Destiny 2: Farming for Fun – The Challenges of Scoring a God Roll

As a veteran Destiny 2 Guardian with countless hours under my belt, I can wholeheartedly empathize with Noox89 and the legion of players tirelessly chasing that elusive “Something New.” The Bonfire Bash event has been an exhilarating rollercoaster ride, filled with both triumphs and trials. It’s a testament to the allure of loot-grinding in Destiny 2—an activity that can be as addictive as it is frustrating.

In recent times, Destiny 2 has witnessed a surge in player return as fans delve deeper into its seasonal activities, notably the latest event called Bonfire Bash. Here, players are hot on the trail of the mysterious “Something New.” A Reddit post entitled “Farming for ‘Something New’ has been enjoyable” by Noox89 has ignited a vibrant conversation about the struggles of farming items in the game. Many gamers are expressing their struggles and thrills as they strive to get the perfect setup for the coveted Compass Rose. The comments section is filled with camaraderie, laughter, and even some complaining, reflecting the emotional ride experienced while pursuing gear in this constantly changing world.

Farming a “Something New” has been fun
byu/Noox89 indestiny2


  • Players share their extensive efforts in farming the event, often with little success.
  • Frustration is a common thread, as many have devoted hours chasing specific rolls that they deem vital.
  • There are mixed strategies from players, including alternative farming methods to maximize their chances.
  • Despite the challenges, there’s a sense of community as players bond over shared experiences.

The Thrill of the Chase

The enthusiasm Guardians show towards the Bonfire Bash event in Destiny 2 underscores their desire to obtain the ideal items. Players are investing considerable time into it – Noox89, for instance, has spent three weeks and more than 200 Bonfires without getting the desired roll. This sentiment is echoed across the community, with comments suggesting a strong compulsion to get the elusive god roll. One user admits to spending an excessive amount of time on this event, humorously pointing out the low drop rate, which approximately translates to one drop every two Bonfire Bashes. It’s clear that the excitement is part of the fun, but it also causes a lot of frustration.

Frustration & Creative Solutions

While the thrill of the chase can be exhilarating, it also breeds frustration, and this thread showcases a treasure trove of creative solutions that players have turned to in their desperation. Players like Luks88 have made adjustments to their grinding strategies, admitting to “brainless devil’s lair farm for strange coins.” It’s a tactical shift driven by exhaustion after countless failed attempts. Additionally, a user named Bro0183 highlights the importance of strategic farming, noting that “bonfire bash is not the way” once you have secured your initial gear. Many have pointed out that focusing on bounties might yield better results for rolling high-stat equipment, showing that while the Bonfire Bash is the new hotness, there are more effective avenues for obtaining loot.

Community Bonding Through Shared Struggles

In this discussion, despite the challenges and setbacks, there’s a beautiful aspect that stands out – the strong bond among players. As they discuss their struggles and triumphs, you can feel the camaraderie with laughter echoing and a sense of community present. Each player’s hardship is met with understanding, and quick to follow are offers of assistance and guidance, like switching to Nightfall bounties when Bonfire Bash farming doesn’t pan out. Even humor finds its way in, as one player jokes about their poor luck with rocket launcher drops, saying, “I got a single rocket launcher on the first day and never again.” This lightheartedness adds a touch of charm to an otherwise labor-intensive environment. The common experiences have woven connections that extend beyond just gameplay, fostering a lively culture built on shared victories and defeats.

The Fatigue of Farming

It seems that the main idea emerging from this conversation is the exhaustion often felt when engaging in extensive gaming activities such as farming in Destiny 2. Initially, players are enthusiastic about these events, but over time, many express feelings of burnout due to the diminishing returns they experience. Hours spent playing may not result in significant rewards, a pattern that is evident in comments like “I hope someday I get something new” from AfghanistanYoda. This sentiment reflects a mix of humor and resignation as players find themselves caught in a cycle of hope followed by disappointment. They are not just seeking new items, but also find farming to be an endless and draining process. Even those who excel at the game, like those desperate for the ideal god roll, eventually confront the truth that farming can feel like an unending grind. As the community delves deeper into Destiny 2’s mechanics, it becomes evident that while farming can be a labor of love, it can also be emotionally challenging.

Players of Destiny 2 are well-acquainted with perseverance, and the Bonfire Bash event embodies the excitement and challenges typically encountered during these pursuits. As tactics evolve and bonds within the community strengthen, many will persist in their quest for ideal weapons, showing no signs of wavering. This shared journey, whether marked by triumph or setback, enhances the long-standing tradition of loot farming in Destiny 2. It serves as a testament to both players’ dedication to crafting their perfect loadouts and the meaningful relationships that blossom during the hunt, proving that while gear is important, the friendships formed make every minute spent playing an unforgettable experience.

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2024-08-26 23:28