Clash Royale: Should You Spend Gems on Upgrades? The Community Weighs In

As a seasoned Clash Royale player with over a thousand battles under my belt, I can attest to the value of community interaction and strategic thinking in this game. The recent debate sparked by Shantanu_Vats’ post has left me contemplating the best use of my hard-earned gems.

As a dedicated Clash Royale gamer, I frequently find myself grappling with tricky dilemmas, and a post by user Shantanu_Vats has certainly stirred up some heated discussions lately. His query, “Should I splurge on this upgrade using my precious gems?”, has sparked a wide-ranging debate among us players, showcasing the strategic and competitive nature of our gaming mindset. The community’s passionate responses offer diverse perspectives on the value of gems and upgrades in the game, shedding light on the intricacies and nuances that make Clash Royale so captivating.

Should I do this?
byu/Shantanu_Vats inClashRoyale


  • The community was overwhelmingly negative about spending gems for the proposed upgrade.
  • Several users suggested more strategic uses for gems, such as upgrading cards instead.
  • Only a few players advocated for the spending of gems, depending exclusively on players’ current card levels.
  • The disparity in opinions showcases the varied strategies players employ in Clash Royale.

Gems: The Digital Currency Dilemma

In the game Clash Royale, gems serve as the premium currency, a highly valued asset used to buy chests, cards, and expedite upgrade processes. A discussion about these sparkling jewels led to various comments, with many expressing their caution towards using them carelessly. User Fritzky279 humorously stated “absolutely not” when asked if it’s wise to spend gems without thought. This viewpoint was shared by others, underscoring the importance of each gem. Players are mindful of running out of gems for future crucial updates or emergencies, which demonstrates a general agreement that spending should be strategic rather than impulsive, as upgrades require careful consideration to maximize their potential impact.

Strategic Upgrades Over Spontaneous Spending

In the world of card upgrades within Clash Royale, it’s commonly observed that investing gems at levels 12 or 13 tends to offer significantly greater value compared to just increasing a single card level. One user, clash-royale_fan, offered advice saying, “Go ahead and use the gems you already have for a level 13 upgrade, or something similar, rather than spending 100 gems.” This strategy embodies a more strategic approach to resource management in Clash Royale. By prioritizing the upgrades that will make the most difference in battles instead of mindlessly spending gems, players often witness improved success rates over time.

Context Matters: Maxed Collections and Upgrade Choices

Vegetable-Class2468 emphasized the significance of considering the game’s context when it comes to gem usage. They noted that if a player has already maximized their collection, spending gems is definitely advisable due to their value. However, not every player experiences the game uniformly. Those who have fully or almost fully upgraded their cards view gem spending from a unique perspective. Instead of just considering gem expenditure, they ponder which upgrades will take their gameplay from good to fantastic. This contrast reveals a rift within the community, as players still advancing through levels feel the burden of resource conservation more keenly, while those with maxed cards can afford to be slightly more extravagant in their spending.

The Value of Community Input

The commentary around Shantanu_Vats’s post underscores the richness of the Clash Royale community. With diverse opinions and strategies, every point shared by the commenters lends insight into not only game mechanics but also social strategies that players employ to navigate challenges. A user called Micah797 provided a fitting perspective: “If your epics are all lvl 14, yes, otherwise no.” Such simple guidance illustrates how important it is for players to know themselves and their progress. This also speaks volumes about community members looking out for each other, as there seems to be a consensus on being cautious in spending gems. Every suggestion offered acts as a guiding light for less experienced players just figuring out the ropes or those gauging best practices.

A Balance of Fun and Strategy

As much as the strategic element is heavily emphasized in this subreddit discussion, it’s equally problematic when it veers rigidly into the realm of fun. While books of cards and epic cards may set the stage for vibrant gameplay, the fun element often gets overshadowed by cut-and-dry calculations of resource management. Jebthegreatest emphasized the merit of finding a use for cards instead of hoarding them by stating, “Don’t save up those special cards too long.” This pulls players back to an essential aspect of gaming: having fun! After all, the pursuit of upgrades and trophies is inherently driven by enjoyment—players should ensure they’re also nurturing this aspect, as it adds rich layers to their Clash Royale journey.

In the lively gaming community surrounding Clash Royale, players discover that success isn’t solely measured by wins or losses, but also by tapping into the collective wisdom and friendship within the group. A well-managed blend of strategic resource allocation and captivating gameplay keeps players immersed in the excitement of Clash Royale, as they skillfully maneuver through the intricate dynamics of updates and in-game transactions with confidence.

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2024-08-27 14:14