Destiny 2: Players Call for Removal of Clan Requirements in Raids and Dungeons

As a Guardian with years of experience under my belt, I find myself deeply immersed in the ever-evolving world of Destiny 2. The recent discussions surrounding the clan requirement for raid and dungeon titles have struck a chord with me, as I too have felt the frustration of struggling to gather enough clan members to participate in these challenging activities.

In Destiny 2, the shared player experiences remain a rich bounty, but recent conversations reveal an increasing sense of dissatisfaction among the community. As the number of players decreases, more Guardians are experiencing the pain of the clan requirement needed to obtain certain raid and dungeon titles. A post by user Jealous_Platypus1111 echoed the struggle of finding enough clan members for new and old content, striking a chord with many players facing similar obstacles. As the community mobilizes for change, discussions on platforms like Reddit bring attention to the difficulties posed by this system and its impact on player participation in the game.

Bungie, PLEASE remove the clan requirement from raid/dungeon titles
byu/Jealous_Platypus1111 inDestinyTheGame


  • Players express frustration over the clan requirement for raid and dungeon titles.
  • Many feel that the current system discourages participation and makes it challenging to complete goals.
  • Various solutions are proposed, from reducing the required number of clan members to eliminating the system entirely.
  • The community’s plight underscores a broader concern about player retention in Destiny 2.

Community Frustration Over Clan Requirements

In this gaming community, it’s clear that many players, including myself, are feeling frustrated with the necessity of being part of a clan to participate in raids and dungeons. I started the conversation by expressing my struggles in gathering a full fireteam from within my clan, especially as the player base seems to be dwindling. “We’ve hit an all-time low when it comes to players,” I said, questioning if these requirements are still relevant and beneficial in today’s gaming landscape. Other players have shared similar experiences, expressing difficulties in rounding up enough clan members for these activities. Many of us are eager to participate, but we often face logistical hurdles instead. One user succinctly summed it up by saying, “Destiny missed a great opportunity with clans.” This statement encapsulates the collective feeling that the way clans function in the game is regrettable and could have been so much more.

Proposed Solutions and Adjustments

In response to escalating issues, numerous community members have proposed different methods to address them. For example, user Cyyyyyyx suggested that Bungie might want to reconsider the toughness of clan requirements, stating, “They could potentially lighten it by one level as they’ve done with other requirements in the past.” This idea aims to ease some of the pressure on players who may not always have consistent clan members while still enabling group achievements. Another idea was to replace the clan requirement with a flawless run requirement, which some believe would be a more suitable substitute, given the competitive nature of raids. These ideas reflect the community’s hope that Bungie reconsiders its current strategy and makes the gameplay experience more inclusive for all Guardians.

The Impact on Player Engagement

<pThe clamor for change is not merely about titles; it reflects broader concerns about engagement in Destiny 2. Many players, like user Krazy_Dragon_YT, shared that they belong to larger clans, yet “still have trouble getting people in a fireteam for a raid or dungeon.” This emphasizes the disconnect between the game’s design and the realities of player behavior. For many, the requirements can feel like barriers to entry rather than incentives to collaborate. This disconnect may contribute to burnout among players who feel discouraged by an overly complex system for something that should ideally enhance teamwork and camaraderie. As clan-related issues arise, it begs the question: Are these requirements hindering more players from participating in significant game content?

Challenges Beyond Clan Dynamics

<pWhile the topic of clan requirements is prevalent in discussions, it also paves the way for further investigation into other barriers players face within the game. Dungeons, for example, are designed to be completed solo by some players and could benefit from a different approach to triumphs that rely on clan systems. User Alexcox95 elaborated on this phenomenon by expressing disbelief that certain triumphs “can literally get every other triumph solo.” The sentiment suggests that while cooperation is emphasized, the monolithic clan requirement could discourage participation in an otherwise cooperative environment. Feedback regarding this issue indicates that players may be more willing to engage in challenges if the pathways were less convoluted and punitive.

Beyond the obvious drop in the number of gamers, it’s essential developers take into account how these conditions might affect the community’s well-being. Players are yearning for collaboration opportunities, and establishing an inviting atmosphere that promotes participation could be key to rejuvenating Destiny 2’s player base. By cultivating spaces where solo players and those outside of typical clan structures can thrive, overall engagement in Destiny 2 may increase substantially.

As discussions surrounding Destiny 2 continue to evolve, it’s clear that there are vast opportunities for Bungie to consider. The community has spoken loud and clear regarding clan requirements, firmly believing that removing or modifying these barriers could lead to a more vibrant and engaging environment for all Guardians. It’s apparent that many fans are committed to the game and want to see its community thrive. As players advocate for changes that make Destiny 2 more accessible, it will be interesting to see how Bungie responds and adapts to the needs of its dedicated player base in the coming months.

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2024-10-16 15:28