Destiny 2: Should Players Embrace a Fresh Start with Destiny 3?

As a seasoned Guardian with countless hours invested in Destiny 2, I found myself deeply engrossed in the ongoing debate about the potential reset of our inventory for Destiny 3. On one hand, I can understand the allure of starting fresh and feeling that invigorating sense of adventure as we explore a new universe. But on the other, I have grown attached to my hard-earned loot, those iconic weapons like Outbreak Perfected and The Last Word that hold memories of countless raids and strikes with friends.

Since its debut, Destiny 2 has been a dynamic gaming world that regularly adapts based on player input and preferences. A recent Reddit post by ‘The-Yellow-Path’ sparked a lively discussion about whether players would accept the possibility of their inventory being reset for Destiny 3. The core argument revolves around whether gear and items from D2 should carry over to the hypothetical D3. Some gamers cherish their earned loot, while others argue it might mar the pristine experience a new game installment should provide. This divided opinion showcases the intricate feelings connected to player involvement and affinity, making for an engaging subject to explore further.

I’d love to lose all my stuff if D3 ever happens
byu/The-Yellow-Path indestiny2


  • Players express mixed feelings on whether they want their gear to carry over to Destiny 3.
  • Some believe starting fresh could invigorate the experience, while others are nostalgic about their hard-earned gear.
  • Concerns arise regarding Bungie’s handling of loot and whether a significant overhaul is necessary for a new game.
  • Community suggestions include expanding on the MMO aspects and implementing systems to enhance player engagement.

The Appeal of Starting Fresh

A blog post penned by ‘The-Yellow-Path’ sparked interest due to its intriguing suggestion, which resonated with the gaming community as it suggested starting anew with a fresh title. As Destiny 3 approaches, many players have expressed feelings of having amassed a vast collection of weapons and gear that no longer hold any special significance. The recurring sentiment is that the current loot system fails to deliver satisfaction, with comments like “they should place more value on common, rare, and legendary armor and weapons” reflecting this consensus. This longing for a ‘hard reset’ seems to stem from a desire to rejuvenate the game and keep its players engaged. A bold move towards vulnerability could lead to an exciting journey in a new cosmos.

The Nostalgic Attachments to Gear

At the other extreme, some gamers are hesitant to abandon the time and energy they’ve invested in acquiring rare weapons. One user summed it up by saying, “losing certain weapons would definitely make me dislike the game.” This idea highlights genuine worries about the emotional bonds players form with their virtual equipment. Items like Outbreak Perfected or The Last Word are more than just tools for fighting; they mark achievements, milestones, and memories. For many, these items embody dedication, skill, and a sense of pride, making the thought of a total reset difficult to accept. Furthermore, nostalgia significantly contributes to players’ reluctance to start anew, as they prefer to expand upon their legacy rather than erase it. This sentiment isn’t exclusive to equipment; it encompasses the shared experiences and camaraderie in raids and strikes with friends as well.

A New Destiny Experience: Could It Work?

Discussing Destiny 3’s potential to usher in a new phase raises questions about gameplay elements and user-friendly aspects. Numerous gamers have expressed their desire for a fresh start without losing their accomplishments, instead offering a chance to reevaluate the way equipment functions within the game. Users such as ‘Watsyurdeal’ propose that a revamped loot system could reignite the thrill of exploration. Players are growing weary of the sensation that most legendaries seem underwhelming, with each new grind resulting in only slight enhancements to the loot they already possess. As more expansions approach, Destiny fans express their hope for either innovative methods to emphasize the journey or groundbreaking ideas to rejuvenate the current game design.

Player Engagement and Community Enhancement

As a gamer, I’m always on the lookout for ways to deepen my gaming experience, and one area that really excites me is community involvement. Instead of just keeping or losing gear, I dream about features that would bring players together more effectively.

In every game series, players find themselves caught between anticipation and apprehension when a major change in gameplay is imminent. The Reddit post’s conversation sheds light on the contrasting desires of a devoted community, who crave something new yet struggle with nostalgia. The possibility of Destiny 3 generates a mix of excitement and fear, but the responses from Guardians reveal a diverse range of opinions that could guide the direction of future installments. In the end, given the intensity of this community’s devotion, merely resetting won’t be enough to meet their lofty expectations for the next game in the series.

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2024-09-08 05:58