Destiny 2: Are Titans Struggling with Good Builds?

As a seasoned gamer with hundreds of hours invested in Destiny 2, I can’t help but feel a pang of sadness when I read about the struggles Titans face in the game. Having played all three classes extensively, I’ve grown attached to each one for different reasons, but the Titan class holds a special place in my heart for its sheer power and versatility.

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve been pondering over whether Titans are experiencing build issues in Destiny 2. The Reddit community is buzzing with discussions on this topic. Are Titans truly lagging behind or is there a secret recipe for making them stand out once again? Let’s explore the insights together!

Are Titans really suffering right now with good builds?
byu/Otis-Wilkins inDestinyTheGame


  • Titans are criticized for lack of build diversity and falling short in DPS compared to Hunters and Warlocks.
  • Players feel Titans struggle in endgame content due to limited viable builds outside melee focus.
  • The sentiment is mixed, with some praising Titans for ad clear while others feel they lack a distinct role.

Build Variety Debate

As a gamer, I’ve noticed that some players have voiced concerns about the limited build options for Titans. They argue that we’re often forced into melee-focused setups, which can be problematic when it comes to content where ranged damage and utility are crucial. This lack of versatility can hinder our effectiveness in certain situations.

Identity Crisis

Some players argue that the Titan class in the game is experiencing a crisis of identity and lacks diversity, primarily recognized for their strong melee abilities. The underlying principles guiding their design are being scrutinized, suggesting a need for reconsideration of their significance within the game.

PvP Challenges

As a Titan player myself, I can relate to the concerns raised about our class performance in PvP. In activities such as Iron Banner, we often find ourselves at a disadvantage compared to Hunters and Warlocks. The lack of distinct abilities that set us apart only adds to the frustration for many of us in the community.

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2024-07-14 08:29