Cop ‘defends himself’ against 20 criminals in new Jubilee debate

As someone who’s spent countless hours watching debates and arguments unfold on various platforms, I must admit that Jubilee’s latest offering, a cop vs 20 criminals, has been a breath of fresh air. Coming off the heels of heated exchanges between Trump supporters and liberals, this debate felt like a peaceful, rational conversation between individuals with differing viewpoints.

Following the achievement of its discussions between liberal advocates and Trump supporters, Jubilee has recently published a fresh video on YouTube: a confrontation between a police officer and twenty suspected criminals.

Prior to the U.S. presidential election, Jubilee organized numerous debates featuring backers of both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Each debate garnered a massive response online, accumulating close to 30 million views in total (which exceeds the viewership of most current streaming TV shows).

The channel offers various styles, yet the format that yields the best results is ‘Engaged’, where individuals expressing a specific political viewpoint or profession engage in debates on diverse subjects with others who generally have contrasting views (abortion rights supporters versus opponents, for example).

Whenever a larger group desires to listen to a particular person, or perhaps interrupt a discussion to prevent the affirmative speaker from dominating, they might raise red cards instead.

On October 6, they published their recent discussion titled ‘Is a Single Police Officer Capable of Fending Off 20 Criminals?’

Retired police officer Kevin Donaldson has put forth various assertions in his statement. He contends that police officers generally resort to lethal force only when necessary, expressing them as “most cops are selfless and honorable individuals” who put their lives on the line for the community. Furthermore, he argues that the majority of law enforcement officials do not racially profile people of African or Hispanic descent.

It’s been noted that Donaldson generally doesn’t show hostility towards the other participants in interviews, which is quite different from his interactions during debates with conservatives or “woke” teenagers.

Cop ‘defends himself’ against 20 criminals in new Jubilee debate

“One person said they appreciated the reduced tension in this discussion compared to others.

In this discussion, everyone is remarkably composed and considerate towards one another. Instead of interrupting, they’re taking turns to speak. It’s wonderful to see such behavior! I can’t help but wonder if we could learn more about their individual experiences as well. A third person concurred.

In just two days, it has gathered over 938,000 views, and is predicted to reach a million by tomorrow at the latest. It’s uncertain what Jubilee’s next video will contain, but given that we’re nearing a month from the election, it’s likely to involve Trump and Harris.

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2024-10-08 17:50