Disney Reverts to the Last Trump Administration

The 2020 warning issued was more extensive and explicitly addressed problematic content. As the statement explained, “This program contains negative portrayals and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were inappropriate then and remain so now.” Instead of eliminating this content, we choose to acknowledge its damaging effects, learn from it, and foster a dialogue for a more inclusive future. The original warning by BBC was: “This program is presented as originally created. It may contain cultural depictions that are no longer acceptable.” Essentially, the updated version retains most of the original content but omits the word “no longer” in reference to unacceptable cultural depictions.

Ariana Grande Is Working on Boundaries

Ariana said that she was asked, “Hold on, Ariana! You visited Eric’s house with whom?!” After which she replied, “Why not?” And then her friend exclaimed, “My goodness, Ariana!” It turns out that Ariana is focusing on establishing boundaries in her life. However, it seems that instead of being asked to meet Vetro by others and agreeing as one would normally do, Ariana was actually inviting her competition, which is a violation of boundaries – more like the opposite of setting them, if you will.

You Mean to Tell Me Michael Cera’s Never Done a Wes Anderson Movie Until Now?

Instead: This spring, it’s been confirmed that Jason Cera will make his first appearance in an Anderson production, a movie titled “The Phoenician Scheme.” Co-written by Anderson and Roman Coppola, this film follows the story of Zsa-zsa Korda (portrayed by Benicio del Toro), a wealthy European man, his daughter-cum-nun Sister Liesl (Mia Threapleton), and her tutor Bjorn Lund, played by Cera. Del Toro previously gave an impressive performance in Anderson’s 2021 film “The French Dispatch“. Mia Threapleton is the daughter of Kate Winslet.

12 Valentine’s Day Horror Movies to Watch If You’re Horrified by Valentine’s Day

February, often known as the month with the most chill in the air, can be quite intense – especially if you haven’t found someone to snuggle up with for the season. Or perhaps you aren’t a fan of public displays of affection or commercialized events. Regardless of your relationship status, February, and particularly Valentine’s Day, carries a significant emotional weight. Emotions run high during this time, not all of which are warm and fuzzy.

Becoming Led Zeppelin Chased John Bonham Around the World

In summary, all three members of Led Zeppelin – Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, and John Paul Jones – have agreed to participate in the film “Becoming Led Zeppelin” now available in IMAX. This documentary follows the band’s journey from their origins up until the massive success of “Led Zeppelin II” in early 1970. Inspired by a 2017 documentary called “American Epic” about the history of roots music, Plant and Page decided to trust this project and persuade Jones of its value. The band members gave separate interviews for the film, though they were slightly edited. Despite this, they shared stories of their early brotherhood and the surprising way they formed as a group. Unfortunately, if you were hoping for confirmation about the mud-shark incident, you’ll be disappointed. However, the filmmakers knew that the success of their documentary hinged on finding previously unheard Bonham material, which led them on a frantic search.

Netflix’s Witcher Universe Keeps Shrinking

Looking back, it appears that Netflix’s growth in the Witcher universe may not reach the same heights as before. According to one assessment, The Witcher has lost almost half of its original viewers, and Lauren Hissrich’s initial seven-season plan has been reduced to five. The spinoffs haven’t had great success either. An animated series for children based on The Witcher seems to have vanished without a trace. The live-action prequel, The Witcher: Blood Origin, didn’t make much of an impact despite featuring Michelle Yeoh during her Oscar run with Everything Everywhere All at Once. Another potential spinoff, hinted at in The Witcher’s season finale and apparently partially produced, is currently uncertain. And the most significant hurdle remains, as Liam Hemsworth steps into the role of Geralt from Henry Cavill, who left The Witcher for its final two seasons under circumstances that are still unclear.

Not Boyfriends, Boy Friends

In addition to Kate Mara portraying Craig’s spouse Tami, the film was helmed by Andrew DeYoung (of “Would It Kill You to Laugh?”) in both writing and directing. This intriguing production made its premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival during the Midnight timeframe, securing U.S. distribution through A24. Mark your calendars for a theater visit this May, as we strongly recommend catching this movie this spring!

The White Lotus Knows What You’re Here For

The entirety of the Thailand resort depicted in ‘The White Lotus’ stirs feelings of both covetous desire and uneasy nausea. The pool sparkles immaculately, and there are an abundance of cocktails and fresh fruit at breakfast. Monkeys frolic in the trees above the lavish guest bungalows. Offering hot stone massages, private yoga sessions, and every conceivable luxury, this place is also home to a multitude of rich individuals who are self-absorbed, rude, and entitled. They can be seen lounging around, seeking status and personal growth while being oblivious to their own flaws and those of others.

In contrast to the Sicily and Maui resorts featured in previous seasons, this fictional establishment emphasizes wellness. This allows creator and writer Mike White to explore themes such as wellness influencer culture, digital detoxing, the appropriation of Buddhist spirituality by Western tourists, and luxury tourism that caters to specific bodily needs like sex work or medical procedures. In doing so, ‘The White Lotus’ has earned a reputation for being both visually stunning and complex in its portrayal of travel promotion.

Paradise Recap: They’re Lying to You

Who emotionally wounds Cal before his literal demise is his son, Jeremy. We knew that Jeremy had wished his father dead, but what we didn’t know was that he was angry with Cal for not warning anyone about the impending end of the world. Although the details of the last day before the bunker are unclear, flashbacks suggest a chaotic scene. It appears that Jeremy believes his father is responsible for the bloodshed and is allowing the billionaires in the bunker to do as they please; Cal is merely their puppet. Their confrontation is fierce, with Jeremy accusing his father of hiding behind alcohol. This fight explains why Jeremy does not show up for a pasta dinner that Cal invites him to, which takes place on the night Cal dies. In the end, Jeremy will always remember the last text exchange, where he rejected his father’s invitation to discuss a project that Cal was working on, something he thought his son might find interesting.