encounter disappointing results.

Developer Silence

“Vtsxxl’s posts underscore the disappointment felt by players due to the lack of communication from developers regarding matters affecting game pleasure.”

Suggestions for Change

Players like k1d1curus advocate for adjustments to the grinding system to improve player experience

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2024-07-14 00:14