Decoding the ADC Meta: Why League of Legends Teams are Focusing on Marksmen

As a long-time fan of League of Legends, I’ve witnessed countless shifts in meta and seen champions come and go. But none have left me as puzzled and intrigued as the recent surge of ADCs dominating the scene. Garen, the Might of Demacia

In the League of Legends gaming community, there’s been an unexpected change in the ADC (Attack Damage Carry) role: ADC champions are now showing up in solo lanes instead of the traditional marksman position, and they’re taking control of the game. Players are left scratching their heads, trying to understand why this is happening and how to respond.

Can someone explain the ADC meta to me? What makes them so good?
byu/39Jaebi inleagueoflegends


  • ADCs are excelling due to a combination of factors, including strong AP junglers and sustaining runes that help them survive in lanes.
  • Map changes have made mid lane safer, allowing for waveclear bots to be played there with ease.
  • ADCs have superior early game, lane control, scaling, runes, and items compared to mages, giving them a significant advantage.

ADCs Reigning Supreme

As an avid fan of League of Legends, I’ve noticed that ADCs (Attack Damage Carries) have been ruling the current meta with their versatility and powerhouse presence throughout all stages of the game. With the help of runes like Fleet Footwork and Absorb Life, we ADC players can endure in lane against mages and outshine them as the game progresses. Additionally, the absence of AD (Attack Damage) junglers like Fated Ashes gives us a distinct edge over AP (Ability Power) junglers, allowing teams to field multiple ADCs to secure different lanes.

A Changing Landscape

An important factor fueling the comeback of ADCs is the altered map conditions, notably the enhanced safety in the mid lane. With mid no longer a perilous zone, ADCs can flourish in this role, delivering essential wave control and tower damage. Moreover, the current trend of tank champions dominating the gameplay synergizes well with ADCs’ inherent abilities to deal effective damage against tanky opponents.

Items and Runes

As an avid fan of Marksmen (AD Carry or ADC for short), I’ve noticed how their dominance is fueled by the wealth of items tailored to their playstyle. These days, there are plenty of gadgets and runes that cater specifically to ADCs. For instance, those granting extra movement speed and easy access to essential weapons like long swords or daggers have significantly streamlined our journey to becoming formidable damage dealers. The current item pool is biased towards us Marksmen, providing us with the necessary tools for success.

In League of Legends, ADCs (Attack Damage Carries) are experiencing a resurgence due to several favorable circumstances. The map design, items, and runes have all contributed to this upswing, making ADCs more powerful than ever before. Consequently, teams are leveraging the strength of ADCs to clinch victories in games, and this trend continues to gain momentum.

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2024-07-19 19:44