Destiny 2: Is Cloudstrike Meta Again? Reddit Buzz Explained

As a dedicated Destiny 2 player with hundreds of hours under my belt, I find myself deeply engaged in the ongoing debate about the Cloudstrike sniper rifle. Having gone through various meta shifts and experimented with countless weapons over the years, I can appreciate the excitement surrounding this weapon’s resurgence.

Today, Destiny 2 gamers are actively discussing the revival of the Cloudstrike sniper rifle, intrigued by its possible benefits within the game.

Is cloudstrike meta again?
byu/Void_Guardians inDestinyTheGame


  • Some players believe Cloudstrike has been stealth buffed, making it a powerful choice in the current meta.
  • Others feel it’s not overwhelmingly meta but still a strong option for DPS, especially for non-Hunters.
  • There are humorous comments about the weapon’s power, with players joking about bringing down whole organizations.
  • Comparisons are drawn between Cloudstrike and other top-tier weapons in terms of damage output and efficacy in different scenarios.

Cloudstrike Hype

The power of Cloudstrike to cause major disruption in games, as jokingly pointed out by a player, has sparked great interest among the gaming community. The concept of a tool with such immense impact on in-game systems introduces an entertaining and chaotic dimension to conversations. It’s amusing to observe players not only analyze the weapon’s specifications but also engage in playful debates about its repercussions.

Bungie’s Stealth Buff

Some players think that Bungie quietly enhanced the Cloudstrike weapon without making a big fuss about it. This belief creates buzz around the weapon’s comeback in the game. The rumors of secret adjustments made by the developers contribute to the ongoing discussion on its current impact on gameplay.

Comparative Analysis

An analysis of Cloudstrike in relation to other elite weapons provides useful information on its effectiveness in different situations. Gamers debating its damage output and considering it as a replacement for widely-used options highlight the thoughtful decision-making involved when choosing weapons in Destiny 2.

The ongoing debates about Cloudstrike’s role in Destiny 2’s meta show how the game’s landscape can change based on player opinions. As the community explores the weapon’s power and applicability in various scenarios, the conversation around it keeps developing, leading to an intriguing exchange among Destiny 2 fans.

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2024-07-19 17:58