DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – Best answers

As a seasoned gamer, I’ve seen my fair share of intricate narratives, but none quite like the captivating tale of Date A Live: Ren Dystopia. This game takes us on an emotional rollercoaster through the lives of its characters, and today we’re focusing on two of them – Natsumi and Ren.

In the initial thirty minutes of DATE A Live: Ren Dystopia, the stage is beautifully established for the game, introducing you to the main characters and potential love interests. These characters total ten in number, each offering opportunities for dating or casual interaction within the game. The girls exhibit peculiar behaviors around the protagonist, such as excessive blushing or an insatiable desire for his attention. However, it’s important to note that not every character is a spirit; Kotori, who shares a familial bond with the protagonist (Shido), is as human as he is.

The tenth character introduced is Ren, a spirit encountered in a dreamlike setting during the prologue. Her dialogue may seem unusual, to put it mildly. However, she appears trapped and injured, suggesting that you might later attempt to free or help her.

DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

In DATE A Live: Ren Dystopia, your initial choice occurs within the school setting. The twin sisters, Kaguya and Yuzuru, present you with different food options. Prior to making a selection, remember to save your game, as this specific screen will serve as your starting point for every new playthrough. This first save should be labeled as Save One.

Choose Kaguya’s pork cutlet sandwich to move on with the conversation.

DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

Following that sequence of events, a map of the school and its vicinity will appear on your screen. This map serves as a guide to locate all the female characters within the game, enabling you to interact with them and even go out on dates. If the character you are looking for is not immediately visible, she will be in the Raizen High School section of the map. By clicking on this area, you can discover the whereabouts of the other characters as well.

Can you notice that the Shrine appears to be darkened? It’s there where you’ll ultimately discover Ren, but remember, you’ll have to open it beforehand. To learn how, just scroll down to the part about Ren.


DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

To begin Tohka’s journey, navigate to Raizen High School on the map first, then select the classroom that displays her photograph.

Tohka invites you for a meal, but just as you’re about to accept, Origami unexpectedly steps in and gives you a packed lunch instead, leaving a moment of awkwardness.

After sharing a meal, the day concludes, and Tohka attempts to propose a date, but her attempt is disrupted – this time by Kotori.

Tohka gets to wish for her date when Ren summons you both to the dream world.

After the date, you and Tohka will leave together and she’ll ask “How’s today’s date?”

Your answer should be “Why, is there something wrong?”

The following day, after a bit of unusual enchantment, it will be your task, along with Tohka, to intervene and prevent the twins from engaging in conflict. So, the appropriate choice would be (Intervene) or perhaps (Mediate).

Making a crucial choice awaits you, once Ren has restored order and the twins have returned to their usual selves. To ensure Tohka gets her favorable ending, you should opt for (I’m still not sure).


DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

At the market on your map, you’ll discover Origami. To experience a different girl’s favorable conclusion, you may need to revisit day one. That’s why it’s wise to set the twin’s food option as “Save One” in your save menu.

Before Ren calls you and Origami into the dream world, you’ll experience parts of your regular school day. However, when she does summon you, her demand will seem a tad unusual.

Incoming bunny girl outfit. Select (Make her eat carrots.) when you see that screen.

A bit further along, you’ll have to lift Origami, and she might grumble about being too heavy. Go ahead and try to lift her, but remember not to voice your intention out loud (a wise move on your part).

Right after the conversation ends, you’re presented with two additional choices. Choose the option where you remain silent and take her home instead.

As the sun shifts position in the sky, I find myself stepping out once more to reunite with Origami. After exchanging a few words, our path leads us to the tranquil expanse of the park. To ensure a favorable conclusion for Origami, I need to caution her against trying something, so I’ll say, “Better not try it.


DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

Load Save One again. Yoshino is in the Overlook on the map.

You might ponder whether the small treasure chest discovered beneath your pillow belongs to Yoshino, followed by an encounter with Ren, who happens to be accompanied by Yoshino.

After a fair bit of story, you’ll finally come to your first decision. Yoshino asks for a quick peck on the cheek. Select (Take it seriously.)

After Yoshino behaves strangely throughout the day, she directly queries you, “How did I strike you today?” In this situation, an appropriate response would be “I got a sense that something wasn’t quite right.

After the scene with Ren, you’ll meet up with Yoshino again. Answer (I prefer the usual Yoshino.)


DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

Load Save One. Kurumi is in Tengu Tower.

In about 40 minutes on Kurumi’s route, you won’t receive your initial choice if you let the lines auto-play. The first scene is set in a classroom during sunset. Select the top option – “Turn around.” It’s considerate not to ignore someone trying to get your attention, as they deserve your respect.

I suggest not closing my eyes after our coffee date with Kurumi.

After Ren interrupts once more, you and Kurumi will take a stroll, and she’ll query whether she can defy destiny. Reply with “Keep going“.

She doesn’t, and you’ll get to enjoy the good ending for Kurumi.


DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

I don’t think I need to keep telling you but – Load Save One.

Tap on Itsuka House marked on the map, and you will encounter Kotori, who is Shido’s adopted sister from the anime series, DATE A LIVE.

Similar to following Kurumi’s story in the positive ending, you’re likely to listen to approximately 40 minutes of conversation before you encounter your first decision. You’ll discover that Kotori uses her hair ribbons as a form of emotional expression, but today she seems troubled despite changing them out.

