Destiny 2: Eriana’s Vow Remains Underwhelming – Community Reactions Explored

As a seasoned Guardian with countless hours spent traversing the cosmos of Destiny 2, I can’t help but empathize with Pundaman257’s plight. The tale of Eriana’s Vow is one that resonates deeply within the community, and its current state leaves many of us yearning for a return to glory days.

As a die-hard fan of Destiny 2, I’ve noticed that our community is incredibly active and responsive, often exchanging ideas and opinions through posts like the one recently shared about Eriana’s Vow by user Pundaman257. This post voices discontent over the weapon’s performance, particularly after a promised upgrade, as players anticipated significant improvements – especially in terms of breaking champion shields. However, it seems that many find the weapon still underperforming compared to their expectations.

Eriana’s Vow is still kinda ass
byu/Pundaman257 indestiny2


  • Pundaman257 expresses disappointment with Eriana’s Vow post-buff, noting its ineffectiveness against champion shields.
  • Several players echo concerns about the damage output of Eriana’s Vow, citing potential bugs and power creep.
  • There is nostalgia for previous seasons where Eriana’s Vow performed better, suggesting players want more from this unique weapon.
  • Community members suggest other weapons surpass Eriana’s Vow in competitive play, raising questions about its exotic slot viability.

Underwhelming Buffs

The crux of the discussion around Eriana’s Vow centers on the perceived ineffectiveness of the recent buffs. Pundaman257 expressed that the weapon, despite its unique design, feels weak in practical application, particularly when trying to break champion shields. “It takes two, sometimes three shots to break champ shields if you don’t proc the damage buff properly,” they commented, reflecting a widespread frustration among players aiming for efficient loadouts in high-level content. The community response has shed light on a crucial aspect of game balance—players hold high expectations for weapons that occupy valuable slots in their inventories. The anticipation often leads to heightened scrutiny once a buff is introduced.

Damage and Performance Concerns

Multiple gamers expressed worries about the increased damage output after the update. User Iced_Tristan stated, “Based on Aztecross’ video, it didn’t receive the expected damage bonus to Barrier Champ Shields as stated in the patch notes.” This shows a common sentiment among gaming communities: players often rely on patch updates for strategies to excel in games. If the reality doesn’t match the documentation, trust can erode quickly. Many users share Iced_Tristan’s perspective, implying that the mentioned damage percentages left players confused instead of equipped to effectively use Eriana’s Vow.

Comparisons With Other Weapons

A common observation in the discussions is that newer weapons have eclipsed Eriana’s Vow in popularity due to their superior performance. One commentator succinctly expressed this as “It’s just so cumbersome to use; with Wish Ender around, it’s almost a wasted exotic slot because it hits like a truck but has limited ammo.” This sentiment is shared by many gamers who prioritize efficiency in their gear, often favoring newer items over previously preferred ones. The power gap in Destiny 2 has led players to gravitate towards the latest additions, which can make older exotic weapons seem outdated. Gamers seek an edge in both PvP and PvE settings, and as new weaponry emerges, opinions suggest that Eriana’s Vow needs to reclaim its position.

Longing for Previous Seasons

In community conversations, nostalgia frequently holds weight, and this is evident in the case of Eriana’s Vow. User Wild_Onion_5979 shared memories of a past when “the last time I recall Vow being good was… when there was a glitch and I was getting one-shot in Gambit from across the map.” This remark not only paints a personal picture of a bygone gaming era, but also highlights how profoundly game transformations can occur. Players seem to yearn for the strength of Eriana’s Vow during its perceived advantageous phase, contrasting with its present condition. Moreover, this suggests a hidden expectation from game developers to keep weapons like Eriana’s Vow pertinent and imaginative. Gamers tend to favor ‘timeless classics’ due to their emotional attachment and the aspiration for fresh gaming experiences.

Future Prospects for Eriana’s Vow

The community’s concerns surrounding Eriana’s Vow emphasize a crucial aspect of game design: balance and relevance. While the weapon has a unique place in Destiny 2’s eclectic arsenal, players now face the challenge of finding a reason to equip it. Criticism regarding the weapon’s fragile performance has resulted in questions about whether Bungie will take further action to mitigate ongoing concerns about balance. The overarching hope from players is directed towards continued tweaks and updates that will restore Eriana’s Vow’s stature in the meta. As one user summarised succinctly, “Until it one shots barrier champs it will continue to be ass.” This remark reflects a sobering reality for the weapon’s fans: a balancing act must occur for Eriana’s Vow to once again capture the excitement it once exuded among its users.

Ultimately, community discourse on Eriana’s Vow in Destiny 2 reveals a rich tapestry of hope, nostalgia, and disappointment. Players are passionate about the game’s mechanics and are eager for responsive changes that elevate their experiences. The feedback loop between developers and gamers is fundamental in refining gameplay dynamics that keep them engaged with their arsenal, including unique offerings like Eriana’s Vow. As the community continues to rally around these discussions, it remains to be seen how Bungie responds to the myriad opinions voiced by dedicated players—conversations like these will shape the future of both Eriana’s Vow and the wider Destiny 2 landscape.

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2024-08-21 23:58