Destiny 2: Players Demand a Change in Weapon Drop Weighting During Solstice

As a seasoned Destiny 2 player with countless hours under my belt, I can’t help but feel a sense of déjà vu as we find ourselves once again embroiled in the contentious debate over weapon drops during events such as Solstice. ApriliaSRT’s heartfelt plea to Bungie resonated deeply within me and the community at large, as it echoed my own experiences during this event.

During Destiny 2’s history, there have been highs and lows, but the excitement surrounding the Solstice event has sparked discussions within the community. A player named ApriliaSRT passionately contacted Bungie, urging them to reconsider and stop the weighting for Solstice bow weapon drops. They’ve noticed a worrying trend: despite playing more than five times during this event, they haven’t received a single shotgun drop, only a few hand cannons and rocket launchers, with an overwhelming number of bows (over 30!). This post echoed the struggles of many players, leading to numerous responses seeking a remedy for what seems like a frustrating Random Number Generator system.

Bungie, please turn off the weighting for the drops of the Solstice bow for the last weekend.
byu/ApriliaSRT inDestinyTheGame


  • Players are expressing frustration over weighted drops in Destiny 2’s Solstice event.
  • Many gamers report excessive drops of bows, while other desired weapons are few and far between.
  • Despite complaints, users doubt that Bungie will respond to the requests for change.
  • A mix of alternative strategies emerged from players seeking better drops, showcasing the community’s resilience.

Community Frustration Over Drops

In the Destiny community, it’s a recurring complaint during events like Solstice that weapon drops are causing frustration. ApriliaSRT expressed disappointment because not only were bows dominating the loot, but they hadn’t seen a single shotgun after five attempts, which has added to the community’s discontent. However, user chargedcontrol offered a different perspective, stating he got his ideal roll on his first drop and since then has received eight sets of three bows (with no other weapon type receiving any). This shows a split in player experiences: some are lucky enough to secure desirable loot quickly, while others feel overlooked by the luck of the draw. It appears that as one plays more, they seem to fall into a tragic loot loop resulting in an unappealing repetition of receiving only bows.

Alternatives and Strategies

Several gamers started suggesting various techniques to acquire weapons, demonstrating their resilience in finding ways around the drop system’s weighting. OtherBassist advises sticking to bounties as they provide better returns, stating that ‘It isn’t weighted in the bounties. Just do those for drops and get double perks too.’ Meanwhile, players like Nekromantia suggest combining different methods to boost their rewards, pointing out that completing Altars of Sorrow along with bounties might lead to better results. The continuous quest for optimized loot showcases the flexibility of gamers, as they navigate the system in search of their preferred gear. Leveraging the community for sharing successful strategies adds an intriguing aspect to Destiny 2 gameplay, fostering cooperation among players as they help each other overcome shared challenges.

The Perceived Silence from Bungie

Despite numerous users expressing their concerns, there’s a widespread doubt that Bungie will take any action regarding the issue. User notthatguypal6900 aptly questioned, “Since day one, people have been complaining about drops. Do you really think they’ll do anything other than ignore us?” This pervasive annoyance reflects a more significant problem: poor communication from the developers’ end. RiBBz22 also highlighted that this request isn’t novel and doubts whether Bungie will address it soon, stating, “This request has been around since the event started. I would be surprised if they changed it now, given the clear feedback.” Users feel unheard and are holding out hope for substantial improvements to enhance their gaming experience.

The Ongoing Grind

For many players, the grinding nature of Destiny 2 has become a double-edged sword. While the allure of collecting rare gear and achieving exclusive rewards is enticing, the process to get there can be laborious and frustrating. For some, the grind feels endless, especially when they are met with repeated failures in obtaining desired items. RecalledBurger shared, ‘Still no Repulsor + Destabilizing for me. I’ve given up.’ This level of disenchantment is palpable and often leads players to question their investment in the current event. VibinWithNeptune echoed similar sentiments, asking, ‘I’ve got 4 bows and like 20 rockets. What am I doing wrong? All I want is the damn bow.’ The grind is intensifying, and many feel as though they’re trapped in a cycle of repeated attempts without the reward they crave. It raises the question—how much is too much when it comes to gaming?

In the realm of Destiny 2, as fellow gamers gather to voice our concerns and brainstorm for victories yet to come, the unyielding spirit of our gaming community shines through. We’re all hoping Bungie will listen, or cooking up clever strategies for better loot, but one thing’s certain: our enthusiasm and commitment never wane.

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2024-08-23 19:28