I think you’d rock any hairstyle you choose, but just in case you’re curious, I believe it would look fantastic on you if you decide to wear your hair differently!

Following our outing, if you fall ill, Kotori will likely be concerned and come to be by your side. In this situation, it would be wise to lean on her for support.

After some time, we’ll find ourselves discussing dreams with Kotori. In this situation, an appropriate response could be: “If I were in your place, I would have done the same.” It is crucial to avoid correcting her or suggesting she erred, as it might affect the outcome negatively.

That last response leads to the good ending, so you’re in the clear.


DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

In the map, it can be challenging to distinguish the twins, but Kaguya attends High School and can often be found on its rooftop. For those just starting with the series, remember that Yuzuru sports a braid, while Kaguya does not.

When Kaguya is holding two sets of tongs, pick the option that leads to the favorable ending: Kaguya has prepared the situation for the good outcome.

Eventually, Kaguya may find herself in a heated argument with the slightly eccentric Kurumi. When given the chance, pick the option to Support Kaguya.

When things return to their usual state, Kaguya will inquire about your enjoyment during the past couple of days while she pretended to be in charge of the world. You can reply “Yes, I did have a good time.

In my gaming adventure, if I manage to secure the favorable outcome, Kaguya will receive a subtle boost when squaring off against Ren in our final showdown.


DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

Load Save One. You can meet Yuzuru in the Park.

Following the movie, you and Yuzuru visit the park once more. In an unexpected turn, she stumbles and ends up on you. When she suggests you can gaze anywhere, a suitable reaction from you would be “I’ll look elsewhere.

In a while, you’ll find yourself sharing the same sleeping space with Yuzuru. Yuzuru might start discussing you, but try to maintain the appearance of being sound asleep.

After your meeting with Ren, Yuruzu will inquire about your feelings regarding the date you had with her. In this case, you might respond by saying, “I felt relaxed.

That answer will push you towards the good ending, and Yuruzu will get a helping hand in her fight.


DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

In order to locate Miku, pick Raizen High School on the map, followed by choosing the ‘School’ option.

The initial choice arises when Miku extends an invitation for a hug to Natsumi. After Natsumi has embraced Miku, Miku then requests your participation in the hug as well. A natural and easy-to-understand response in this situation would be “(Hug Miku.)

Events transpire, you become invisible to everyone except Miku. Though she can still hear your voice, it upsets her. It seems like another instance where a (Comforting Embrace) is needed.

In the whimsical world of anime, an unexpected transformation occurs, and this time I find myself transforming into a female character. Once again, Miku expresses her discontent, but this time, I’ll make it clear: “I’m feeling quite frustrated right now.

This gives Miku the push she needs, evidently, because you’ll slip right into the good ending.


DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

In simpler terms, among the nine characters in this game, Natsumi is the only one whose positive ending you can achieve. You’ll locate her in the area labeled as ‘Neighborhood’ on your game map.

She tells you she’s being chased, but it’s just Miku chasing her, so…. Moving on.

In the course of playing alongside Natsumi, she playfully hints at doodling on me using a marker. At this juncture, I’m presented with my initial chance to interact, and I would opt to say something like, “Hold up there, Natsumi! Let’s keep the markers for art projects only.

Later, Natsumi gets a little upset after slipping up and speaking out loud unexpectedly. You chase after her and find her hiding under her covers in her room. When she questions if you believe she’s unappealing, you might respond by saying something like, “Not at all, my dear! Remember, everyone makes mistakes.

To guarantee a favorable conclusion for Natsumi, the pivotal dialogue option you should select is: “I think that apology you just made was sincere.” This conversation takes place in the shopping district following your interaction with Yoshino.

Natsumi wakes you up the next morning as usual.


DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

As a gamer, I found an intriguing twist: Ren’s storyline unfolds with four distinct conclusions – quite unusual, isn’t it? Among these, there’s no ‘good’ ending for Ren himself. Instead, there are two negative endings and one “true” ending to be discovered. Here’s the catch: you can’t dive into Ren’s journey until you’ve first achieved a good ending with at least one of the other characters in the game.

This time around, rather than resuming the game where I get to choose between the twins’ meal options, I should opt for starting a fresh adventure. Skipping this step won’t unlock the Shrine – it remains sealed.

Follow routine tasks until you’re reunited with your twins at school, and opt for Yuzuru’s fried noodle bread on that occasion, which will mark the first time you select this choice while being in class with them.

DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

In this game session, when the map appears, you will find that the Shrine is accessible, and a shadow figure of Ren can currently be seen there.

Ren will return looking just as she was before – with both eyes concealed. Essentially, it feels like encountering her for the very first time, because, to some extent, it is.

You’ll encounter a few conversations with different characters in some scenes, after which you’ll find yourself back at the Shrine to grant your wish.

DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Walkthrough – All good endings

If you want the normal ending, you need to pick (I want to introduce you to everyone.)

Ren’s final scene can be quite frustrating as it initially appears charming, only to take a drastic turn. I wouldn’t want to reveal too much, since it’s a climax worth experiencing personally. It manages to be both fulfilling and disappointing at the same time.

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2024-09-12 15:22