Destiny 2: Overcoming the Challenges of Joining Raids for New Players

As a seasoned Guardian who has braved countless raids and emerged victorious (or occasionally not-so-victorious), I wholeheartedly empathize with Clemens1408’s struggle to find raid groups. My first foray into Destiny 2‘s raids was akin to a blindfolded walk through the Cosmodrome – terrifying, confusing, and more than a little bit embarrassing. But, as they say, every Guardian must fall before they can soar.

In Destiny 2, the game’s intricate universe and tough gameplay keep players hooked. Nevertheless, one issue novice gamers often encounter is finding a team for raids, particularly when they don’t have prior raid experience. A recent post by user Clemens1408 on the Destiny 2 subreddit sheds light on this predicament. In this post, the user voiced their frustration in tracking down other players for raid expeditions due to their lack of previous raid participation. The difficulties they face echo strongly within the community, prompting a range of responses that provide practical advice and insights about Destiny 2’s raid culture.

Its hard to find people to do raids when you never did a raid
byu/Clemens1408 indestiny2


  • New players often struggle to find raid groups because of their inexperience.
  • Community members emphasize the importance of communication and honesty when joining teams.
  • Experiences with toxic players in raids can deter new players from participating.
  • Players encourage newcomers to learn from their initial experiences, regardless of the outcome.

Finding Your Band of Guardians

Kicking off your search for a raid team involves having the right attitude and tools. One useful tip from the community is to seek out a “Sherpa” – an experienced player who can guide novice players through their first raid. As user Alexdoubleu13 puts it, it’s simply about being upfront. “You just need to find a Sherpa and a group of people who know you’re newbies.” Being transparent is crucial as it fosters cooperation and support from the start. It helps newcomers feel comfortable without worrying excessively about performance stress. In these groups, communication flourishes, creating a sense of camaraderie in the typically intense atmosphere of raids.

The Power of Preparedness

User ‘throwingawayboyz’ emphasizes that having information at hand can greatly improve a player’s gaming experience. They suggest, “Simply look up a written or video tutorial, join any available group, and honestly admit if it’s your first time.” This forward-thinking strategy equips players for their initial raid, while easing the anxiety related to venturing into unfamiliar grounds. Tutorials offer vital insights about optimal loadouts and tactics for encounters, thereby empowering newcomers. Players can discover which weapons and skills will yield maximum effectiveness and aid in overcoming raid challenges efficiently.

Navigating Toxicity in the Community

Though there’s a general sense of excitement surrounding raids in Destiny 2 for some players, it’s important to remember that not every encounter is smooth sailing. A user named whodeeekneefoo shared a more realistic perspective: “The community for Destiny 2 raids can be quite toxic…Or even worse, I’ve recently joined teams that required experience and then those same players had no idea what to do.” This kind of experience should serve as a heads-up for new raiders embarking on their adventure. The environment can be filled with players who leave groups after just one failure or join teams unprepared for the challenge. Toxicity can make it difficult for beginners to enjoy one of Destiny 2’s most thrilling aspects. To conquer this culture, it’s essential to strategize—choose to join supportive groups that prioritize learning over pure efficiency.

Learning from Experience

One golden nugget of wisdom that keeps coming up in the thread is to ask new players to embrace every raid experience, win or lose. User Grogonfire notes, “if you want that Mythoclast bad enough then you have to go get it.” They encourage players to join fireteam finder posts with an open mind. The emphasis here is that each raid, regardless of success, can act as a learning opportunity, allowing players to apply knowledge from previous runs in future attempts. The key lies in focusing on progress, both personal and within the group – every attempt offers the chance to hone skills and contribute better to the next raid.

The essence of raiding in Destiny 2 transcends the individual loot or glory; it’s about the bonds forged with fellow guardians in a shared and challenging experience. New players should remember that every seasoned raider was once in their shoes, facing the principal challenge of navigating raids for the first time. The community stands ready, armed with knowledge and encouragement, ultimately allowing new players to step into this rewarding aspect of Destiny 2 with more confidence and joy. Whether you’re looking for a group, discovering guides, or simply preparing to face the fury of a raid boss, there’s a wealth of support waiting around every digital corner.

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2024-09-15 08:43