Destiny 2: Redditors Discuss the Most Overrated Weapon Perks

As a dedicated Destiny 2 player with countless hours under my belt, I can’t help but join the ongoing debate about the most overrated weapon perks within our vibrant community. It’s fascinating to see the diverse perspectives that fuel these discussions!

In the Destiny 2 community on Reddit, there’s been a heated debate among players about which weapon perks they believe are overrated and not worth the investment. Join the conversation and find out what weapons and perks other players think are unnecessary.

Most overrated weapon perks?
byu/hfzelman inDestinyTheGame


  • Destabilizing Rounds with Gyrfalcons build causes chaos.
  • Surrounded on swords annoys players with its restrictions.
  • Multi Kill Clip’s slow proc time turns off fans.
  • Target Lock is overly hyped on machine guns.

Destabilizing Rounds – Chaos with a side of volatility

Reddit user elmonkeeman notes that Destabilizing Rounds cause significant disorder, and this effect is amplified when used in conjunction with the Gyrfalcon’s build, resulting in persistent instability.

Surrounded on Swords – Annoying drawbacks

The vegetable-labeled character named Net6575 voices disappointment with the game “Surrounded by Swords,” finding its constraints limiting and bothersome when collaborating with teammates.

Multi Kill Clip – Slow and steady but not a fan favorite

Wolf3708 points out that the procing time of Multi Kill Clip is too sluggish, as there are other perks that can provide comparable damage enhancements more swiftly.

Target Lock – Overhyped and underwhelming

In simpler terms, FlyingAlpaca1 disagrees with the excessive promotion of Target Lock on machine guns, stating that its performance doesn’t live up to the hype.

Adart54 throws in a curveball with a controversial pick of ‘heal clip.’

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2024-07-21 09:44