Destiny 2 Fans Embrace Chaos: One Thousand Voices Remains Active in Gambit

As a seasoned Destiny 2 gamer with countless hours spent traversing the cosmos and battling foes across multiple realms, I find myself both elated and apprehensive upon hearing the news that One Thousand Voices will remain active in Gambit. The memories of obliterating hordes of enemies with this iconic weapon during the Forsaken expansion still resonate deeply within me. Yet, as a player who values strategic depth and balance, I can’t help but feel a twinge of concern over its potential to overshadow other weapons and make encounters feel less tactical than chaotic.

Players of Destiny 2 are buzzing with excitement and nostalgia since the confirmation that One Thousand Voices will continue to be available in the Gambit mode, at least until the next season’s reset. The news and subsequent reactions reflect a blend of humor, strategic thoughts, and some frustrations as the gaming community tries to understand this weapon’s impact on a game mode known for its unpredictable playstyle. Players reminisce about their past experiences with One Thousand Voices from earlier seasons and share diverse expectations and concerns about its current status

@Destiny2Team: “Update: We are not planning to disable One Thousand Voices in Gambit. Enjoy the chaos through Tuesday reset.”
byu/Blaze_Lighter inDestinyTheGame


  • Players enjoy the nostalgia and chaos of using One Thousand Voices in Gambit.
  • While some hope for strategic adjustments, many relish the current infinite ammo aspect.
  • Concerns emerge about the balance in Gambit with One Thousand Voices widely used.
  • Players seek a mix of nostalgia and modern gameplay mechanics for future updates.

Nostalgia for One Thousand Voices

One Thousand Voices has been a beloved fixture in the Destiny 2 community ever since its debut, particularly during the Forsaken expansion. Players such as fawse have reminisced about the nostalgia associated with One Thousand Voices, describing it as, “almost as if it was made for this… I’ve always linked the gun to Gambit because of that.” The affection for this weapon is a recurring sentiment among players who appreciate how it contributes to the chaotic nature of Gambit. Be it vanquishing bosses or annihilating rival Guardians, many recall the excitement of watching that distinctive weapon wreak havoc on opponents. Yet, there’s also a shared hope for fairness, as some players express concern over the potential misuse of a strong weapon, fearing it might result in less engaging gameplay and a more spam-like experience, rather than strategic play

Infinity and Beyond: Fun vs. Frustration

Players’ responses suggest that many find the current version of Gambit enjoyable, with BlackPlague1235 commenting, “Having unlimited ammo for One Thousand Voices makes it so much fun, and it simplifies material gathering during this week’s nightfall.” The excitement of indiscriminately using One Thousand Voices without worrying about ammo depletion brings an extra level of enjoyment to gameplay. However, not all players share the same sentiment; some are starting to voice discontent due to a perceived lack of gameplay diversity when everyone can fire off a barrage of powerful shots. The contrast between fun and competitive balance is evident as players discuss their experiences and ponder the impact of one weapon’s dominance on the battlefield

Strategizing Gambit: A Mixed Bag

As a gamer immersed in Gambit, I’ve noticed the surge in popularity of One Thousand Voices, and with the reintroduction of relics, we’re finding ourselves navigating a new meta that some players, like Mnkke, describe as “spamming heavy attacks constantly.” It’s become a bit too repetitive and not as enjoyable as it should be. This situation underscores the potential downside of situational strategies in multiplayer games – when one dominant tool takes center stage, it can overshadow other options and diminish gameplay diversity

The Future of Gambit and One Thousand Voices

The future for Gambit could be influenced greatly by community opinions about the present condition of One Thousand Voices. While casual gamers appreciate its spectacle, competitive players might advocate for modifications to preserve the authenticity of their gaming experience. Some users have urged Bungie to exercise caution when making future changes, balancing nostalgia and innovative gameplay. Already, players like Ffom are expressing their aspirations for potential adjustments, such as “Could we buff 1k after this?” This sentiment is shared widely within the community – a mix of fondness for past weapon experiences and anticipation for changes that take into account both game balance and player engagement for all

Amidst a blend of excitement and doubt from the community regarding the new Gambit update in Destiny 2, one point stands out: players have a strong bond with their preferred weapons. They’re journeying through the ups and downs of these adventures, keeping their fingers crossed that Bungie maintains the vibrancy of Gambit while offering variety in weapon options and playstyles. The coming days will shed light on how One Thousand Voices might evolve and impact future battles in Destiny 2. Here’s to wishing that the balance between fun and fairness continues for those Guardians who are still battling on!

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2024-09-05 05:13