Destiny 2: Players Rally for More Onslaught Maps in New Gamemode Discussion

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I can confidently say that the current state of Destiny 2 has brought back the spark that was once lost. The Onslaught mode, as discussed by players like G1o4 and others on various subreddits, is a breath of fresh air in this ever-evolving universe. It’s not just about shooting enemies or grinding for gear; it’s about the thrill of teamwork, strategy, and the tantalizing taste of victory.

As a dedicated Destiny 2 player, I’ve been thrilled to see our community buzzing about the Onslaught game mode on Reddit recently. A user named G1o4 even highlighted it as some of the finest content the game has ever offered. This level of interaction underscores a fervent fanbase that not only relishes the gameplay but also yearns for more maps to delve into and challenges to overcome. The discussions reflect an underlying mix of enthusiasm for the current mode and apprehension about Bungie’s past record in providing long-term content support.

Please keep making Onslaught maps. This gamemode is extremely satisfying
byu/G1o4 inDestinyTheGame


  • Players are highly passionate about the Onslaught mode in Destiny 2, seeing it as a top-tier addition.
  • There’s a strong desire for more enemy factions and objectives to keep the gameplay fresh.
  • Some users express skepticism based on Bungie’s track record of abandoning features or activities.
  • A variety of innovative ideas for enhancing Onslaught have emerged from the community, indicating a wealth of creative potential.

Passion for Onslaught

There’s clearly a lot of excitement building around the Onslaught mode, as many users have been expressing their thrill about it. User F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N, for instance, can hardly contain his excitement, saying that “Onslaught is amazing and absolutely should be a standard game mode.” He also suggested having an official vendor that could reset for multiple perk drops to boost player interaction with the content. It appears that many players appreciate not just the balanced gameplay but also the seamless integration of PvE and PvP aspects in Onslaught. The essence of the conversation seems to be that users yearn for the days when they could regularly engage in activities like Onslaught, which offered a mix of loot objectives and team battles. There’s a clear sense of nostalgia for the times when the game was overflowing with content.

Desire for More Factions and Objectives

Among the frequent discussions in the comments, there’s a strong emphasis on enriching the diversity of experiences within Destiny 2’s Onslaught mode. Quantumriot7 suggested that introducing additional enemy factions besides the Hive and Fallen would greatly enhance gameplay variety, which is a sentiment shared by many players. Over time, repetition in gameplay can lead to an unsatisfying player experience. Proposals for multiple objectives or even new enemy types could make Onslaught more expansive and enjoyable. NegativeCreeq also voiced similar concerns, advocating for more defensive strategies and potential rewards. The recurring requests for a more complex and immersive gameplay show the community’s dedication to taking Destiny 2 to greater heights.

Community Skepticism Regarding Bungie

In their comments, players like Lizzywbu and Flyaroundtro express concerns about Onslaught’s future, drawing attention to a pattern in Destiny 2 where many modes eventually get phased out or neglected. They fear that, much like Dares of Eternity, Onslaught may not live up to its initial promise and could vanish into obscurity. This pessimism reflects the disappointment felt by fans due to Bungie’s past and present content development practices, which they believe have hindered the creation of long-lasting game modes.

Innovative Ideas for Enhancement

In the community, creative thoughts are flowing as players think up methods to enhance the Onslaught adventure. A user named cpmuoio suggested merging Onslaught with other components to create an unending quest for loot, essentially advocating for a genuine rogue-like mode. This blend of various game mechanics not only reveals the players’ dedication to the game but also initiates a valuable conversation about what players truly desire in their gaming journey. Another user, fkthislol, offered another intriguing idea—reimagining the current gameplay as a six-player Onslaught mode, blending it with Gambit features for a unique blend of experiences. These imaginative proposals highlight an engaged player community ready to collaborate and explore new possibilities within Destiny 2 while deepening their gaming experience.

The enthusiasm and engagement of players concerning the Onslaught mode in Destiny 2 clearly shows a dynamic community yearning for novel content and innovative gameplay elements. Although their passion is fueled by nostalgia, past content removals have left them cautious about what’s to come. Players like G1o4 offer convincing arguments advocating for additional maps and playstyles. The combination of excitement, creative ideas, and concerns over Destiny 2’s content development indicate that players are ready to elevate the game. They are not mere spectators but active participants striving to impact the future of Destiny 2, while simultaneously nurturing both faith and skepticism within this thriving gaming world. As Bungie listens to player feedback, it has the potential to bridge this gap and foster an even more lively Destiny 2 community.

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2024-08-11 07:58