Destiny 2: Am I the Asshole? A Community Discussion on Raid Etiquette

1. In Destiny 2‘s vibrant player base, there’s frequent debate about striking a balance between fostering an inclusive environment and ensuring enjoyable gameplay, particularly during raids. A recent post titled ‘Am I the jerk?’ by Spaceball148 ignited passionate discussion on raid group etiquette. The user describes attempting to complete the ‘Salvations Edge’ raid, accommodating various fireteams due to scheduling difficulties, but things went awry when an underprepared player joined. Despite numerous failed attempts, they eventually chose to remove this inexperienced participant. This action sparked a wave of comments discussing whether it was fair or not. Many participants expressed their thoughts on what constitutes a good team member and the significance of preparation in a complex game like Destiny 2, showcasing a broader discourse on these topics.

Am i the asshole
byu/Spaceball148 indestiny2


  • Community members largely support the poster’s decision to remove the unprepared player from the raid.
  • Many comments emphasize the importance of effort and preparation for raids in Destiny 2.
  • Concerns about inclusivity are mentioned but often overshadowed by the desire for a successful raid experience.
  • Users share their personal stories about similar situations, contributing to a broader discussion about raid dynamics.

The Challenge of Inclusivity

1. In gaming circles, inclusivity is a significant discussion point, especially in team-based games like Destiny 2 where collaboration is vital. Many gamers genuinely aim to embrace novices, cultivating a friendly atmosphere. However, as demonstrated by Spaceball148’s predicament, this aspiration can collide harshly with the challenges of intricate raids. User Sourdots expressed this common sentiment succinctly, “You’re not oversimplifying,” which mirrors a widespread view: while welcoming newcomers is crucial, it shouldn’t jeopardize the team’s performance. It’s essential to recall that we all began as beginners, but the rapid pace of game development means some players might need to take a step back or prepare more before tackling high-risk situations. This ongoing dilemma illustrates the challenge: how to support new players without hindering the veterans’ experience.

The Importance of Preparation

In Destiny 2, preparation is crucial, particularly in raids where even the slightest mistake can result in failure. The intricacy of encounters, such as those in “Salvations Edge,” necessitates that participants have a solid grasp of mechanics and roles. As epikpepsi rightly pointed out, while newcomers are encouraged to join raids, they should at least familiarize themselves with the mechanics by watching videos. This sentiment resonates with veterans who feel frustrated by the amount of effort required from newcomers before entering these challenging environments. Just as you wouldn’t attempt a marathon without prior training, raids call for teamwork, strategy, and most importantly, an awareness of each player’s responsibilities.

Personal Experiences and Lessons

The overwhelming agreement in the comments showcases not only individuals’ experiences but also highlights a learning lesson for both newbies and veterans. As jparent23 shared, they faced a similar predicament during their first raid experience, emphasizing the necessity of communication. They experienced frustration when not all team members were on the same page regarding effort and participation. Their story resonates with many, suggesting that clear communication and expectations can often make or break a team’s cohesiveness. Even players who have been in similar situations echo the sentiments that discomfort comes with having to make tough calls—like kicking a player out—just to ensure a successful outcome for the entire group. It’s a bittersweet necessity, illustrating the balance that must be struck.

Finding the Right Fireteam

1. In Destiny 2, numerous players agree that selecting the right fireteam is crucial, often making or breaking raids. Discord, according to Intelligent-Hat-6586, seems a better choice due to its communicative capabilities compared to fireteam finder tools. Effective spaces for organizing group activities are essential, greatly impacting successful raids. The right team members can significantly influence whether it’s a seamless victory or a disastrous fiasco. As gamers rejoin the fun, exchanging tales and strategies almost becomes a tradition, fostering stronger bonds within the community. This ongoing process reflects Destiny 2’s and its player base’s continuous development as they discover new methods to learn, collaborate, and prosper together.

The ongoing debate among Destiny 2 players, as shown in this post’s discussion, highlights the game’s dedicated and vast community. With its expansive reach and intricate mechanics, Destiny 2 encounters will persistently stimulate discussions on topics like new player integration and accountability. As experienced and novice gamers navigate their way through the intricacies of this complex title, these dialogues are essential in refining the collective gaming journey. Whether it’s enforcing rules or extending a helping hand, the shared objective remains: unite to conquer the raids.

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2024-07-30 01:58